How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 99: How To Mess Up A Council Meeting

Chapter 99: How To Mess Up A Council Meeting

Kronos finally let go of the topic when he saw that Dulla would not budge and the two of them entered the meeting room to meet the others. There was a table in the center of the room where five seats were arranged. These seats were meant for the five members of the council. Four people were already seated at the table and they were waiting for Kronos to arrive. Kronos moved to take the head seat while Dullla moved to the balcony to seat with the other spectators who were involved in this case.

The first person that spoke was one of the five people seated at the table. He was a dark-skinned man that had a calm appearance on his face. He looked like someone that would never lose his cool no matter what problem he faces, but even with his calm outward appearance he always has a dark glint in his eyes that showed just how dangerous he was.

"Now that we're all here, let's start. The first agenda on the board is about the current state of the soldiers in the sixth level -"

"Shouldn't we just deal with the main subject and get it over with?"

Before he could finish what he was saying, he was suddenly interrupted by Dulla as she spoke from the balcony. His eyes narrowed as he gave her a side glance.

Dulla was sitting with her hands folded and a frown on her face and Kronos put his hand out his face with a sigh when he saw that she was starting to show her bad habit again. Dulla hated wasting time in any situation and she was the sort of person that would run headfirst into a problem and deal with it with ruthless force. This is not the sort of attitude you should have when you are in a meeting with your superiors!

Kronos knew that she was right, he also wanted to move to the main problem and deal with it as soon as possible. He wanted to figure out what they should do about Reginald! But he still wished that Dulla would have just stayed quiet!

"What did you say, seventh-ranker Dulla? I don't think I heard you clearly,"

The man that Dulla interrupted said this slowly. He made sure to clearly state her ranking in the underworld to show her just how out of line she was. Do you think you have any right to interrupt me? Dulla was only a seventh rank in the underworld while he was a ninth rank. He can kill her with minimum effort.

But Dulla still didn't back down as she stared right into his eyes with a sneer. She hated when people used their ranking to try and make others submit. So what if I'm just a seventh rank? What I'm saying is still true? You all are here to talk about Reginald, so why are we wasting time on things that don't matter? Just say what we need to hear.

"I'm just trying to say that you're wasting time. We all know why we're here and we all came to hear your decision about my fiance. Why should we have to seat through your stupid meeting just for that?"



Kronos could no longer sit and just watch this and he slammed his fist on the table in anger! He stared Dulla down and she finally shrunk back and accepted defeat. Kronos was the only person other than Reginald that she listened to and she would stay quiet just this once because he asked her to.

Once Dulla kept quiet, Kronos sighed and told the man standing to move to the main topic about Reginald. Let's just get this over with. The man became angry because of this. Moving to the main topic will make it seem like Dulla won the argument from before. It would be an insult! But Kronos just gave him a stare and he frowned as he moved to the main topic. If Kronos gives an order then they simply have to accept it.

"If I ask you to move to a topic, you move to a topic. Don't make this meeting tenser than it already is. We already know why we're here, and even if she was out of line, the prince's fiancee is correct. Now move,"

The man grits his teeth in annoyance. Kronos made sure that he used the right words at that moment to make the man remember why they can't go against Dulla. Dulla was the future wife of the prince and if things went well, she would be the queen. Even if Dulla didn't know it, many people were trying not to make her their enemy just because of that fact.

The man spoke up after calming down a little.

novel chapters are published i.

"On the topic regarding the missing Prince Reginald. The council will begin its second general meeting regarding the matter,'

Kronos nodded and spoke up.

"It is no longer news that my nephew left the underworld three months ago to go to the demon world. We know what he was looking for was the location of the ancient dragon Givalich, but we haven't heard a word from him ever since he left. Even though the circumstances surrounding his exit..."

Here, Kronos looked at Dulla with accusatory eyes and Dulla scoffed in annoyance. Dulla was the only one that knew Reginald was leaving the underworld and she kept it hidden from everyone because he asked her to. If not for the fact that he was not yet back Dulla would have kept the secret forever.

Kronos saw Dulla scoff and he released another silent sigh in his heart. These kids would be the death of him.

"... Like I was saying. Even though the circumstances surrounding his exit are unfavorable, he is still our prince. And we have to retrieve him,"

One of the four others at the table spoke up. She was a woman with long flowing red hair and a beautiful pale face.

"You say he went to the demon world but how are you so sure of this? Would it not make more sense to go to Volcanica instead? The land of the dragons would be a better place to search for an ancient dragon, and I never heard anything about Givalich being in Aradite."

The fact that Givalich was captured and sealed by the humans was only known to very few people, most people did not believe that the humans could seal Givalich so they thought it was just a myth.

Reginald and Dulla were one of the few who believed that Givalich had to be in Aradite. Aradite is the only place that the dragon could possibly be.

"My fiance isn't a fool that would go looking for something he wasn't sure of! We researched for years and planned this out for a long time. Would he go to Aradite if he didn't already search Volcanica!?"

Dulla's loud voice broke through the air and her condescending eyes made the woman that spoke before grit her teeth in annoyance as she gave Dulla a quick glance. The woman didn't bother responding to Dulla since it would be too much trouble to argue with a brat, but it was obvious that she was not happy with Dulla's tone. she just spoke up calmly.

"So you are saying that your 'Fiance' went to the demon world and somehow managed to get himself in trouble? The same demon world that fell to the humans and hasn't had a leader for more than a hundred years? Don't tell me you think that he was captured by the humans... Or perhaps, you think he was captured by the new demon lord? That child? Is your fiance so weak that he would be incapacitated by something so useless?"

A vein popped on Dulla's head and the hand of her chair broke as she squeezed down on it! Her bloodlust spiked as she glared at the woman and the woman just remained seated calmly. Dulla was only a seventh-ranked undead and her bloodlust wouldn't do anything to a ninth-ranked.

Kronos spoke up exasperatedly.

"Dulla, seat down...."


"I said, sit down!"


Kronos allowed his aura to fill the room and Dulla was blown back to her seat immediately! She didn't even think about standing again as she faced the full force of an EPIC ranker!


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