How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 96: She IS Not The True Enemy.

Chapter 96: She IS Not The True Enemy.

Dray completely failed. Even if he couldn't save Willow, the least he should have done is avenge her! I couldn't even take her with me. Did they bury her properly? Or did they just throw her body away like trash? Dray squeezed his hands in anger as he thought about this.

As Dray sat there, his mind kept on going to different scenarios about what could have happened to Aquinas. It probably fell. I don't think anyone can stop that woman if she can kill all those S-class soldiers without even trying, I wonder what would have happened to Willow if it wasn't Pyra that she fought. In a way, Dray was happy that Willow died from fighting instead of dying from getting raped by demons. Dray felt disgusted with himself once he thought about this and he just fell back to the bed and covered his entire body with the blanket.

Elias didn't come back to see Dray that day. At night, another woman that Dray has never met before brought him some food. She was wearing a nun's outfit and Dray tried to ask her if they were in a church but she didn't even bother looking at him before she bowed and left the room silently. What is wrong with everyone here? Why are they all acting like this? No one is even telling me where I am.

Dray was pissed about this entire situation! He was already annoyed because of what he faced at the hands of Pyra and he was getting more annoyed because he didn't know where he was. That night, Dray tried to leave the room and he finally noticed that his door was locked from the outside. He was basically a prisoner in here.

Over the next few days, Dray would always get a visit from a nun who would bring his meal. It was never the same nun and they always came with a guard wearing armor so Dray never had a chance to escape. Elias still hadn't shown up since that first time and Dray was starting to get more anxious. What are they keeping him here? What are they trying to do to me? I'm sure they aren't trying to kill me, they won't feed me if they're trying to kill me. So what the fuck do they want with me?

Dray was already reaching the limit of his patience since it has already been a week since he was here. Drays injuries were now much better. His chest was no longer hurting too much and he could move around the room without assistance. There was a mirror in the bathroom that Dray would usually be allowed to use and Dray was able to get a look at his chest when he removed the bandage. There was a deep jagged scar that was turning pink on his chest, Dray was sure that this scar would be there forever. One side of his chest had a long line of stitches and Dray figured that they must've opened his chest to reset his ribs before healing him. It was good he was unconscious back then. It would have hurt like hell.

Dray didn't do much in the room. He didn't have the motivation to do anything. He would only sit on his bed with his elbow resting on his knees and stare out into nothing as he allowed the days to pass. Nothing felt real to him anymore and he had zero energy for anything. And this was how Elias came to see him.

That day, Dray didn't expect to have any visitor other than the nun and he was shocked when he saw Elias walk into the room. Elias entered like he owned the place and went to stand at the table like before. He was wearing black this time but his trousers and t-shirt still made him look like royalty. There was silence in the room for a long time and Dray was the first person to nervously break it.

"What do you want from me? Why are you keeping me here?"

Elias folded his hands across his chest as he looked at Dray. He could sense the depression that covered Dray and it made him frown in irritation. Elias didn't come here for the past one week to see if this fool would be able to come out of this state on his own, but he shouldn't have expected so much from Dray. Why are you sulking like your life is over when only this small tragedy hit you?

*I said what do you want with me!? Say something!!"

Dray finally snapped as he shouted while standing up! He was no longer calm as his frustration from the last week came back to him at full force and he used it to fuel his anger! Just tell me where the fuck I am!!


A massive amount of bloodlust suddenly slammed into Dray and Dray took three steps back before falling to his bed. He looked at Elias with wide eyes as goosebumps traveled across his arms. W-What the hell? What sort of power is that?

Elias was now frowning as he looked away from the pathetic sight. He kept his BloodLust active for a few more minutes before he released it. Dray was breathing heavily and he put his hand to his chest as he felt it burning.

"W-Who are you?"

Dray asked this again and Elias finally answered.

"I am Elias. The King of Dragon Slayers,"

Dray furrowed his brow. What the hell is a Dragon Slayer? Elias noticed the confusion and he didn't bother to elaborate. People didn't know much about Dragon slayers because most of them died to the demon lord a long time ago. Elias would rather not speak about it. Instead, he asked Dray a question.

"Why are you still in this state even after a week? Don't tell me you are still mourning. Is your will so weak that you would be broken by only this?"


Dray seethed as he squeezed his hands into fists. He hated how Elias was talking. Like everyone that died wasn't even important enough to be mourned. How dare he?

"I lost everything in less than a day so don't you dare tell me that it's not worth it. All those people that she killed! Those demons... I'll kill them. I'll kill her. I'll kill that bitch that took Willow from me no matter what!"

Elias scoffed and Dray snarled up at him. Elias almost felt like laughing. A fool would say that a river is the largest body of water in the world if they haven't seen the ocean. Does this boy think that the demon that killed his lover is the worst of them? He doesn't know anything about this world.

"If you want to make a declaration like that, then try to make it in a better state, not when you are sitting in depression, you fool. Before you can kill those with power, you must also possess power. Or do you think you'll kill her with the righteous power of justice? Do you think that she cares about the people she killed at all? You might think that what she did was the worst thing in the world, but to her, it is just another statistic. I woke up today, I ate a meal, and I killed some humans. Nothing worth remembering,"

"Why are you telling me this?"

Dray seethed as he glared down at the ground. What was Elias trying to do here? Was he saying all of this just to make Dray angrier or did he have a point? Dray didn't want to be reminded of the shit he went through before, he already gets more than enough nightmares about them, but Elias was trying to make things worse for some reason.

Elias put his hand on his face. He couldn't believe how daft this idiot was. Do I have to spell everything out for you? Even if you want to kill that woman, it will make no difference.

"Because that woman is just one demon out of a million. If you truly want to make a difference then killing her is not the way to go about it. What do you know about the demon lord?"

Dray looked up in shock and Elias scoffed.

"From that stupid look on your face, you obviously don't know anything about him. I can only tell you so much since the current demon lord is not someone that I've had the pleasure of interacting with. But compared to that woman that killed your lover, the demon lord is a hundred times more dangerous. Shouldn't you be aiming that high?"


Elias stopped here and looked to the side as the door to the room opened and someone else entered. Dray expected to see the nuns that would usually bring his food for him at this time but he was surprised when he saw someone new. It was two priests that wore the same black and white ensemble as the nuns.


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