How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 93: Worries Of A King

Chapter 93: Worries Of A King

Floid was surprised by the title he got. [Virtue of Content] seemed like something amazing. It increased his Mana absorption rate and even his HP when he is in a fight, but what did they mean by the rest of the prompt? So I have to kill other virtues to claim their titles?

Maybe there is a benefit that every title possesses? I'll have to ask Dragonnel about this too. He will know about the other virtues.

[New Quest: Stop the invasion from the Undead and reclaim your territory.]

[Reward: Advanced Sword Arts Knowledge II (Ultimate Demonic Sword Technique) - A Rank]

[Ultimate Demonic Sword Technique - A sword technique developed by the former demon king. It focuses on a strong foundation and powerful swings. The concept of the technique is using an immovable body and an unstoppable force to cut through anything in front of you. When the technique is active the host will gain a +200% increase in strength]

Floid completely ignored the second part of the quest as he stared in shock at the first part. An invasion? Don't tell me those damn Undead are trying to take over the demon world? Are they mad or are they desperate? Floid closed his tabs as he thought about what he should do.

The system didn't tell him when the invasion would happen and he didn't know where it would start. He didn't need to prepare his army since they have already trained very well so the only thing that they needed was a lot of rest. Floid decided he would first send familiars out to verious parts of his territories and they will report back to him if there was any problem. Floid hated waiting but there is no choice in this situation.

Floid stood up as he spoke to his household. Everyone in the room immediately kept quiet and looked up at Floid with reverent eyes.

"Aquinas is ours now. But we aren't finished yet. There are still territories that were taken from us and we will retrieve all of them at any cost. None of you are allowed to relax. Before the year is over there will be plans for another invasion on Uta and you better be ready. But for now, you all deserve to rejoice. It's a small achievement, but this is an achievement nonetheless. Alucard..."

Floid looked toward Alucard and Alucard immediately fell to one knee as he greeted Floid. Floid walked up to his butler and spoke directly to him. There was a deep seriousness in Floid's voice and Alucard knew that this was very important.

"Even as a demon king, I can't be everywhere. I need people I can trust to be in charge of various territories. Do you believe that your vampires are capable of taking care of this territory in a satisfactory manner?"

Alucard was shocked and he looked up in surprise! The demon lord wants to give Aquinas to the vampires!? The vampires haven't had a kingdom in hundreds of years and this is the first time that any demon king is slowing them to rule over an entire territory! Alucard bowed once again as he answered.

"We will care for it like this land is your body, my lord. No harm shall come to your property,"

Floid was satisfied with the answer. Floid knew that the vampires would do a good job taking care of Aquinas. The vampires were always meant to be a noble race and it would be silly if a noble race weren't given a chance to rule over their own territory. But Alucard won't be the one handling this territory. Alucard was Floid's right-hand man so there is someone else that will be the leader here.

"Call your son before me"

Alucard immediately called Dracula and the vampire arrived with poise. He bowed at the feet of Floid's throne and Floid took his hand and put it on Dracula's shoulder. Dracula felt a deep pain travel across his arm as he grit his teeth! He looked at his shoulder when Floid removed his hand and he saw that there was a ref crest burned into his shoulder. It looked like a cross lying in the middle of a red rose, but if you looked closely enough you will see that the cross was actually a sword.

"Rise Dracula. From now on, you shall be my vassal and Duke of Aquinas. You are mandated to report yearly to your father, but you shall have full control of how you rule this land. Don't disappoint me, Vampire,"

Dracula was feeling overwhelmed! He wasn't even a part of the invasion because he couldn't stay in the sunlight, but now the demon lord was giving him control over an entire region!? Aquinas was huge and the number of demons that can live here is at least five hundred thousand! It was a great honor that Dracula received.

But a little part of Dracula still felt angry that he has to report to his father. Why should he report to his father? His father was no longer the ruler of the vampires. Should I say something about this? I believe I can handle this territory even if I'm ruling over it myself.

"Do you have something to say to me, Dracula?"

Floid was looking down at Dracula with red eyes that would make anyone shiver! Dracula immediately shook his head. He would just accept this honor for now. I'm sure that if I do a good enough job then the demon lord will allow me to rule over this land on my own. I shouldn't have to report to my father.

Floid knew that Dracula was probably not happy that he has to report to Alucard. But there is nothing he can do about it. Floid didn't trust Dracula to handle this territory on his own. Dracula once had a territory to handle and he was stupid and lazy enough to lose it to humans. But if Dracula has motivation then he can do much more. Let Alucard be the motivation that will make Dracula work hard. I'm sure that Dracula will want his father's and my approval and he will not do a bad job. A little psychological manipulation can go a long way with people.

After they had that talk. Floid called on a feast for all the demons. That night, the demons had fun and made merry as there was dancing and drinking all over the kingdom! The vampires all came into the kingdom that night and they were welcomed happily by Dracula as he informed them of their new role as the rulers of the kingdom. All the Vampire elders immediately bowed to Floid in thanks as they were honored by the reward!

Floid was sitting on a balcony high above the other demons as he watched them have their party. Beside him were Rosavellt and Alucard who refused to leave his side even now that they were having a party. Dragonnel was busy hanging out with the succubi while Rizi and Lilith were drinking their lives away. Rosavellt looked like she was one moment away from going down there and beating the shit out of Rizi. How dare a member of the demon lord's household drink like that!? Does she want to bring shame to her master!? But Floid told her to leave Rizi alone. Rizi was one of the only reasons why they won this war. She deserves this much at least.

Floid had a large banquet of food in front of him but he wasn't feeling very hungry. He was thinking about that invasion that would be happening soon. Floid didn't know how to handle something that he couldn't predict. If the undead came in very large numbers then a lot of demons will die and that will affect my plans for Uta. I need a way to make them reckless. I'm sure the undead are coming here because of Reginald. Rosavellt said that Reginald is her brother and the only son of the ruler of the underworld. The Undead won't just abandon their Prince. They will come here to try and rescue him.

If I'm going to get any information from Reginald then I have to move fast. And then I'll deal with the undead.

I also need to worry about that issue that Pyra told me about. There was someone that could overwhelm Pyra in the castle today and according to her reports, this person was the same one that Floid met inside the castle when he was pretending to be duke Winchester. Floid cursed internally. He knew he should have done something about that man. If that man is strong enough to overwhelm Pyra, then he is above SSS-class. He is probably stronger than me. I need to get stronger as well. This level of strength isn't close to being enough.

"Shall we retreat to the bedroom, master?"

Rosavellt leaned down as she whispered this into Floid's ear with a sultry voice. Rosavellt noticed that Floid wasn't interested in the party and he was too distracted to even touch the food. If he is not having fun here then it is her job to provide him with entertainment. Floid glanced at Rosavellt for a moment before he waved her back. Rosavellt understood as she stepped back and Floid stood. He gave his subjects one last glance before he and Rosavellt entered the castle.


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