How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 7: The Contract

Chapter 7: The Contract

Floid was a bit skeptical, but he finally decided to just take the risk and he moved towards tie dragon. Once he was within a foot of him, the dragon closed his eyes and breath a chilly breath on Floid's face. Floid immediately felt himself fall asleep and he suddenly got the sensation of floating! He blinked his eyes open after a moment and he saw that he was in a completely frozen space and in front of him was the real Dragonnel in his original dragon form! He was huge!!

Floid gulped as the dragon came close to him and huffed in his face! Just that small huff felt like a tornado and Floid had to put his hand up to his face to stop the wind from hurting him. But then the dragon came even closer and stared deeply at Floid as it started to judge him.

Floid felt very naked as the dragon looked through his emotions and judged him. The dragon was not capable of seeing memories, but it could skim the surface of anyone's mind to see what sort of person he was. This skill was even greater than just looking through memories. All your actions, all your interactions with people, all of it come together to form who you are. They become your consciousness. It is this consciousness that the dragon was looking at.

As time passed the dragon kept on scanning Floid's mind. Floid wondered how long this was going to take. He still needs to go out there and see what this world is like.

After some time of the two of them staying like that, Floid heard a deep rumble echo through the entire room. Floid looked at the dragon and wondered if he failed the trail, was the dragon trying to kill me now!? But the rumble wasn't from anger! Instead, it was from amusement!!

The dragon let out a deep and rumbling laugh as the entire space echoed with it! What an amusing demon it met here! This demon is more interesting than anyone he has ever met in his life! Such hatred for humanity! Such violence! A mind that refuses to be shackled by rules! A body that defies all reason! This demon has it all!

Truly, the world chose well!!!

Floid suddenly felt himself wake up in the normal world again and he saw that the man in front of him was also laughing. The man had very long canines and Floid couldn't help but think he looked very dangerous even though he was just laughing.

"I don't think I've seen a mind as free as your own. You really were the best choice for this role. Well, I don't have any reason to hold you back since you have passed all of the tests,"

Floid rose a brow. Was that really it? He was letting me pass because he found my mind interesting? Is that really a good enough reason? And now he's kneeling. The fuck?

website . to update the latest .

"I hereby swear to uphold my part of the contract for all of eternity. From this day forth, I shall be by your side and guide you on your path to domination. Your enemy shall be my own and your ally shall be my own. Let it be known to the world that I have fulfilled my contract with the demon lord on this day and hereby I am free from my imprisonment,"

Floid didn't even have any words to say back to that. He was just staring at the dragon with a shocked expression. Isn't this a bit much? I don't know anything about a contract of any sort. Why would you suddenly swear fealty to me?

But is that such a bad thing? This is a dragon. The strongest existence in Rivalle. If I have his support hen surely things will be easier from here onwards. I believe it will be best to just accept this first and then sort out the issues I might have with it later.

"Very well then. I accept,"

The man bowed before he suddenly vanished from the room. The dragon that was imprisoned in the ice suddenly started to vibrate before all of the ice that was holding it began to fall off its body. Floid had to stable himself by crouching so that he doesn't fall over from the tremors.

The dragon freed itself and finally let out a deep growl as it looked down at Floid. Once Floid was sure that he was no longer in danger of falling he stood up and finally faced what was his new dragon.

Shit. Just thinking it is weird!

"So, what exactly am I meant to do now? I've passed all the trials, right?"

The dragon nodded before it suddenly began to speak. Although it didn't open its mouth at all Floid could still hear it.

"The trials were a test of your mettle to see if you were fit to possess the tile of a demon lord. You, a mere mortal that has never had power in his life managed to climb through the trials and come here. If I did not see you fit to become my master then I would not have contracted myself with you. But I can see that there is no one more fit than you. You have a mind that is dangerous and also a power that can make you the most deadly force in this world. That is something all of demon kind requires."

Uh-huh. Yeah. That's cool. Floid didn't even know that what he was doing was supposed to be this big of a deal. So right now he was the leader of all demons? That is a lot of responsibility to suddenly throw on someone. I don't think ruling over a lot of demons is exactly what I want to do with myself. Oh well, no use crying over spilled milk. I'm already here so I might as well reap the benefits.

"Tell me about this contract of ours. What made you sign it and become my sevant?"

The dragon released another deep growl before talking.

"Five centuries ago, I was a young Dragon that only found interest in destruction. My tendencies almost led to the end of the demon world as we know it, but the demon king at that time managed to defeat me and sealed me. He told me that I will only find freedom if I contract myself with a future demon lord and help him bring forth an age of peace. It is my penance for the destruction I caused at that time. So I waited here for a hundred years and tested every person that came through the trials. You are the only one that I can say is worthy of being a demon lord. After all, no one wants a faker as a demon lord,"

Once the dragon said this Floid let out a grin. He wasn't expecting to like this dragon but he couldn't help himself. So this dragon also hates people who fake their emotions for the sake of social acceptance! Yes, this is something he could get used to! Maybe in this world, he can finally find people he can call friends and family. Not like those fakers on earth.

"So what you're telling me is that you have to obey every order I give you no matter what. Even if it is an absurd one,"

The dragon tilted its giant head to one side as it tried to understand what its master was trying to say. Well, Floid wasn't wrong. He had to obey.

"Yes, no matter what the order is, I must obey you,"

"Then will you die for me?"


"If I ask you to. Will you lay down your life for me? What if I tell you to kill yourself right now. What will you do?"

Complete servitude? What nonsense. Floid didn't believe it for a moment. No one is completely subservient to anyone. No matter what you are using as a reason, I'm sure there is bound to be a line even you won't want to cross.

But Dragonnel didn't have any such line. Once Han asked him to lay down his life, he already agreed to it in his mind. If that was the wish of his master then it is only right as his servant that Dragonnel would carry it out.

"Very well, master. I will die for you,"

Floid glared

"You are lying,"

"Not at all master. I am bound by a contract to uphold my status as your servant. If you wish it, then it is my honor to die for you. And even if I die, you do not need to worry, I am tied to you and so I gain my Mana from your body. So long as you have Mana, I can always be reborn. I am a god after all,"

Tch. Of course a dragon will be so fucking broken! But this is a good thing. At least I don't have to worry about this dragon at all. Even if they kill him I can just wait for him to come back after some time.

Floid thought about the contract deeply. It was obvious that it was beneficial to him, but he was still wary. He didn't trust anything that seemed too good to be true and this contract seemed far too good to be true. But I can already feel my Mana passing through to him and I know this is from that contract. I don't really have much of a choice in the matter.

Floid let out a deep breath and he finally answered.

"Very well, I'll be in your care,"

[Ding! The Player has passed all five trials and the system has fully integrated with him. Welcome to Rivalle Demon Lord Floid. You shall be given quests and missions to help you along your way to becoming the greatest demon lord. May the darkness be with you]

[Quest: Introduce yourself to the members of your household and take your place as the demon lord.]

[Reward: 100,000 Acres of land and The demon castle]


[A/N] Please leave comment if you want me to continue the book. I'd really like your feedback. And please vote for me in WPC


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