How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 63: How Not To Be A King

Chapter 63: How Not To Be A King

In a room inside the royal castle of the king of Aquinas, a meeting was being held. In attendance were all the major heads of Aquinas. The people who were in charge of making all the decisions for the kingdom. The headmistress of the Mage school, Maryleen. The head captain of the Magic Knights, Trevor. He is an SS-class mage as well as a graduate of both the magic academy and the knight's school in Uta. And finally, the priestess, Freya.

They were all sitting at a round table and at the head of the table sat the king of Aquinas, King Eyle. He was a large, round man with a double chin and he looked like he was one slice of cake away from becoming a natural hazard! He filled out his seat completely as he stared at all of the people in attendance.

His hands and neck were filled with jewelry and he had a brilliant red robe adorning his body. When he spoke, it was with a slur that made Freya cringe inwardly. Her hatred for the King went beyond the realm of mortals. She hated ugly things as well as people who had no discipline and the King was both of those things! Freya hated everything about him!

"I'm glad that you all could come. We have to talk about the situation with Trad. They've stopped sending cake, I mean food. They've stopped sending food and supplies to the kingdom. I can't possibly let something like this go unattended,"

No one there missed his slip up and they all knew that the only reason he even bothered to call this meeting was that they were almost out of food in the royal palace. It has been a whole month since Trad stopped sending any food to them and the king never bothered to even say a word about it! He was too busy stuffing his face and he only cared now that the food is almost finished!

Maryleen and Freya looked at each other and then they turned to the knight captain. All three of them had already met before and they even spoke to Keith (A/N - Secret identity of Travy), the delegate from Trad who was in charge of sending them supplies

It turns out that the reason why they were no longer getting the supplies was because of the demons that took over the western part of Rivalle. The demons have already destroyed most of the towns in that part of the world including the town of noir which has always been used as the port where their ships would go to collect supplies from. Ever since the demons took over the towns, it became dangerous for any of the traders to pass through that part of the world.

At least that was what Travy told them.

But none of them even suspected that Travy himself was a demon. Travy has woven his web deep into human culture and they all trusted him as a very good trader. If he says there is a problem due to demons, then they will all believe there is a problem due to demons.

Maryleen was the first to speak up. She didn't bring her smoke with her because the king didn't like the smell of it - apparently, it makes him feel like puking. Maryleen rolled her eyes when she first got that excuse. Was the king sure it was the smoke? It might be the excessive food in his fucking stomach. Maybe he should think of eating less instead of blaming her smoke.

<o>,m But Maryleen couldn't say that. It would be rude. And she would also get imprisoned. She didn't enjoy prison, so she would just keep quiet.</o>

"Your majesty, I don't think the kingdom of Trad is able to send us any supplies for now. The delegate, Keith, said that there is a demon invasion happening over on that side of the world,"

There was a shocked choke from the king and he immediately sat up, well he tried to immediately sit up. It ended up being some sort of half shuffle - half slump that only ended up with him falling deeper into his seat. Maryleen rolled her eyes. This is their king. They were all doomed.

The king looked from Maryleen to all the others there with surprise on his face and Freya tried her best not to puke when the King spoke again.

"Demons? As in the demon lord? Is that fiend back again!? I thought they were all gone!"

Everyone was shocked once the king said this. None of them could believe that the king didn't know that the demons have been back for close to a year already! Every citizen of every kingdom already knew the demons were back and the king doesn't even know!?

The knight, Trevor spoke up calmly.

"Yes, your highness. It is the demons and it is also that demon lord. They have been around for a long time now, almost a year,"


"Then how come nobody said anything to me!? What sort of kingdom doesn't tell their king of such danger!?"

Freya scoffed! It's meant to be the other way around you bulbous Buffon! You're the one that has been inside your room all this time eating and drinking to your heart's content! I'm the one that has been ensuring your citizens stay calm and making sure they don't rebel against us! You haven't even gone out of the castle in years!

Although her thoughts were very scathing, Freya's voice was calm and beautiful.

novel chapters are published .

"Your highness. Please calm down. We had no intention of hiding it from you, we just never got an opportunity to tell you of such a development. You have been so busy with your kingly duties that we never had a chance to see you,"

The king coughed into his hand and looked away. Yes, he has been very busy with kingly duties. No wonder they couldn't tell me. Freya is right. I should calm down. The king looked back at Freya with a smile and Freya shivered when she saw some lust in his eyes as well. God save her. She would kill this man one day.

"You are right, priestess. You are the only one that truly understands. I'm sorry for my outburst. Now, what exactly is the issue with the western part of the world. Do you say there is a demon invasion? What has Uta said about this? Has Pricilla given you a statement?"

Maryleen bit on her thumb with a sigh. She misses her cigar. She couldn't stay for long without something in her mouth nowadays. She knows it isn't healthy but who gives a fuck? She then spoke while folding her hands.

"No. We haven't gotten any word from Uta either. It seems that Priscilla is also busy with her duties and she doesn't have time to grant us an audience. Every attempt to get through to Uta has failed terribly,"

The king was looking at Maryleen with wide eyes. Did she just say that Pricilla refused to give them an audience? What sort of nonsense is that!? Are they not allies anymore!? Pricilla has to give them an audience! It is only right! If she doesn't give us an audience then I'll force my way into her kingdom and demand an audience!

But then the king remembered that Pricilla was also a hero and she was an SS class potions brewer who knew more than a hundred different poisons and he forced himself to calm down. He knew just how dangerous Priscilla is. No matter how secluded he was, Eyle knew that Pricilla's father did not die of natural causes, regardless of what the rumors say. It was too sudden and far too perfect. What sort of sickness can kill a king that was as healthy as a horse just a few days before? Can a strong stallion suddenly fall and die from a small illness!? That is impossible! There was definitely something else involved! But that is not something that they talk about.

"Well, if she is busy then I suppose we shouldn't disturb her. Trevor, what sort of preparation have we made for Noir. We have to get the supplies before the end of the month. The coffers are empty and there is no food,"

No food for you, you mean. Freya was already tired as she thought this, but she tried her hardest to keep that smile on her face and turned to Trevor as well. Trevor coughed into his hand and Maryleen spoke up.

"Uh, your highness, we called this meeting in order to make that plan. We are not able to make any advances unless you authorize it. You are the general commander of the army,"

The king's eyes lit up as if he suddenly remembered only now that he was the general commander! That's right! He made himself the general commander so that he can put as many soldiers in the castle as he wanted! That was a few years back and he completely forgot about that!

"Well, yes, yes. You're right, I was just testing to make sure you weren't going behind my back. So, what sort of plan do you propose we take, Trevor?"

Freya groaned inside. Just kill me. This is worse than any torture I've been through! Why did this Buffon become the king of this kingdom!? Freya knew that the current King inherited the kingdom after his father died, but she also knew that the current King did not deserve it. He was a bumbling idiot that only cared about how much food he could fit into his mouth!

Trevor cleared his throat and finally spoke.

"Your highness, even though Keith already told us he cannot bring the supplies, he informed me yesterday that there is another person that might be able to help us. A duke from Trad is coming to Aquinas in a few weeks and he would be willing to bring the supplies for us.

The king's eyes brightened once he heard this! A duke! That is amazing! If the Duke can bring the supplies that means he is very rich and he has a lot of ships under him! I have to receive him well! And since he is bringing the supplies himself, I don't have to put any of my ships in danger. I was thinking of sending a small force to Trad to bring the supplies, but since the Duke is willing to bring them, why should I refuse!?

"Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! Tell Keith I will gladly accept the duke's offer!"

Both Freya and Maryleem shared a look when they heard what Trevor said. A duke suddenly agreeing to bring the supplies is a good thing. They won't have to sacrifice any of their own ships to make the back and forth journey and the supplies would also get here faster! But both women couldn't help but feel like something was wrong with the sudden offer. Isn't it too convenient?

But the King was already forcing his way off his seat with the help of a guard and so they knew he wouldn't hear anything against his decision. He already made up his mind.

Once Trevor saw that everyone was on board, he bowed and finally excused himself to tell Keith that they accepted the duke's offer!


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