How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 41: Sadistic Pleasure

Chapter 41: Sadistic Pleasure

Rosavellt told Dracula to bring the priest along as they trekked into the castle. Artus couldn't even protest at all as he was dragged by the hair like a dog. Dracula wouldn't stain his body by carrying a human! He only held onto Artus' hair and dragged him along like that!

Once they entered the church they already knew that Floid and the others had been working hard! There were dead priests everywhere! From the moment they opened the door, the smell of blood hit them like a sledgehammer! Not even a single person could be seen alive! They were all lying dead in pools of blood!

Rosavellt and Dracula moved towards the inner sanctum with the other vampires walking behind them and they got to a door at the end of the pier. They opened it and Dracula dragged Artus inside. Floid was sitting on the chair at the head of the room and Pyra was handing him a handkerchief to clean the blood on his hand once they entered.

Floid looked up to see them and he smiled slightly when he saw Rosavellt's dress. It seems she had a hard time against the priest. She should have asked for help. He collected the handkerchief from Pyra and started to clean his hand. Dracula threw the body of Artus to the ground in front of Floid before both Dracula and Rosavellt bowed. Floid looked down at the body and he was surprised to see a sword inside it. Didn't he tell them not to kill this idiot?

"He isn't dead, master. Just incapacitated,"

Dracula said this before he moved forward and dragged his sword out of Artus. Artus suddenly gasped as he filled his lungs with air! He coughed out some blood and then struggled to get himself to his knees with one hand. What the hell!? He felt like he just died! He was stuck in that place between death and life and he couldn't even move his body!

He looked around him and he was shocked to see that he was inside the inner sanctum. This is the place where he usually had the meetings with the other priests! And why is someone sitting in the holy chair!? It is sacrilege!! Floid was sitting on the holy chair like this is his parlor couch!! Wait... Floid? Artus' eyes widened and he stumbled back with a shout!


Floid hummed as he stared down at his former teammate. It was obvious that Artus was shocked to see him. Anyone would be shocked if someone came back from the dead. Floid smiled as he rest his head on his fist.

"You look like you're seeing a ghost, Artus. I thought that you of all people would believe in miracles more than anyone else. Aren't you a holy man?"

Miracle? Artus knew that there was no sort of magic that could bring someone back from the dead! What is this man doing here! I can't believe that Pricilla was right! She told me that the hero was back but I just couldn't believe it! How did he come back from the dead!?

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"It's interesting to see what you built in my land, Artus. You took the land that once belonged to vampires and made it into a church. You claimed that it was a place of healing. A place where people could gather together and praise the human god. So imagine my surprise when I went down to your basement..."

Artus swallowed heavily as he felt his entire body shake. They went down there? No. They couldn't have seen it! The lock for that basement can only be opened by a priest! There are too many blessings on it! I made sure that none of the other priests would ever tell anyone about it! Did they torture it out of them!

Floid grinned as he continued. He still remembered how that priest screamed when he tortured him into opening the door.

"... And I found out about your dirty little prison. There were hundreds of them, Artus. The demon women that you raped, flogged, tortured, and killed. I could smell their resentment for you before I even walked into that basement. Is that what your god condones? I thought he would have higher standards,"

Artus snarled internally! They already went into the basement and he already lost everything so now his mind was no longer afraid of losing! It settled on anger!

"So what!? What is the difference between what I did and what you demons did!? Is it only okay for you to do it to humans!? At least I had the balls to do it to you too!"

Floid felt his mouth split into a grin once he heard what Artus said. What was the difference between us and them!? I agree that Demons are definitely the same, but at least we do not hide our desires!

"How do you know that demons do such things? How do you know that we kill and **** and pillage and destroy? How do you know that we enjoy these things? It's because we don't hide them, Artus. From the very beginning, this has been the one difference between demons and humans. We do not hide who we are....

"We bare it out for the world to see and we accept whatever consequences that come with it. You, humans, on the other hand. You hide till the bitter end. You are so ashamed of your true self that you would let the world burn before they find out what you truly are. You humans are all the same. From the very beginning, humanity has always been its own greatest enemy,"

Artus grit his teeth as he realized that Floid was right! He would rather watch everything in this town burn before he allows anyone to find out what he has been doing! That was even why he killed the hero in the first place! Pricilla found out about what he has been doing to the female demons and she blackmailed him into killing the hero. Of, course he agreed to kill the hero! Why would he prioritize the hero's life over his own reputation! He didn't even care about the hero!!

"Well then just kill me! That's what you want right!? You just want me dead! Take your damn revenge then, since that's what all demons are good for! Only violence fills your stupid brains! Like animals that are only following their instincts! You all disgust me!"

Artus was still shouting in anger as he glared up at Floid! He hated that smirk on Floid's face! It was irritating!! He hated how Floid was just looming down on him like he was some sort of bug! Don't you dare look down on me, you damn demon!

Floid finally stood up from the chair and started to walk towards Artus while he spoke.

"Artus, do you know what giants are? I'm sure you do, you already killed many of them before. Giants are not very materialistic. They only have one desire in this world and that is to satisfy themselves..."

Floid grabbed Artus by the neck before he put his hand on Artus' chest. Artus suddenly felt a phenomenal amount of Mana fill him like a wave! Artus screamed as the mana started to increase more and more! His Mana core started to expand and after the mana that was inside his core exceeded the amount that his core could withstand, the core broke!



It was the most painful experience of Artus' life! He felt like his chest was split in two! He clawed at his head and drew long lines across his cheek as he tried to distract himself from the pain of losing his core! Floid scoffed when he saw the pain Artus was going through. Does this man really think this is the worst thing that could happen to him?

Floid stood up and called Rosavellt to heal Artus' chest injury. Artus breathed heavily as he felt his chest knit itself back together. Once the sword injury was gone, Floid continued

"... So like I was saying. The giants don't have any worldly desires. They only have one desire, and that is personal pleasure. They are a lot like you in that regard. They'll fuck anything with a hole in it,"

A portal suddenly opened behind Artus and a giant hand emerged from the portal and wrapped around his head! Artus was wide-eyed as he felt himself getting pulled back by a giant! Wait! This - this isn't right! Why are you doing this!?

"Kill me! Just kill me! What the hell do you gain from doing this!?"

"Sadistic pleasure, Artus. I gain sadistic pleasure! It's just like I said, humans and demons are not so different at all! I'll give you about ten days before they rip you apart! If you can survive that long then I'll personally come to let you go!! Good luck!!"

Floid gave a wide smile as Artus was finally pulled into the portal. Of course, Floid had no intention of going to save Artus. But he wanted Artus to think that he actually had a chance of being rescued if he manages to survive for ten days. The priest won't be able to use his magic because of his broken core and he will be stuck with an entire colony of almost a hundred giants. If he survived for ten days then he would have to be the strongest man in the fucking world!

Floid looked around and he was surprised that no one looked shocked by what he did. Oh, right, they were all just like him! If it were the humans they would all probably think that he was some sort of monster! But I'm not a human anymore and things like this are normal!


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