How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 38: The [Day Breaker]

Chapter 38: The [Day Breaker]

Dracula grit his teeth as he felt his entire body being pressed down! Some of the vampires in the room looked like they would pass out from the bloodlust but none of them dared to move from their kneeling position! It would be even worse if the demon lord saw them as weak! The shame would be too much! Floid let his eyes roam over all of them again as he continued.

"Not only did you lose half of my people, but you also lost this town to a church of humans. I do not know what you think a demon lord is, but an insult like this is not easily overlooked no matter how lenient I am. Humans are living in your town, and you reduced my second strongest group of demons to rats forced to live in the shadow and caves. What sort of punishment do you think is suitable for that, Dracula,"

Floid said Dracula's name in a slick way that just rolled off his tongue and Dracula could feel his lifespan shortening in dread! He took in a shuddering breath and forced his head to look up!

"Let us take it back for you, my lord! Just give us the word! We will not fail you this time,"

"And how will you do that? Can you take down the [Night Banisher] that they placed on the town to make the sun shine again? Or can you beat the blessed crosses they place around the towns during the night?"

Dracula immediately looked down again once Floid reminded him why he was not able to take back the town all this time! The priest that moved there was once a member of the hero's party a long time ago and he is one of the greatest priests in the human church! He blessed a large number of crosses and they even made holy water that protected the town and its citizens at night. During the day, the vampires couldn't go out at all, so they were completely locked out of the town!

Floid looked away from Dracula and looked back at Alucard with an exasperated expression that just screamed 'You better teach this boy properly!'. Alucard bowed deeper in thanks! He knew that it was a selfish request to keep his son alive after the mistakes that the boy made, but Alucard was grateful that his lord was kind enough to grant him the selfish wish!

Floid finally released his BloodLust and looked around as all the vampires started to stand up. They were looking up at him in awe and most of them looked like they were ready to come and kiss his shoes if he told them to. They were loyal to a fault, Floid couldn't deny that. He can't completely blame them for following the demon queen. They only wanted to help her because she was the closest thing that they had to a demon lord. It was stupid, but Floid decided that he would let it go for only this one time. If it happened again, even Alucard won't be able to save his son.

"There will be a purge today. The town of Noir that the humans took from us will be taken back. I don't care what you do inside that town. Kill, ****. Pillage, destroy. But at the end of today, if a single human escapes from you, then it will be your head,"

Floid looked at Dracula when he said that last part and the man nodded quickly. Floid then stood up and started to walk away with Pyra and Rosavellt and Dracula quickly spoke up about the [Night Banisher] spell! What were they going to do about it?

Floid smiled internally since he already knew exactly what that spell was. Floid read on the Rivalle Wiki about a spell known as the [Night banisher]. It was once used in a battle during the night to provide light for the human army to move forward. The spell would usually create a large bright light in the sky that could last for as long as you supplied it with Mana. It was basically a mini-sun.

But the opposite of that spell, the [Day Breaker] is capable of doing the opposite. It could make a certain place look like night even during the day! The [Day Breaker] and [Night Banisher] were opposites and if you cast one of them after the other one, you can reverse the effects. So if you want to get rid of the [Night Banisher] that the humans placed on the town, you just need to cast a [Day Breaker] that is stronger than the spell placed by the humans! As long as the [Day Breaker] had enough mana to destroy the [Night Banisher], then the spell will work! And Floid had more than enough mana!

"Leave the issue of the spell to me. since you cannot handle it, then I will take care of it personally. But if you fail me, there won't be another chance, Dracula,"

Dracula bowed once Floid said this and he watched Floid walk out of the room. Dracula looked up at his father and he immediately knew that the only reason he survived here today was that his father pleaded for his life. So that was why Alucard came before the demon lord. He was making sure that I still receive punishment for what I did. For a short moment, Dracula felt thankful to his father!


The town of Noir was a religious town. There were a lot of religious priests and even nuns in the town. The daily activities of the townspeople were always very calm and they hardly had any issues that led to conflict! This town was as boring as a game of bingo in a retirement home! It would be more interesting watching grass grow!

But the people of the town had no idea what was about to happen to them. That day, the townspeople were busy enjoying their day as usual! The children were playing around the stalls while the parents were either selling wares and food or moving around to take care of the household duties! Ever since the hero came and freed them from the demon king they have all enjoyed a pleasant life under the protection of the Head Priest!

The head priest was like the messiah to these people! He allowed them to fight back against the evil vampires that used to live here before and he freed them from the darkness that used to always cover this town! There was a large church at the center of the town where the priest lived. The people would usually go there every Sunday to pray to their god, but Artus there knew that he was the only reason why the people were even bothering to come at all. They believe that just seeing him and touching him was enough to grant them some sort of blessing!

If you look at it properly, they believe more in him than in their god!

It was mid-noon and the people were all getting ready to go to the church, but then they looked up in shock as darkness suddenly started to fill the entire town! The parents stopped looking after their children and they stared at the sky in shock! They were in disbelief as they watched the bright afternoon sun changing into moonlight!

Floid was standing on top of a hill overlooking the town and he had this hand up in the air. His face was a little pinched, but everyone there was looking at him in disbelief! To cast a [Day Breaker] or [Night Banisher] spell, you would need a lot of Mana. The [Night Banisher] that was cast to remove the original [Day Breaker] on this town was performed by a hundred S-class human mages! All of them were young and they had a lot of Mana to use on the spell so that it would be impossible to take it down! If you wanted to cast a new [Day Breaker] on top of the spell that the hundred S-class mages cast, then you would need no less than two hundred S-class mages! Because you would first need to overwrite the [Night Banisher] that the first group cast before you would then need to create a new [Day Breaker] big enough to cover the entire town!

Just overwriting the [Night Banisher] would take a phenomenal amount of Mana! Your MP has to be in the hundreds of thousands before you can overwrite it on your own! And then you have to use more than a hundred thousand Mana points again to recast the [Day Breaker]! And Floid was doing both of that on his own!


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