How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 3: Hax Skills

Chapter 3: Hax Skills

Floid and this party jumped in and fought against the queen and Floid was floored once again! She was strong! Stronger than any of the other creatures in this entire game! She was so strong that she should have been a hax character! The difference in power between her and all the other characters he fought was just too much!

Floid's entire party had to draw back after a while because they were all injured gravely and their Hp was almost gone but Floid kept on going! He knew he could take her! He had been playing games for years and it won't be a fucking fantasy game that finally takes him out! If Gilgamesh couldn't stop me then who the hell are you!?

Floid fought against the queen for a long time, and after almost ten minutes of non-stop battle in the game, he finally managed to kill her with only ten percent of his HP remaining! The only reason why Floid won was because of a special ability he got as the hero! If not for that ability he would have lost against her for sure! Floid released a tired breath once he finally saw the victory signal on his console. That was an interesting time. He never knew that a fantasy game could be so much fun! He might just play this game again to find all the other endings!

But before he could do anything, Floid heard a knock on his door. He rose a brow as he wondered who that could possibly be. He knows that he doesn't have any friends around here that can disturb him. He doesn't even know the people that live in the house next to his own!

Should he ignore this person? Well, maybe it is someone important. It could even be his family. Fine, I'll answer it.

Floid stood up and stretched while going to answer the door. He ran his hand through his white hair and yawned. He hasn't stood up in almost a whole day so his body was very stiff. As he was going, Floid completely missed the message that suddenly appeared on his screen.

[The Player had completed all hidden quests. Criteria for transport have been achieved. Transportation initializing...]

Floid got to the door and peeped through the hole there to see who it was but his eyes suddenly widened in shock when he saw something that he never expected!

Why the fuck is a truck charging for my house!?

There was a giant truck charging straight for his door at 60km/hr!! There was no one at the wheel but the truck was aiming for Floid like it had a homing system!

The man that Floid stopped in the convenience store before was standing to one side with his crew that he called to beat up Floid! He was also in shock as he watched the giant truck! He had no idea who sent the truck so he just turned around with his crew and quickly started to walk away! He didn't care about what Floid did anymore! This punishment is already enough!

Floid wasn't able to avoid the truck that was coming so the truck crashed through the door and slammed into his body!



The force of the hit killed him before he could even hit the floor and at the same time, the television finished its dialogue.

[Transportation criteria succeeded. The player will now be transported. Welcome to Rivalle, Demon Lord Candidate: Floid]


Rivalle was a large world that was three times the landmass of the earth. It was largely occupied by humans, although this was not always the case.

In a forgotten land on the outskirts of a large valley, a mysterious castle stood. It was a dark castle covered in shadow and anyone that saw it would know that it belonged to someone of very high status. The castle was the demon castle. The birthplace and residence of the demon lord, king of all demons. But right now, this castle was empty.

Instead, in a deep cavern far beneath the castle, a young man that had stark white hair groaned as he opened his eyes. Floid put his hand on his head as he stood up slowly. He couldn't believe he got hit by a truck! That truck must've destroyed his entire house! He didn't know who yet, but someone is going to die for this. He swore it.

Floid slowly opened his eyes and his brow furrowed as he looked around him. This isn't his house at all! He was in a dark cave that had many glowing rocks around it. Floid felt like he could recognize those rocks, but he didn't want to accept the first thing that came to mind. There is no way those are the same Mana rocks he saw in his game. Absolutely no way.

But then something appeared in front of his vision and Floid's eyes widened!

Name: Floid.

Lvl: 1

HP: 10/10

MP: 10

Job Class: Demon Lord Candidate.

Artifacts: Nil

Skills: Nil

Hax: [Duplicate] [He who is loved by Mana]

Floid blinked. And then blinked again. Shit. It's still there!

What the hell is this!? Am I hallucinating!? Maybe I played that game for too long and now I'm seeing things?! Is this not that skill tab that I always see in the game?

But why is my job Demons Lord!? I don't remember that being a part of the game before. Floid was a bit confused for a while, but he didn't stay confused for long. He could tell that he was no longer in his normal world. He can't deny that those things around him were Mana crystals. They are the primary source of power in Rivalle and they are also very expensive to buy. For there to be this many in one place is absurd! If he had this many mana crystals in the game then he would have bought all the high-level types of equipment and sailed through the game like it was nothing!

But why is he here? Who brought him here and why? Floid had all these questions in his mind. He knew he wouldn't get an answer by just standing here so he decided that he would first get out of here and find out where exactly he is.

Skitter! Skitter! Skitter!

But a sudden sound made Floid raise his guard up and he looked around. What was that? He heard the sound again and he quickly jumped to one side as a ball of fire slammed into the spot he had just been standing! Woah! That was close!

Floid looked up and saw a giant lizard creature hissing at him. Floid immediately recognized the animal! A Crystal lizard! One of the mobs inside of the game Rivalle! Their major source of food was Mana crystals so they are usually seen around these caves that contain Mana crystals a lot!

chapter upload first

This was a shock for Floid! Another thing just happened that made this even more unbelievable! He was now certain that he got transported into his game! Floid followed the lizard with his eyes as it skittered across the wall before it opened its mouth and fired another ball of fire at him! This is the main attack that these lizards have! They can also use their long tongue to capture people, but this one hasn't used it because Floid was too far away.

Floid jumped back again as he thought of what he was going to do. He didn't have any skills and he didn't even know how to use magic! The best thing he could think of doing is running away and waiting for the lizard to fall asleep before gouging out its eye and blinding it when it is unaware. But that will be risky because of that fireball it releases all the time.

[New skill learned: Fireball]

Eh? Floid stopped dodging the fireballs as his system suddenly dropped a notification! How did he get a new skill all of a sudden? Was it that Hax skill that he saw? It is called [Duplicate' so that must mean it can copy any skill that I see right!? That is a brilliant skill! At least I'm not completely defenseless in this world!

Floid stopped jumping around and he put his hand towards the lizard as he thought about how to activate the skill. According to the Rivalle Wiki that he read online. Skills are activated using intent. Just say the name of the skill while thinking of what you want to do and then the skill will activate! So Floid aimed straight at the lizard and thought 'Fireball!!'

A great and complex red magic circle formed in front of his hand before three more magic circles formed in front of that one. An intense wind blew across the room before Floid felt the temperature in the room rise intensely!!



The ball of fire that formed was almost a hundred times larger than what Floid saw the lizard make and the lizard didn't stand a chance as the fireball destroyed everything that Floid's hand was facing! Floid's face formed into a shocked expression as some smoke came out of his hand. What the fuck just happened!?

[You have leveled up 1 time]


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