How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 26: How To Threaten An Imp

Chapter 26: How To Threaten An Imp

"Of course sir! My name is Keith, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance!"

Floid smiled at Travy as he realized that Travy was still acting! I wonder how far he is willing to take this game of his! He sat down and Alucard stood at the right side of his chair. Floid shifted some plates away from the space in front of him - there were a lot of them - before he finally leaned forward in the space he created. He didn't want anyone to hear what he was going to say so he made sure that only he and Travy could hear it.

"Are you the genius trader that I have been hearing about? The man that was able to provide enough food and supplies to both the kingdom of Aquinas and also the kingdom of Uta while still keeping yourself neutral to the both of them? I think your name was Travy, wasn't it?"

Travy was smiling wider and wider as Floid started to talk! He was listening to all the praises and he could feel his ego-boosting to the ceiling! Yes! I am a genius trader! Yes, I did manage to keep myself neutral even when they all wanted my products for themselves! It wasn't easy, but I fucking did it!

But then Travy's smile dropped like an anchor in the ocean once he heard the last thing that Floid said! Travy's skin grew pale and he swallowed heavily as he realized that the demon lord knew who he was! Of course, he knows! I was an idiot to think that my illusion magic can fool him!

"M-My lord. This humble one greets you,"

Travy finally greeted Floid like he was always supposed to and he felt a sweat drop from his forehead when Floid took a grape from the platter of fruits and the side and threw it in his mouth with a hum.

Floid was impressed that Travy didn't try to deny it. He thought for sure that Travy would deny being himself till the bitter end. But as a trader, he must've realized that the consequence wasn't worth the risk and he decided on the more profitable course of action! What a smart imp!! He is quite good at illusion magic, I have to give him that. I couldn't even see through it at all! Even now, I don't think I can tell if he is using illusion magic or not! The only reason I even know he is using it is because of the game I played before!

"I'm glad you didn't deny it. I would have had my butler handle things if you did. But you've been a very interesting fellow for a while now. You have been selling food and supplies to the humans. The direct enemies of the demons. You've helped their armies and you've given them a chance to grow powerful enough to challenge your people. Tell me, Travy. What is the punishment for betrayal in the demon world?"

Travy closed his eyes and took a shaky breath as he felt his entire body shiver! Calm down, Travy! Calm down! Travy didn't even have an answer for Floid! It was like he was a student trying to explain why he failed a test to his teacher! I read for the test but I just didn't know the answers is really not a good enough excuse!


Travy jumped as Floid suddenly slammed his hand on the table! The music in the restaurant died down a little and everyone turned to Floid. But they quickly turned away again after they saw Floid's angry face. The music started up even louder than before as Floid spoke to Travy in a low voice!

"I asked you a question, Travy! Answer me!"

"I needed to live, sir. I did it so that I can continue living. I had the magic for illusion and I had the knowledge for trading. The only people that have the money to purchase the ideas I could give out were the humans. I had no choice but to sell to them. I'm just a trader, my lord. Whoever buys my goods are not my concern,"

Floid breathed ot a calming breath as he finally relaxed again. In truth, he was impressed. That is probably the most textbook answer a businessman can ever give about his business! Floid could understand though. He was also once a businessman and he didn't care about where his investment was going so long as it brought enough money for him then he will keep investing. Floid could respect that side of Travy that was a businessman. But Travy didn't need to know what! Even if Floid respected the businessman, he still needed Travy to know that he was not off the hook!

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"I should lock you up in the demon castle for this. I think my maid should have one or two contraptions that can torture you properly,"

Travy's eyes widened and he immediately joined his hand together under the table because they wouldn't stop shaking! If he leaves this hotel with the demon king then it is possible that no one will ever find his body again! Travy could tell that the demon king was not joking! Is he really going to kill me!?

"But I won't do that. Travy, your mind is something that people don't gain in every generation. It only comes around once in a freaking blue moon. So I'll make you into something better. The demon world is going to take back everything that was ever taken from us and to do that we need supplies. Food, weapons, everything that an army of demons will need. You will supply these things, Travy,"

It was an order. An absolute order that Travy didn't even think about disobeying for a second! And even if it wasn't an order, Travy would have still been ecstatic to do it! The only reason why Travy went to live in the human world was that the demons lost the war against the hero a long time ago. Travy couldn't sell his supplies to a side that already lost!

But now things were different. The demon lord was back and he looked powerful! Powerful enough to take back everything that was taken from us! If it is him then I can put my trust in him!

"My lord, I swear on my name as a trader, I will supply everything that your kingdom will need for their war. If you wish then I will even stop supplying the humans with goods,"

Floid shook his head. No, he didn't want the humans to get suspicious of Travy yet. If they suddenly stopped receiving things they will surely look into it and they might find out too much. Floid needs Travy in the human world so that Travy can supply him with information about them. If Floid is going to take over all the kingdoms then he needs to know everything that he can find out. The games and wiki that he read back on earth were not enough to give him all the information he needed.

"Just stay here and keep doing what you have been doing. Supply the humans with their weapons and supply us with ours. But make sure that your keep your priorities straight. I will grant you more than enough money to buy everything that you want, but if you try to betray me then I will know and I will kill you. Now, call the waiter, let's eat. Alucard, sit down. I haven't eaten in a while and I'm starving"

Travy watched as Floid coerced Alucard into joining them for the dinner. After Alucard finally sat down, the three of them had some conversation, although Floid was the only one that was calm throughout the conversation! Travy looked like he would shit his pants at any moment and Alucard look uncomfortable to be sitting on the same level as his master! After a while, Travy finally calmed a little and told them about the different things he had seen in the human kingdom! There was even a time when Travy met the hero of the sword and the queen of Uta once and none of them were able to see through his illusion magic! It was hilarious to Travy! Ah, that's right, I think the hero of the sword is in Trad right now. She is hunting for someone according to my intel.

TRavy said this nonchalantly and he didn't even put any thought into t anymore, but Floid filed it away for later. He was supposed to be killing that woman, so it would be good if he can find her here!

Even though Travy was calmer now, Travy could understand the threat that the demon lord gave him. The demon lord knows that it will add a lot more stress for Travy to buy more supplies for a third kingdom. Travy will basically be supplying weapons for both sides of a full-scale war. But Travy knows his priorities. He will have to supply the better weapons to the demons first and then send the rest to the humans. No matter what, Travy will prioritize the demons before the humans!

After the meal that day, Alucard and Floid were finally on their way out of the hotel. Their carriage was being drawn by an undead horse familiar that Rosavellt summoned so they didn't need anyone to sit in the coachman seat.

Floid was looking out the window at the sights passing by when he suddenly felt a power that he didn't think he would feel so close to the hotel.

"Alucard, do you feel that too?'

Alucard nodded stoically.

"I have felt it since we left the hotel, but I didn't think it was of any importance to you. Do you wish to stop and see what it is?"

Floid nodded as he knew that the person was important to his quest. He couldn't just ignore her.


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