How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 252: How To Deal With Internal Conflict

Chapter 252: How To Deal With Internal Conflict

Pyra nodded her head as she watched the demon lord leave the room and once he was gone, Pyra released a small breath that she was holding. Quinn was too busy healing herself with a frown on her face and Quinn didn't even hear Pyra sigh.

Quinn was trying to understand what Floid meant by what he said. Did he expect her to succeed because she is his blood or did he expect her to fail even though she is his blood? That cryptic bastard. Just talk normally for once in your fucking life.

Pyra suddenly spoke up from in front of Quinn.

"Leave it, we shall return to training,"

Quinn looked up in shock! Didn't Pyra say they were done for today!? Why are they going back!? Pyra noticed the shock on Quinn's face and she ignored it as she returned the sword that Floid used back to its place on the wall. The demon lord told her to teach Quinn how to move and that is what Pyra would do. It didn't matter if Quinn was injured or not.

Pyra picked up another sword and she started walking toward the other end of the room as she continued.

"Wipe that look off your face. You do not know what you possess so you have no right to be stunned by the obstacle placed in front of you. I envy the expectations that the demon lord has placed on you. I truly envy you and I also despise you for it. But my master is everything I have and his wishes are everything to me. I will teach you to be strong and in exchange, I hope you do not disappoint the demon lord. The moment you disappoint him, I will kill you myself if he allows it,"

Quinn's eyes widened in surprise when she heard what Pyra said. So that was what Floid meant!? He was expecting a lot from her simply because she was his blood. Quinn couldn't help but eye Pyra cautiously. Floid was right about what he said, the demons really don't have any filters at all. They have no problem speaking their mind and they would simply tell you exactly what they felt about you. Most people would never say what Pyra just said to her face.

Quinn knew that if Pyra was a human, she would not even say something like this. She would just allow the jealousy and envy to grow until it becomes something else. But Quinn also liked this about the demons. She always knew what they thought of her so there was no need for falsehood or lies. Quinn stood up and she hissed as she picked up her sword again. The injury on her hands wasn't fully healed and the sword was only making it worse.

Pyra nodded her head once before she bent forward and moved!


Quinn's eyes widened as she suddenly saw Pyra right in front of her! She brought up her sword and Pyra parried it away like it was nothing!


"Don't block anymore unless you want to lose your life. The demon lord said I should teach you how to move, so move.'

Pyra spike up in that same monotone voice she always used before she spun around and slammed her heel into Quinn's stomach! Quinn shot off the ground like a football and her back slammed into the wall of the room before she dropped to her knees with a groan. She looked up to see Pyra running straight at her like a bat out of hell and she immediately rolled to the side as Pyra's sword slammed into the spot where she was just kneeling.

Quinn quickly got to her feet as she started to take steps back. Her stomach was still burning and she could see stars on the edge of her vision! Quinn felt like puking out everything in her stomach because of that hit from Pyra! No matter what happens, I can't get hit by her again! Pyra was right! If Quinn got hit with another one of those kicks from Pyra then she just might die here! Quinn has to keep dodging it no matter what!


The sound of a wall breaking echoed out from the training room behind Floid but Floid ignored it as he continued walking down the hallways leading towards his room. Floid knew that it was probably Pyra trying her best to kill Quinn with training. Floid was not always sure of what is going on in Pyras's mind, but Floid knows just how much she respects him and how eager she is to do whatever he wants. Since I told Pra to train Quinn on how to move, then I'm sure that Pyra will do it even if it kills Quinn.

Alucard was waking behind Floid and he suddenly received a message from one of his familiars through his communication circle. Alucard's brow furrowed in irritation before he spoke to Floid.

"My lord, it seems that there is a territorial struggle between the mermaids and the lizardmen that has escalated once again. The lizardmen have decided that they want to occupy the mermaid's territory and the mermaids have sought out the help of my son,"

Floid hummed as he heard this. Alucard was a little surprised that Floid wasn't showing any reaction, but he shouldn't have been surprised at all. Of course, Floid already knew about all that! Floid knew about the territorial struggle since it began!

When Floid received a message from the mermaids a long time ago about the small square that they were having with the lizardmen, Floid decided to ignore it because he wants his subjects to handle problems like these on their own. Floid wasn't going to hold their hand and guide them like they are children. If they want to kill each other for their territory then let them. This was how Floid thought about things and he just allowed the two races to do things their own way.

But as things started to escalate, Floid became more and more curious about what those races could possibly be planning. Were they really going to start a war over something that could be solved by just killing a few people? Floid didn't know what the lizardmen were thinking and he has no idea why Alaya was not retaliating against the lizardmen. Floid knew that if Alaya goes to find the leader of the lizardmen and speaks to him then all of this will be easily solved. But for some reason, Alaya was not interested in diplomacy and Floid didn't know why. Was Alaya neglecting her duties as the queen of the mermaids?

This reminded Floid about the underworld and that fool that was currently acting like the king of the underworld, Kronos. Floid has been getting the taxes that he placed on them constantly for the last few years and Floid knew that he couldn't trust Kronos not to do something stupid if he allowed him to go without paying those taxes. This is the same way that Kronos acted when the situation with Dulla happened! Kronos just acted like he didn't know anything about it and he expected everything to just sort itself out.

Floid spoke up as he turned to look out of the window. There was a small group of humans working on the farms and Floid could see that the crops were growing very fast. At this rate, they will definitely have more than enough to feed a very large group just from this farm alone.

"I already know about all of that, Alucard, but let them handle this on their own. I don't want anyone else interfering in the quarrel and if they seek help from Dracula then so be it. Ask your familiar to keep an eye on the meeting and tell me if there are any changes,"

Alucard nodded as he heard this and he told his familiar what the demon lord ordered. Once the familiar cut the call, Alucard asked Floid another question.

"And what if the lizardmen do not listen? Do you think this could lead to a war?"

Floid's eyes narrowed once he heard this. Floid knew that this was a real possibility and Floid was willing to accept this to a degree. I won't do anything so long as they don't involve any other race in their petty war. Floid didn't care if they fought things out among themselves, but once they begin to fight and the battle affect other races, Floid was going to erase them both from existence.

Floid does not need fools that are incapable of handling issues intelligently. Even the giants that were the stupidest out of all the demon races knew how to handle problems without using brute force. Floid would simply kill all of the mermaids and lizardmen he needed to. Floid doesn't give a fuck that his child would soon be one of them.

For someone to allow a simple territorial quarrel to escalate into a war, that person must be very stupid, and Floid would rather not allow a stupid person to give birth to his child.


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