How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 212: The Invasion I

Chapter 212: The Invasion I

Up in the sky, high above Uta, five ships were floating just over the main city. Floid was standing at the back of the smallest of the ships with Rosavellt, Alucard, and Dragonnel behind him. He was looking down at the large barrier covering the kingdom and he noticed how the barrier was constantly flickering! It looked like it was on its last leg and Floid could tell that the barrier was only a moment away from breaking!

Inside the kingdom, the mages and soldiers in the castle were running about as they tried their hardest to keep the barrier up for as long as possible. Priscilla was one of the first people to see the explosion from her office balcony and she immediately rushed out to go and meet with the priests in charge of keeping the barrier active!

Priscilla knew that this was an attack! That explosion happened right above the city and Priscilla needed to make sure the barrier would hold out a bit longer.

"What the hell is going on!?"

Priscilla shouted this once she got into the room where they store the mana stones and the priests all turned towards her in fear! Priscilla didn't care about any of them and she just turned to one of the priests that was leading the team. The priest came forward and told her that they were trying their best to keep the barrier active by sacrificing all The mana they could, but the barrier was too weak to stay active! They were supposed to bring the barrier down tonight and then reconstruct it tomorrow since it was this weak and they will not be able to stop the demon lord from breaking through the barrier at this rate!

The best they could do was to take down the barrier now and then reconstruct it immediately, but that would take one hour and they don't know how much damage would happen to the kingdom in that time!

Priscilla could feel a cold chill passing through her entire body as she heard the priest speak. What the hell was going on here? The demons knew about this. There is no other way to explain this sort of preemptive strike! The demons knew that the barrier would go down tonight and that is why they decided to attack us! We have a traitor in this city. But does it even matter if we have a traitor? The demon lord is already here. I have to think of a way to deal with this problem first! The army is not ready for a fight like this!

"-een!! My queen!!"

Priscilla suddenly heard the priest calling her and she turned towards him quickly! He asked her what her orders were and she ran a hand through her hair once and thought for a moment before she started to talk!

"Mobilize the soldiers and the mages! Tell them to get ready to fight. Try to keep the shield active for as long as possible so we can get ready! Once the shield fails, begin the ritual to reconstruct it immediately, do you understand!? We don't have any -"


Another explosion rocked the entire room and Priscilla stumbled and almost fell to the ground, but the priest reached out and held her to prevent her from falling! Once she got her feet under her again, Priscilla pushed him away and dusted herself off. She didn't even bother thanking him, she hated the fact that he even touched her!

People were screaming and running around the room and Priscilla just told the man to get to work and stop standing around! The priest was a little angry that he didn't even get a thank you, but this wasn't the time to get angry about stupid things like that! He just nodded and quickly left to do as he was told!


Up in the sky, Floid watched calmly as the city light below him showed thousands of people running in all directions. Floid knew that Uta had a very large population. Almost two million people were living here and from this high up in the sky, they looked like ants running from a human that bothered their nest.

There was a flicker of blue light in the space surrounding the top of the kingdom and Floid rose his hand and pointed down at the kingdom! Another wave of mana bombs was released from the airships and they exploded once they came in contact with the shield!


As the bombs impacted with the shield above Uta, they imploded and shook the entire city to the core as the people within the kingdom struggled to get away from the falling buildings. The people didn't want to be here when the shield finally comes down so they were trying their best to get as far away as possible!

These bombs were something that Floid designed himself after he experienced them first-hand during the fight he had with Elias. Mana bombs weren't a new invention in this world, almost everyone had them. but the way Elias made his bomb was very different. Usually, a mana bomb would have a detonator connected to the creator and that detonator would activate the bomb whenever the creator wanted, but Elias' bomb didn't have anything like that! It was just a large ball of mana stones filled to the brim with mana and no one could guess when it would go off. This gave a lot more space for mana and also allowed the bomb to be twice as strong as the normal ones since there was no need to waste space or mana on the detonator.

That was the reason why Floid was blindsided by the bomb when he was fighting against Elias. He just didn't expect a mana bomb of that size to be that strong. Immediately after he recovered from the fight, Floid drew up a plan for mass-producing the bomb.

A little bit of a mana stone was broken off and then it was filled to the brim with mana before enclosing it in a ball that was the size of a basketball. Since the mana stone is completely filled with mana and there is also no detonator, it is very unstable and any major impact would make it implode on itself. Something like dropping it from a plane was more than enough to detonate it on impact.

Rizi was shocked when the demon lord gave her the plans for the bomb a few days after coming back from the underwater kingdom. She didn't think that the demon lord would give her any more work since she was almost done with the ships, but she couldn't fail her master and she immediately got to work making the bombs! The mana bombs were small, but it was because of this that Rizi was able to make more than a thousand of them in such a short time!

They have only used three hundred bombs and Floid could tell that the barrier was almost gone. Just a bit more and it will finally fall. And even if they have more power to give the shield, Floid, and the demons still had something else up their sleeves that would finally make the shield fall.

Floid rose his hand again and another large amount of mana bombs was released and they slammed against the shield. Floid was doing this so that he could hurry the invasion along. Floid didn't have the time to waste waiting for the shield to die down on its own. Floid knew that it would take at least an hour for the shield to finally shut down with the way it was looking now.

But after those three large explosions, Floidcould see that the shield has lost almost all its durability and Floid finally told Rosavellt to instruct Rizi to release the orb. Rosavellt nodded and she opened a magic communication circle beside her ear and spoke to Rizi.

Rizi was on another ship at the side, instructing the dwarves on how to handle both the orb and the mana bombs. Both of those weapons were very dangerous and any small mistake could destroy the entire ship! Rizi didn't want her master to lose one of his ships because o the stupidity of a few people. Once she heard Rosavellt speak into her ear, she perked up. Rosavellt told her that the demon lord wanted her to release the orb and Rizi grinned and spoke up to the dwarves in the ships!

"It's time to release the payload! Everyone, to your stations! Move the orb to the edge of the ship! Lower the ship by fifth feet and aim directly for the top of the shield! Move!!"

The dwarves rushed to bring out the orb from where they kept it. The orb was encased in a large metal dome that prevented it from sucking up mana like it usually does. Rizi and Floid were still not able to figure out a way to stop the orb from sucking up mana non-stop, so the best they could do was build a housing around the orb that would block it from the outside world. The only way it would suck up mna is if the casing is removed.

But even with the casing, some of the dwarves still didn't feel safe around the orb, and they felt reluctant to even touch it! They have all seen what the orb could do and their animalistic instincts were telling them not to go near the orb.

The dwarves rolled the orb toward the edge of the shop and once Rizi gave the order, they clicked the dome open and kicked both the dome and the orb out of the shop. The dwarves didn't want to be anywhere near that thing once it is no longer in the dome and so they got rid of it as quickly as possible once they opened the dome.

Floid watched as the orb separated from the dome as it fell. The orb was pure white right now because there was no mana inside it, and once it hit the shield protecting Uta, it started to hungrily absorb the rest of the mana inside the shield!

The priests inside Uta have been trying their best to keep the shield active for as long as possible! A lot of them were bringing mana stones from other places and some of them were also using their mana to strengthen the shield, but all of a sudden everything changed at once!

The mana stones that they brought with them were no longer lasting for more than a second, once they connect the mana stone to the shield, it would turn white and crack down the middle to show that all the mana inside it has been sucked up! The priests that were trying to use their mana to strengthen the shield could feel their mana being drained at a crazy pace! They immediately tried to separate their mana from the shield, but it was already too late!

Once the orb starts absorbing your mana, it would be almost impossible for you to stop it! The orb was a hungry, greedy beast that would take everything from you without leaving a single drop!

The other priests that were not connected to the shield could do nothing but watch as their comrades were drained of every drop of mana! The skin of the connected priests turned black and it started to wrinkle and crack as they screamed in pain! One of the priests standing at the side immediately ran forward to try and save his friend, but he only ended up joining them as his mana was also drained by the orb!


Floid watched the orb sucking up the mana from the shield and it didn't take more than thirty seconds before the shield finally broke and allowed the orb to fall into the kingdom! Once the orb landed on the ground it went crazy as it started to suck the kana of everyone around it! A lot of soldiers were gathered under the ships and were waiting for the coming fight, but they were blindsided by the orb as it landed with a loud Boom! in their center and started to drain the mana of everyone around it.

"What the hell is that thing!"

"Run! Can't you see it's draining mana? It'll fucking kill you!"

"Wait, don't leave - Argh!!"

"Shit, he's dead! He's fucking dead, leave him and go!!"

The human soldiers shouted like this as they all broke formation and tried their best to run from the orb!



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