How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 193: How To Destroy The Demon Lord.

Chapter 193: How To Destroy The Demon Lord.

"Don't base your beliefs on scrolls whose authors you know nothing about,"

Elias sighed as Givalich said this and Givalich just frowned and folded her hands under her breasts. She couldn't believe that Elias was placing all his faith in a fictional god that he knows nothing about! Givalich didn't believe for a second that Asgorath was real and she didn't think that there was any sense in this plan. But she decided that she would give Elias the benefit of the doubt and find out if what he says makes any sense. So she listened to him as he explained exactly what his plan was.

It seems that Elias has been planning this out for far longer than Givalich thought. Elias was the son of the last dragon slayer king, but he wasn't able to become the king of dragon slayers before the demon lord killed all his people. Elias has been planning out his revenge for almost six hundred years. Givalich didn't really know what sort of person Elias was, but she couldn't help but respect his dedication! Most people would have already given up on revenge in those six hundred years, but Elias held steadfast to his anger without ever deviating from his goal. It was very impressive that he has been doing this for so long and he still hasn't given up!

Elias told Givalich that he found a method for summoning the great Dragon Asgorath when he read a scroll in a dragon archive. The method he found requires both a dragon and a dragon slayer for it to work and that was the reason why he has been searching for her.

Givalich rose a brow. So Elias was only looking for her to achieve his own goal? She scoffed and then leaned back on the bed. She really shouldn't be surprised by the greed of others anymore. Givalich was sure that she would have remained trapped in that volcano for far longer if Elias didn't think he needed her.

Givalich spoke up curiously.

"Are you talking about the Myrrh Scrolls that were stored within the secret libraries on Volcanica?"

Elias' eyes widened and he immediately turned towards Givalich! How the hell did she know about that scroll!?

The Myrrh Scrolls were stored in a secret library in Volcanica and only the king of dragon slayers had any right to even look at the books! She shouldn't even know they existed! Givalich shrugged nonchalantly when she saw Elias' disbelief. She knew that Elias wouldn't know how popular that scroll was, but it was one of the most popular scripts among the dragons. Even though she wasn't even born yet when the scroll was written, she still heard about it.

"That scroll was written a few hundred years before I was born and almost all dragons know about the scroll. No one knows what it contains exactly, but it was a popular rumor among us that someone finally found a way to summon the great dragon. I always wanted to know exactly what was in that stupid scroll Do you have it here?"

Givalich asked Elias this question calmly and Elias thought for a moment before nodding hesitantly. He didn't want to give the scroll to anyone, but he knew that he could trust Givalich with it. He brought it out from his jacket and handed it to her and Givalich unscrolled it and looked through the content.

She was reading for a long time and Elias started to wonder if there was something wrong. There was this strange expression of slight confusion on Givalich's face as she read! Was there a part of the scroll that he missed? Maybe there was something in the scroll that Elias didn't see the first time that he read it. But Elias immediately shook his head to get rid of such stupid thoughts. Do you know how many times I've read that scroll? Every word and sentence is engraved into my mind by now and if they ask me to write all of it blindfolded, I would be able to do it easily!

Elias just waited for Givalich to finish reading through the scroll and when she finally looked back at him again he rose a brow at the confused look in her eyes. Don't tell me she didn't understand it. I know she can read, and she doesn't seem like an idiot that can't understand basic logic. So what the hell is the problem? Elias spoke up while taking the scroll back from her.

"Is there a problem with the scroll?"

Givalich stayed silent and was just thinking for a moment. When she spoke, she sounded curious.

"The scroll looks legitimate, but I still have my doubts about the ritual that is written in there. One thing stood out to me more than the others, the scroll said that a dragon and their dragon slayer are needed, boy. so why did you say that you and I would do the ritual? Don't tell me you don't understand what it means for a dragon to have a dragon slayer. A dragon slayer is not just any random person that can come up and claim to have a relationship with a dragon. The dragon and dragon slayer need to have a bond. And right now, you don't have that bond that would allow you to perform the ritual with me."

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Elias furrowed his brow. This was the first he was hearing about this. Elias always thought that a dragon and a dragon slayer could easily bond so long as neither of them was already connected to another person. Even if Elias and Givalich don't have a bond yet, won't it be easy for them to just form a bond and then go ahead with the ritual?

Givalich shook her head once Elias told her this and she pushed off the bed with a sigh. It was a sigh that sounded like she was about to explain something complex to someone very stupid and Elias felt annoyance bubbling inside him at her condescending attitude. But he pushed it down and focused on what she was about to say. He could get angry after he hears her out.

"Dragons and dragon slayers cannot just bond like it is some sort of party trick. There needs to be a connection between the two of them. That demon lord that we just fought is probably the only person that could bond with any dragon he wanted. His magic core is just like ours and I think he would have been able to force me into a bond if he wanted to. But you and I do not have any form of similarities at all. Both our personalities and our magic types are vastly different. You are a wind mage and I am a dragon of fire. If there is anyone in this church that I could possibly bond with then it is that idiotic boy that I just saw being carried away by a nun,"

Elias felt his eye twitch and then he cursed silently! Why the hell does he have to rely on that fool again!? It was almost funny how much Elias has relied on Dray over the past few months. It was almost like Dray just didn't agree to walk out of Elias' life.

For all intents and purposes, that fool should already be dead! And yet he was still alive somehow and now I have to rely on him? Isn't there some other way?

Elias asked Givalich this question and Givalich shook her head in the negative. Givalich was a dragon and she was very sensitive to mana. Immediately Givalich saw Dray, Givalich knew that some of her mana was inside Dray. She was confused about it at first because she didn't know how the hell her mana ended up in that boy. Givalich knew how dangerous dragon Mana was to humans and she was a little impressed that Dray wasn't dead yet. This showed Givalich that he could handle a bond if they needed one.<novelnext> </novelnext>

It wasn't such a bad thing at the end of the day that Dray had her mana. They need a dragon slayer that can bond with her and the best choice right now is Dray.

"You're going to have to convince the boy somehow to bond with me if you want this plan to work at all. Either that or you go out and find another fire-based mage capable of holding dragon mana. If there is any chance of performing the ritual then you have to get a compatible dragon slayer. But that wasn't the only thing I wanted to ask you. What exactly do you plan on doing once you finally unseal Asgorath? Don't tell me that you haven't even thought about that yet."

Elias rolled up his scroll and put it back in his jacket. He had a look of annoyance on his face as he was thinking about Dray and how he would force that boy to go along with his plan. There were many ways to strong-arm Dray into doing what Elias wants, but that might be counterproductive to my goal. I'll try and strike a deal with him and see if that doesn't work. If he foolishly refuses the deal then I'll just break his legs and force him to bond with Givalich.

Elias sighed as he finally answered the question that Givalich asked.

"I've been looking for ways to get my revenge on the demon lord for a very long time. The only thing that stood out to me among all the different methods I thought of is that the demon lord is not a person that I can defeat on my own. In fact, I don't think any one entity can truly defeat the demon lord. Because no matter what you do, there will always be a demon lord on the throne of Rivalle. If a demon lord is not chosen from among the Demons of Aradite, then a worthy demon lord will be summoned from beyond this world. That means that no matter what I do, I would always be fighting an uphill battle against a demon lord. I'll kill one demon lord, only to end up with another one in a few hundred years. So I decided that it was time to change that once and for all.

The reason why I chose to summon Asgorath isn't that I need his strength, but it is because I need the magic resonance that he has."

"Reality Shift?"

Givalich suddenly spoke up in disbelief and she watched Elias nod in confirmation. This was madness. What Elia was doing has to be the highest level of blind faith that Givalich has ever seen from anyone.

There was another rumor amongst the dragons that used to live in Volcanica that the dragon, Asgorath, had a magic resonance that was capable of rewriting reality and changing anything that has been or will be to his will. It was unbelievable to even think about it because a magic resonance like that would be enough to make anyone into an impossible existence! What's stopping you from calling yourself a god?

But none of them could really prove if this was the true magic resonance of their god or if it was just a story that was fabricated by storytellers to make their folktales look more interesting!

So for Givalich to hear that Elias was basing this mission on that possible fabrication was insane! What would happen if it was fake!? What if the great Dragon didn't have that resonance at all? What would you do then? Hell, what if the great dragon doesn't even exist!?

"I know it seems insane, but I've done my research and I know it is true. There isn't any other way that I can deal with the demon lord once and for all. I aim to use Asgorath's resonance to rewrite reality and make it so that the crowning of new demon lords will never take place again. That way, I can prevent any new demon lord from being summoned from another world. My battle with this demon lord will still happen, but this time, when I kill him, there will not be another one waiting for me in a few hundred years,"

Givalich crossed her arms again and looked outside the window at the side to think. It seems that Elias really put a lot of thought into this mission of his. It would be wrong to simply disregard his plans because I believe that there is only a low possibility of it working. Givalich decided that she would go along with this insane plan for now and see how it goes, but there was still one thing that she needed to figure out from Elias.

"And how do the devils fit into this plan of yours?"

Elias stiffened for a split second once he heard the word 'devils' but he relaxed again so quickly that Givalich almost didn't even catch it! She gave Elias an amused look and shook her head.

"You're a few hundred years too young to try and fool me like this, boy. I've fought against devils before and I've lived with some as well. I know a devil's magic signature when I feel one and the two magic signatures that I can feel coming toward this church are definitely devils. What plans do you have with them?"

"That is none of your concern. I simply need you to keep helping me in my mission. Let me handle the devils."

Elias looked to the side as he said this and Givalich's mouth opened in a shocked 'o'. This was the first time that Elias seemed genuinely nervous about something. Was this situation so serious that he doesn't want me to find out about the devils? How cute.

"I don't know what plans you have with those creatures, boy, but let me give you this small piece of advice as a senior who has seen her fair share of evil in this world. Devils are not demons and they are nothing like the demons you know. Compared to a devil, a demon is like an innocent child swinging a stick around. A devil is the worst thing you can make a deal with and if you have a chance to get out of whatever deal you made with whatever devil that is, then I suggest you get out of it immediately. Don't say you weren't warned."

Givalich didn't say anything more and she just left the room.


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