How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 156: How To Defeat Your Opponent

Chapter 156: How To Defeat Your Opponent

The fight on the ground started and the people cheered as both fighters charged toward each other! Floid leaned forward excitedly and Alucard and Dragonnel were glad that their master was enjoying the fight. The fight lasted for less than ten minutes and in that time, Floid could already tell that the female would lose this fight.

The male fighter wasn't attacking directly, just like Floid predicted. Instead, the man was using wide-area magic to defend against the female's attacks and attack the female at the same time. The man was trying his best to keep the female at a distance while also dealing damage that could cause serious injuries! The female meanwhile was trying her best to rush in to attack! She had a sword and shield in her hand and she would use her shield to defend against the magic attacks before rushing forward to attack with her sword! But before she could get to the make there would be another attack and she would have to rush back or defend again because the man was constantly pushing her back with his magic!

The female didn't have as much Mana as the man so she had to start dodging after a while in order to preserve mana! But she knew that if she kept on doing this then she would lose! There is no way that her armor would be able to withstand all these attacks until the end! She either had to get closer and attack him directly or she will lose the match!

Floid finally watched as the woman used her first spell of the game! The man released a wide area fire-based skill called [Flame Thrower] to attack the woman and the woman was able to successfully stand her ground and defend herself against it.

Once the skill died down, the woman activated a skill that released a bright light. The name of the spell was [Flare] and the woman was trying o use it to blind her opponent. Once the woman used the skill, it appeared in Floid's tab and Floid learned that it was a simple B-class skill that was useful for blinding and stunning your opponent!

The skill seemed to have worked because the man released a small shout as the light hit his eyes and the woman finally started to run in for the final attack! The woman was right beside the man now and she was about to deliver the attack, but Floid could sense that things wouldn't go her way at all. Because even though the man was bent over and it seemed like he was blind, the man was also smiling!

After the woman cast the [Flare], she thought that the man lost his sight! She was going to use the opportunity to rush the attack and she didn't bother to use magic to strengthen her defenses since the man was already blind! But she had no idea that the man also recognized the Flare skill! The moment when she released the Flare, the man closed his eyes and pretended to be blinded while releasing a shout! This allowed her to think that he would be defenseless and the moment when she came closer, the man thrust his hand forward with a mad grin! The woman realized too late that she walked right into his magic spell and there was nothing she could do as he released a fireball right into her midsection!


The woman was thrown back and she rolled and slammed into the wall of the arena before sliding to the ground with a groan! The crowd went wild as the announcer made the announcement that the man won! But there was a sudden shift in the atmosphere of the colosseum as an oppressive feeling filled the arena! Everyone shut up immediately as they all looked towards the VIP balcony!

Raven was standing right beside Floid and Raven swallowed nervously as he saw the frown on Floid face. There was bloodlust from Floid's direction and it was obvious that Floid was not happy.

Floid was standing and looking down on the two fighters and Floid wondered what the fuck this was. Is this what humans regard as a death match!? In a death match, there is no fucking winner until the other person dies! What gives the fighters the right to spare their opponent!? Floid didn't even know that he was leaking bloodlust and directing it at every single idiot in this arena!

The silence in the stadium was intense and it was like they were all waiting for Floid to say something! Floid opened a magic circle to boost his voice and spoke to the man on the arena floor.

"Kill her,"

It was a simple and direct order! The man blinked in shock! What is this rich man talking about!? I should kill her? I never even thought of killing her! Killing was against the rules in the arena! The gladiators only fight until one of them is incapable of fighting anymore and then they declare the other person as the winner! Why would Floid want them to kill the loser!?


"Shut up rich snob! This isn't your fucking backyard!

"You just want to see blood!? Go back to your fucking house! This isn't a place for animals!"

Things like these were being shouted by everyone in the arena and the crowd in the stands immediately started to throw things in Floid's direction! All of them knew that killing the opponent was against the rules! Why would this rich bastard want them to kill each other in a game!? Just go fuck yourself!? You think you're better than us because you have a little money!?

Floid could feel a headache coming! He knew that this was a mistake and he shouldn't have expected anything from the humans! But just for once, Floid thought that he would've been impressed by a human sport! Floid thought that they would show him they were a completely hopeless race! It seems Floid was wrong! A death match where there is no death. Floid grit his teeth in annoyance before he turned around and he started to walk out of the VIP balcony while talking.

"Raven, Alucard, come with me. Dragonnel, kill every single person in this arena. I've grown tired of Trad."

Raven just blinked in shock as he heard what Floid said! Did he just tell his servant to kill everybody in the arena!? What sort of nonsense is that!? Is that even possible? Raven looked from Floid towards Dragonnel and Raven was even more surprised when he saw Dragonnel with a smile on his face. Dragonnel looked like Christmas came early! It was obvious that Dragonnel believed he could easily kill everyone in this arena.

How in the world is he going to do that!?

Wait, that isn't what I should be asking! The actual question is why should he even kill everyone!? Is it because the gladiators didn't kill each other!? But those are the rules! Raven rushed forward to talk to Floid.

"Master Floid! Do you really intend to kill them!? Don't you think that is a bit excess -!!"

A knife suddenly positioned itself at Raven's neck and Raven found Alucard staring down at him with a scowl. Raven's eyes widened because he didn't even see Alucard move! Alucard just appeared in front of him like a ghost! When Raven swallowed, his neck touched the knife and the knife cut a little bit of his skin to allow blood to flow. That knife was fucking sharp!

"I'll warn you only once. Watch your next words very carefully. Insubordination towards the demon lord isn't a crime that is forgiven twice. If the lord asks you to follow him, then you have no choice but to shut up and follow him."

Alucard said all of this calmly and Raven was left stunned as Alucard pulled back and waved his hand forward to tell Raven to start moving.

The only words that kept on repeating inside Raven's head were 'Demon Lord! Demon Lord! Demon Lord!' and Raven was trying to come to terms with what he just heard!

Floid was a demon? And not only was he a demon, but he was also the king of the demons. The demon lord himself!? What the fuck have I gotten myself into this time!? Raven put his hand on his face as he felt an intense migraine tearing his head apart! It was at this moment that Raven suddenly realized that he really shouldn't have gotten involved with Floid at all!

But even with all these things that were going through Raven's head, he was still worried about the order that Floid gave to Dragonnel to kill everyone in the stadium. That was still too excessive! No matter how you look at it, shouldn't he at least spare the women and children or something? Raven wanted to say this to Floid, but the stare from Alucard was making Raven scared and Raven didn't have the guts to speak up for a second time. Raven could only swallow his arguments and follow behind Alucard as Alucard left the VIP area.

Raven glanced back at the remaining people in the room. The ten strong men that Raven came with were being blocked by Dragonnel and the three women that were holding the tray of drinks looked terrified and they couldn't even understand what was going on. Raven just hoped that the ten strong men would be able to hold Dragonnel back for long enough so that some of the people in the stadium would escape! Raven turned back around with a sigh.

What the hell have I gotten myself into?


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