How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 142: Journey To Trad.

Chapter 142: Journey To Trad.

Floid released a sigh as he submerged himself in his bath. This was the first time that Floid was relaxing since this morning and he didn't want anyone to join him in the bath since he just wanted to rest!

Since two days ago, Floid has been trying to introduce more technology to the people of the demon world, but it was proving to be impossible! Floid recently discovered that mana stones were perfect conductors of heat and electricity and they can be used to improve the technology in the kingdom, but it was easier said than done!

The former demon lord was many things, but a man of science is not one of them! The former demon lord was probably born thousands of years ago so he has no idea about technology.

Floid has been trying to make technological improvements to the demon towns and he was finding it very hard to teach the demons anything about the technology. The demons living in this world weren't the smartest bunch, and it was almost impossible for Rizi to teach them what they needed to know about technology. The only races that could keep up with the advancements were the dwarves and imps! The succubi were too focused on sex for them to even think about other things and the goblins and giants were complete idiots so there was nothing to teach them at all.

With the way things were going, it was going to take a very long time before there is any kind of technological improvements in this world! I'll have to ask the dwarves to only improve their territory. If they advance their territory and the other races see the improvements then the other races might become eager to learn how to use the technology. I know that magic is the main source of power in this kingdom, but if I can find a way to combine magic and technology then I can make the demon world even better. It will be great for the future since I don't know what sort of people are on the other continents.

The other situation is food production. Right now our food products have improved so much that we have too much food circulating in the demon world. I need to find a way to get that food out of the kingdom or else we will start wasting the food pointlessly. Too much of everything is bad, and I will never allow demons to become like humans that waste everything they have because they have been given too much of it. I have to reduce the amount of food they have so they won't become entitled.


The sound of the door opening behind him echoed through the room and Floid didn't need to turn around to know that it was Alucard. Alucard bowed to Floid from the side and then he spoke in a regal tone.

"My lord, the preparations have been made. Your carriage and luggage have been packed and we are prepared to leave as soon as you give the order,"

Floid nodded as he sighed internally. He submerged himself deep inside the water till his head was under. Floid already made plans for the hero and the dragon Givalich, but his work was not yet finished! Floid planned to make his way to Trad tomorrow to meet with the leader of Trad. Although, the leader has no idea that I'm coming.

There were many plans that Floid made for this world and Floid realized that he needs the traders in Trad to remain alive if his plans would work properly! The kingdom of Trad was not a military kingdom and they only had a small adventurers guild that protected them from the stray demons around them! There was no need for an army for Floid to take over the kingdom and Floid also didn't want to kill the traders that know the trade routes and how to make more money for him.

That would be counterproductive. Floid would rather use them!

Floid needs Trad to continue working the way that they are currently working! The only thing that Floid needs to do to take over Trad is to control the head! trad works on a system of hierarchy just like every other kingdom. There is a head trader that every other trader has to report to and obey. Floid plans to take over the head and enslave the body without too much fuss.


Floid rose out of the water and released a deep breath as he ran his hand through his hair. He breathed heavily as he allowed the water to run down his body in waves.

After some time, he finally walked out from the water naked and Alucard provided a robe that Floid walked into and wrapped around himself. Floid walked out of the large bath and he entered his room while talking to Alucard.

"How are Andromeda and Pyra doing?"

Floid already knew that Andromeda and Pyra left the castle earlier, but Alucard was the one Floid told to keep watch over them and report back to him.

Alucard responded to Floid while walking towards the wardrobe beside the bed.

"Yes, my lord. They left the castle an hour ago and they are currently heading towards the town of Noir. They should be in Noir by tomorrow morning at their current pace. Silk, my lord?"

Alucard asked Floid what material he would like to put on as he brought out one of the silk sleepwear. Floid looked at the silk with bored eyes before shaking his head and Alucard nodded.

Alucard reached in again to pull out another attire. Alucard already noticed that the demon lord was bored and Alucard could understand why. The kingdom has been very peaceful since the undead invasion was stopped and Dulla was killed. The undead weren't rebelling and there hasn't been any word about the hero yet so the demon lord doesn't have anything to focus all his energy towards. The diplomatic issues of the people are easy for him to handle so he is trying to find something else to do.

Alucard knows from experience that it isn't easy for anyone to run a kingdom but Floid learned everything about running the kingdom very quickly and he was able to do it so easily that he is now bored.

The reason why Floid was able to run everything so easily is because of how he handled the demons. Floid doesn't hold their hand and guide them around! He makes sure that they have enough resources to provide for themselves and then he leaves them to take care of sharing it between themselves. Floid has received many reports of internal conflicts between demons and requests for aid from the losing side but Floid never interferes in those battles. Demons are aggressive creatures and they need a way to channel that aggression. Internal conflicts between demons will never end and Floid knew it would be stupid to involve himself in a conflict that is none of his business!

The strong trample over the weak. That is the only rule that exists in the demon world. If the losers of the internal conflicts cannot fight for themselves then they don't deserve to win. Whatever happens to them is because of their weakness and it is none of Floid's business.

Floid kept on asking his questions.

"And Travy. What news does he have from the mission I sent him on?"

Alucard brought out another sleepwear and this time it was made from a hundred percent cotton. Floid finally nodded and Alucard spoke up while walking toward his master.

"Travy confirmed that the mission was a success. Ophis has accumulated a large male fanbase in Uta and it is unlikely that they will suspect her of being a demon anytime soon. She is on standby for your orders at any time. Travy also pointed out that Ophis was not happy about the mission for some reason,"

Floid already knew that Ophis didn't like the fact that he sent her on this mission but he didn't care! She didn't dare to say anything in front of him when he gave her the mission and that was all that mattered to him. She was a slave and there was no use for a slave that cannot serve properly! And besides, Floid knows that Ophis hates the humans more than she hates him and she would do anything to kill or enslave all the humans! Since she is so eager to get rid of the humans then is it not right that she plays her part?

Floid finally nodded to Alucard and he told him to leave so that Floid could rest.

The next morning, Floid made his way out of the castle and towards a horse-drawn carriage in form of the castle. Alucard and Dragonnel were standing at both sides of the carriage and Rosavellt was standing away from them. Roosevelt wouldn't be going with them because Floid ordered her to stay back and take care of the castle while he was gone. Floid would have taken her with him as well, bet he already sent Andromeda and Pyra away to deal with the hero and he needed someone that he could trust to be in charge of the castle while he was gone!

current novels .

Floid would have left Rizi in charge since he wanted to have Rosavellt with him, but Rizi wasn't the sort of person that Floid could leave in charge of his empire! Rizi would drown his empire in metal before he comes back!

Floid knew that Rizi was much more comfortable in the workshop instead of the office and she would just end up neglecting a lot of the work to focus on only the development parts. Floid needs someone that can oversee everything properly so Floid just told Rizi to keep taking care of the inventions while Rosavellt takes care of the general affairs.

The servants and maids of the castle all watched silently as the Lord left the castle and they wondered where he was going!? The servants didn't have any right to ask where the demon lord goes so they could only wonder silently. But the one thing that every servant had in common right now was that they didn't want the demon lord to leave Rosavellt in charge! The servants all saw Rosavellt as a strict slave driver that was far worse than Andromeda! Roosevelt was the sort of person that would never accept anything but perfection from them and she was cruel enough to make sure that everyone did everything perfectly! Even a speck of dust would earn her anger!

Why didn't the demon lord leave Andromeda here instead!? Even though Andromeda was also cruel, she wasn't as bad as Rosavellt! Andromeda didn't demand perfection! She only demanded that you do your job and you don't slack off!


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