How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 137: Are You Scared Of Me?

Chapter 137: Are You Scared Of Me?

The woman was named Ria and she was one of the Rooks in the church. She was a beautiful woman with brown hair and large eyes framed with thick lashes. But her eyes saw nothing. And her ears heard nothing.

She was blind and deaf.

When Elias'sure twitched, Ria should a little.

"So you still can't look me in the eye without that reaction. This is why I can't ever come to see you in the training room. I don't think I can bare it if you react like that in front of others. My heart wouldn't be able to take it,"

Elias clicked his tongue once she said this. Elias was always telling Ria to come and see him by herself if she wants to tell him something, but she never comes. She would always send her subordinates to tell him anything she wanted and Elias hated when she did that. Ria and Elias had history from long before Elias was the king of Dragon slayers and even though they knew each other, they weren't on his terms. Elias knows that Ria would never come to see him by herself so he had to come here.

Elias put his hands on his waist as he spoke to her. Even though she was deaf, Elias knew that she had no trouble seeing him or hearing him. Ria had a special type of magic resonance that she used at all times. The name of the magic Resonance was [Hear no Evil. See no Evil].

The resonance acted as a radar and it gave Ria full awareness of everything happening in a wide radius around her. Even if she couldn't see or hear, Ria knew exactly what was happening around her. In a way, she can see better than those with eyes!

"I need an audience with the king,"

Ria rose a brow in shock. Out of all the things she expected him to say, that was the most surprising. Why would he need an audience with the king? That wasn't something that you can just ask for and receive easily! Ria asked him what he needed to see the king for and Elias told her that it was none of her business.

Ria hummed and walked to the side to pick up a candle that was lit. Elias is really cold today. This must be an important request. Ria started using it to light other candles as she walked around.

novel chapters are published .

"Why did you even come to me at all? A king does not need permission to see another king. If you wanted, you could just force your way into his room. Unless... You want something from him, don't you? You don't want to anger him because you want to ask for a favor,"

Elias kept silent and Ria just smiled because she knows that she guessed perfectly. It has always been easy for her to read Elias like a book. Most of the time Elias would let his guard down around her without even knowing it. Elias trusted her more than other people and he didn't even know it. Ria turned around after lighting the last candle.

"What do you really want to see the king for, Elias? I cannot give you an audience without a reason,"

"Tell them that it is about Givalich. Is that a good enough reason?"

Ria frowned slightly. Was it already that time?

"You are leaving already?"

Elias narrowed his eyes. He could notice the disappointment in her tone and he decided to ignore it.

"This is the reason I came here. I was only going to stay for a short time before leaving. You knew this,"

Ria took a step closer to him until they were basically standing chest to chest and she looked up at him. Elias narrowed his eyes down at her but he didn't move away. If anyone else had come close to Elias like this, then Elias would have killed them without a second thought. But he wouldn't kill Ria. Not because he couldn't, but he just didn't want to.

Ria rose a hand and traced it along his face. She used to do this back when she didn't have her magic resonance and she tries to memorize how he looked and felt, but now she didn't need to touch him anymore because she remembers everything about his face.

"I don't want you to go. Why are you so focused on this? Is it really worth it? The dragons are dead, Eli. They're gone and there's nothing we can do to bring them back. Can't you just stay here... With me?"

Ria expected Elias to push her away, but when Elias didn't resist her advance, Ria leaned up and pressed her lips to his own. She stayed there for a while, but there was no reaction from Elias. Ria finally came back down and Elias looked down at her with bored eyes.

"Tell the king I will be there tomorrow."

That was the only thing he said before he turned and started to walk out of the room. Ria wasn't even shocked by his dismissal. He ignored her words completely and he is doing only what he wanted. This is how Elias has always been and there is nothing she can do to change that. And besides, she has no right to tell him to stay with her now.

She was the first one to leave him after all.


Floid was in his room sitting down on the edge of his bed and looking through some files when there was a knock on his door. The files that Floid was looking through were for some projects that Rizi has been doing in Hampshire. Rizi has been making improvements to the capital city and she requested some more resources since she was already running out of Mana stones and metal ores. Floid would look through them later so that he could give her to permit she needs. Floid told the person at the door to come in and it opened to reveal Andromeda. Andromeda was looking at Floid shyly as she slithered into the room and closed the door behind her.

"My lord, I-I have come to serve you,"

Floid hummed as he looked at her. He noticed how Andromeda was no longer shaking like the first time she came here, but it was obvious that she was still nervous around him. He dropped the file in his hands to the side and pointed to the table by the wall and told Andromeda to grab him another file from there.

Andromeda was a little surprised by the sudden request. She didn't expect that the demon lord would ask her to do something else all of a sudden. Andromeda has already gotten herself ready for the demon lord and she was eager to spend time with him, but she was just so nervous when she was around him. Andromeda was sure that the demon lord would notice her nervousness. It is not good for a member of the demon lord's house to be nervous around him. It was bad for the demon lord's image.

Andromeda took a silent breath in and calmed down before she slithered towards the drawer at the side of the room. There were hundreds of files in the drawer and Andromeda started to look for the one that Floid asked for. Andromeda was always very impressed whenever she sees the many files that the demon lord works with. The demon lord always works himself to the bone to provide for all the demons and all the files here were about different projects that the demon lord was in charge of overseeing. How is he able to do all of these things at the same time? He must be so stressed out! I can't even find a single file in this pile because they are so many!

A hand suddenly touched Andromeda's hand and she jolted in shock! But she quickly got herself under control again once she heard a voice right beside her ear.

"Relax, Andromeda. You almost jumped out of your skin. Are you afraid of me?"

Floid's voice was husky and deep and it made Andromeda shiver from her head to the tip of her tail! She held tightly to the table as she felt the demon lord run his hands down her sides. She was shaking a little and she could feel her heart rate increasing because of their proximity. When she spoke, her voice was low and shaky.

"N-No, my lord. I'm not... Afraid of you,"

Floid cupped Andromeda's right breast and Andromeda swallowed thickly as her tail started to slither around on its own. She was getting horny. Lamia's are always very stimulated when they are in the presence of their sexual partners, and since Andromeda already had sex with Floid, he was now her only sexual partner. She could feel her tail wrapping around his leg and she couldn't control it at all. Her body wanted him.

Floid suddenly turned her around and she was now facing him. Andromeda's face was flushed with a huge red blush and there was sweat rolling down the side of her face. She was basically panting for air and Floid was loving every moment of this. He grabbed her face and drew her closer to him so their lips were touching. Floid spoke with a small smile.

"Then you are simp!y nervous? You're acting like you aren't a demon. I can feel just how horny you are, so there is no need to pretend,"

Floid was feeling his sadistic side taking over again. Watching Andromeda made Floid feel like he was like watching his prey about to be devoured. That predatory side of Floid was awake now and it wanted to play with Andromeda and trap her in its web before slowly leading her to her inevitable death. Floid's grin started to widen and Andromeda started feeling more nervous once she saw the grin! It was a very sinister grin and it made Floid look like a beast!

"M-My lord... Mmph!"

Before Andromeda could finish her sentence, Floid lips crashed down on her own and her mind went blank! She moaned deeply and wrapped her hands around his neck before she pulled herself closer to him as she tried her best to have as much of him as possible! Andromeda was feeling very horny and she didn't resist at all as Floid carried her and took her straight to the bed!


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