How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 128: If A Child Does Not Wish To Learn How To Survive. Kill It.

Chapter 128: If A Child Does Not Wish To Learn How To Survive. Kill It.

After realizing that he had no choice, Kronos had to swallow his pride and step out of the way. The other members of the council were shocked when they saw him shift. They thought that he would fight to protect the army! Why will he give up his advantage? They have an entire army behind them and their army is larger than Rosavellt's army! They can win!

Kronos just shook his head and he commanded them to step back as well. They don't know Alucard like Kronos so they don't know who they are about to fight. The amount of damage that will be caused if they fight here will be worse than if they didn't fight. Kronos would rather lose the five hundred soldiers than lose the members of his council. Kronos knew it would be hard to replace the soldiers, but that doesn't mean it is impossible. It will be much harder to find new council members that he can trust. If Kronos starts a fight here, his council members would be the first to die.

Once Kronos stepped back, the army men behind him were all shocked. They started to murmur and wonder if Kronos had another plan that he wanted to execute. Why is he stepping away? Is he abandoning them!? The army was wondering things like this as they all watched Rosavellt with fear in their eyes. It was only when Rosavellt rose her hand up and the giant woman rose her scythe that the army finally knew that they were fucked! Kronos had abandoned them to death!


One of the soldiers in front shouted this in fear as he dropped his weapon and started to run! He didn't even think about fighting anymore! He was only an A-class and Rosavellt was an SSS-class! There is no way that he will survive against her! The entire army took his words to heart and they all started to drop their weapons and run as well. Dragonnel could only chuckle as he saw Rosavellt moving after them. She wasn't even running but Dragonnel knew that her resonance would easily reach them no matter where they run to.

Rosavellt slashed her sword to the side and the Queen of the Damned drew back her scythe and released a vicious slash!!


The entire valley trembled as the scythe cut through everything in its path! All the men that were running were cut in half so quickly that their legs were still running even after their bodies had already fallen to the ground!

The slash cut a hundred-meter wide tench into the ground and it traveled on till it destroyed the mountains in the distance!! Rosavellt showed no mercy at all! She would no longer hesitate to bring proper justice to anyone that goes against her lord! Not even her own people! Anyone that goes first against her Lord will have to answer to her!

Kronos' eyes widened in shock at the display of power! He could tell that this was not Rosavellt's full power. This was just a regular slash from her sword and it managed to destroy that many people at once! Kronos held onto the hope that Rosavellt would still have some sort of soft spot for the undead and she would spare some of them, but it appears he was wrong. He didn't think she would just kill all of them like that! Has that little girl really given up on us?

This could be problematic. Kronos knew that this could affect his plans for taking the throne of the underworld. Kronos always made his plans while assuming that Rosavellt would be easy to control and he can play on her weakness to make sure she doesn't want the throne. But won't she be much harder to control now? Rosavellt is the legitimate next in line for the throne of the underworld. Will she plan on taking the throne by force now? Dammit... I need to adjust my plans.

Once Rosavellt was done with the enemies, she turned and asked Alucard if the capital of Hampshire was still standing. Dulla was marching on Hampshire and she might have already subjugated the town at this rate. Alucard just opened a portal and told her to come with them.


When Dulla and her right-hand man came up with the plan to draw Roosevelt away from Hampshire so that she would not be able to stop them from taking the capital, Dulla was against it. She didn't think of sparing Rosavellt at all and she wanted to kill Rosavellt along with the demon lord, but her right hand tried his best to convince Dulla that this was the best method. If they draw Rosavellt away from Hampshire, things will be easier for them. They all knew that Rosavellt had a soft spot for the Undead and they can use that to their advantage to draw her back to the underworld. Once Rosavellt is in the underworld, they can do whatever they want with her. That was the plan that Dulla finally agreed on. She doesn't mind pretending for a while to draw Rosavellt away from the capital.

Dulla sent five hundred men to confront Rosavellt with her right hand and she took the rest of her army and started to march on Hampshire. The capital was the largest and most heavily defended town in the demon world and Dulla knew it would take a lot of men to subjugate it. The army of over two thousand began their march on Hampshire. They saw the cluster of buildings in the distance and Dulla led them forward till they entered the town. As they entered, Dulla looked around with a frown on her face. This was definitely Hampshire, but there weren't any demons around. Did the demons get a warning and escape before we could arrive? No one knew of our plans, so how would they warn them? It isn't possible. I'm sure they are just hiding like animals.

Dulla looked around and her eyes narrowed as she saw a part of the town flicker. She got down from her horse and went to touch a building on the right and her eyes widened when her hands went through the building! An illusion!

"Get into formation!!!!"

Dulla shouted this to her army and everyone scrambled to get into their formation! They formed platoons of ten soldiers each and held their shields in a protective circle around them while pointing their spears through the small holes in between the shields. Dulla drew her sword and slowed her breathing down. The entire town was silent for a while before it all started to flicker and disappear. The town vanished right in front of them and they saw that they were standing on an empty grassland. There was nothing to be seen for miles on each side and Dulla wondered who was capable of performing such a strong illusion. The illusion was able to deceive me into thinking I was going in the right direction and I wouldn't have noticed anything if I didn't touch the wall.

But the scouts said that this is definitely the direction towards Hampshire. Where is the actual town? Did they use another illusion to cover the town and prevent us from seeing it? It would take an impossible amount of Mana to do that! Dulla was thinking of all the possibilities, but her thought halted when she saw someone sitting on a hill in front of the army. It was only one man and he was leaning his back on a long red sword stabbed into the ground behind him. Once Dullla saw his white hair, she immediately knew it was Floid!

"So you didn't run after all, you fucking coward!? I thought you would hide in your castle forever! What sort of game do you think you're playing here!? Do you think hiding your capital will save you? You'll still die at my hands so just come down here at once!!"

Floid completely ignored Dulla because he was waiting. For now, Floid still didn't know what happened with Rosavellt. Floid knew that she went to meet someone because Rosavellt received a letter in her room. There isn't anything that goes on in the castle that Floid doesn't know about and he was the one that orchestrated all of this. The letter that Rosavellt received first came to him. Floid read the letter and he knew that this would be the deciding factor in his quest.

He told Pyra to drop the letter in Rosavellt's room and he just stood by and watched as things played out. He was now waiting to see what decision Rosavellt made. Did she betray him, or did she finally give up on her people?

A notification suddenly popped up in front of Floid.

[The Host has completed the Bonus Quest: Gain The Loyalty Of The Undead Queen.]

[The reward has been distributed]

[Due to the speed of completing the Bonus Quest, the host has unlocked the Hidden Quest]

[Hidden Quest: Bloody Massacre - Complete The Initial Quest [Stop The Undead Invasion] without help from any of your soldiers or servants and kill all the undead]

[Quest Reward: SSS-class skill [Passive Parasite - Deal 0.5% Passive damage every second to all opponents]]

Once Floid saw the notifications, he smiled. Floid couldn't believe how relieved he was. Floid knew there was a real chance that Rosavellt wouldn't come to him, but he was happy that she didn't betray him. It is very rare for Floid to trust anyone and Rosavellt was one of the people he allowed himself to trust. He didn't want to lose her for the sake of these idiots that didn't even know her worth. They don't even deserve her loyalty. She is mine and mine alone.

Down on the ground, Dulla was waiting to see if Flonid would move. She has been standing here for more than five minutes and Floid has only been sitting and watching them with cold eyes. Is he scared? Or is he waiting for reinforcement? He may be waiting for the reinforcements to come and help him. We should attack him now that he is alone. Dulla was about to tell her army to attack, but she saw Floid standing up.

Novel will be updated first .

Floid was dressed in all black. He wore a sleeveless leather shirt and his trousers were also made of light leather. But his boots were made of thicker leather.

"You were given a chance to leave. You were disowned, like wayward children, and sent away. But even after all of that, you still came back."

Floid still didn't understand why the former demon lord spared the undead after they betrayed him. He didn't understand, but he respected his predecessor's decision. He understood that there was a good reason for sparing them and that his predecessor wouldn't spare them without a good enough reason.

But what do you do with people that refuse to learn? You kill them. In nature, animals abandon their own children that are incapable of learning, and the children either die from their stupidity or learn from the punishment. The undead were abandoned, and yet they learned nothing, so there is only one thing left to do. Demons are not like humans that would try to prolong the life of even the weakest child and subject that child to a life of pain and suffering. Demons only prioritize the life of the strong and sensible. If someone does not have the capacity for survival, then you put them out of their misery. If someone does not have the sense to learn, then you can only dispose of them. That is how things are in the demon world. That is how things are meant to be.

Floid didn't say anything more as he took his sword out from the ground and he stood calmly in front of the army. Dulla's eyes narrowed in shock! There is no way that he is going to do what I think he is about to do. Is he actually thinking of fighting alone!? What sort of hubris does he have!? There are more than two thousand soldiers here and he wants to fight all of us on his own!?

Well, if he wants to die, then who am I to stop him!?

"Prepare for combat!!"

The army behind Dulla roared!!


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