How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 125: The Demon Lord Does Not Trust Blindly.

Chapter 125: The Demon Lord Does Not Trust Blindly.

Lilith watched Rosavellt flick her sword to get the blood out and she could see the pained expression there. Is Rosavellt feeling bad about this? Why? Lilith couldn't imagine any of the demon lord's household feeling bad about killing the demon lord's enemies. It should be normal.

But no matter what, Lilith can only wonder about it since she is just a slave. Andromeda sent me here to help heal the injured and that's what I'll do. If I try to question Rosavellt, I know I'll be killed without remorse. Lilith looked towards Rosavellt again and she saw that Rosavellt was now looking in the direction that the undead was running. Rosavellt's hand was tightened around her sword and there was great tension in her body. She looked like she wanted to run after the undead. But after some time, she turned around and started to make her way out of the battlefield. Lilith wondered what was on Rosavellt's mind at that moment. Lilith knew that she wouldn't be happy if she was the one cutting down other succubi, but then again, she wouldn't allow any of her people to do something so stupid. If any succubus tried to go against the demon lord, Lilith knew she would kill them before things could get out of hand.

Rosavellt moved through a portal and she arrived back at the demon lord's castle. She took a deep breath as she walked into the main hall. She could already feel Floid's eyes on her and she knew that he knew she was here. She came back to report on how the battle was proceeding but she felt very nervous for some reason. Rosavellt knew she hasn't done anything wrong, she followed the demon lord's orders perfectly, but Rosavellt still couldn't help the nervous feeling she felt.

She was walking towards her room to get herself freshened up before she would see the demon lord since she cannot go to see the demon lord with blood on her body. But before she could reach her room, she ran into Alucard in the hallway. He was walking hurriedly towards the opposite wing of the castle and Rosavellt asked him what was wrong.

For a moment, Rosavellt thought that he wouldn't tell her. Alucard looked at her with narrowed eyes and he waited for a few seconds before talking.

"There was a pulse of Mana that surged across Aradite recently, I am sure you felt it too. There have been other pulses, but this was the largest one in the last month. The demon lord suspects that a new hero had been summoned. The demon lord ordered us to find out the identity of the hero. He made this the number one priority for all members of the household,"

Rosavellt narrowed her eyes immediately. If this was the number one priority, then does that mean she has new orders?

"I'll start to search as well?"

Rosavellt said this and she turned around to walk back to her room quickly. She knew that this was important. If there was a new hero on Aradite, it was obvious that they were here for the demon lord. She can leave the battlefield for now. This has to be the number one priority.

Alucard spoke up before she could leave.

"No... None of that. The demon lord has ordered you to continue following his former orders. You are to remain on the battlefield and finish this fight against the undead,"

Rosavellt turned around in shock! What? Why!? This was far more important than dealing with insurgents! The demon lord is at risk and you want me to keep fighting this pointless battle!? Rosavellt squeezed her armored hands into fists! Alucard noticed the anger that Rosavellt was feeling but he felt no remorse. This was a lesson for Rosavellt and she has to realize that the demon lord cannot trust someone whose loyalty is split down the middle. The demon lord doesn't want to keep Rosavellt out of this, but he was forced to do it because of Rosavellt's character. Alucard gave her a few words of warning before he left.

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"I understand your frustration but do not involve yourself in this matter, Rosavellt. The demon lord will not be happy if he finds out that you disobeyed his direct orders. I pray you stain your blade with the blood of thousands on the battlefield,"

<o>,m Rosavellt looked up in shock once Alucard said this and she watched him walk down the hall again. What Alucard said made her think that he was trying to tell her something else. Was he warning her?</o>

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes to calm herself. She cannot get angry here. The demon lord already gave her orders and she has to follow them down to the letter. I'll meet the demon lord and give my report and then I'll return to the battlefield. Those are my orders and I'll follow them no matter what.

Floid was sitting inside his office handling some papers on his desk when Rosavellt arrived. She knocked on the door and the demon lord told her to come in. Floid was looking to the side and conversing with Pyra with a small grin on his face. Rosavellt felt a small pang of jealousy rise inside her once she saw the smile on Floid's face and the blush on Pyra's face. The demon lord hasn't smiled at me like this in months. Ever since the undead came here, the demon lord hasn't been happy with me at all.

"... So it is some sort of community where humans expose themselves doing stupid things for the sake of popularity. It was called TikTok, apparently. It was a good investment for me since their stocks rose exponentially in the few years when they were active, but I couldn't bare to use it. You wouldn't believe the lengths humans would go to for the sake of popularity. Someone once broke his back on that site while trying to gain followers. Fools, all of them,"

Floid said this to Pyra as Rosavellt entered and Rosavellt bowed in front of him and stood patiently while waiting for him to acknowledge her presence. Pyra laughed a little and Rosavellt wanted to smile. When was the last time she heard Pyra laugh? Pyra was always so stoic and she doesn't even smile when she is with the other maids. But when she is with the demon lord, she could smile and even laugh! No wonder the other maids were jealous of Pyra, she is really close to the demon lord. She is the only one that he allows to talk to him like this.

Floid grinned a bit wider at Pyra before he finally turned to Rosavellt. Rosavellt felt her heart die a little when she saw the smile leave his face as he saw her. She wanted him to smile at her since he was the most important person in her life, but she was determined to remain professional and she bowed again. Floid some calmly.

"How are things going with the army?"

Rosavellt started to relay all the information about the battle to the demon lord. She told him about the small fights that they have had in the past month and she also told him how the army was faring. The demon army hasn't had many losses in the battle since the main objective of the fight has always been containment instead of eradication. But this also meant that the undead army haven't had many losses either. They have managed to save ninety percent or more of the civilian demons in all the towns that were attacked and the undead were all driven back by the demon army.

Floid nodded to Rosavellt and he then asked her what her opinion was about the battle. Rosavellt was a little surprised by the strange question, but she finally understood what the demon lord meant. He was asking her what she thought her people would do next. There are a lot of things that ran through her mind at that moment. Rosavellt wanted to hold onto the hope that her people would not continue to fight. She wanted to tell the demon lord that they would leave and go back to the underworld. But she couldn't! Rosavellt was not a fool and she knew how to read people! She knows that Dulla was never going to give up!

"The undead army are likely to continue their attacks for a long time. Our current tactics are allowing them to preserve their army and they won't bother to leave since they have not suffered any major losses. Dulla is not a reasonable person and under conditions like these, she won't retreat no matter what,"

Floid thought that Rosavellt would still be protecting her people but at least she was smarter than that. Rosavellt loved her people, but she wasn't stupid. She knows that things won't change because the undead refused to change.

Floid saw that she wanted to say something. He could see the tension in her body and he knew that she wanted to ask him for permission so that she can go and help with the search for the hero. It was important for her to find who the hero was because she knew that the hero was a direct threat to the Floid. But Floid won't make any changes to his plans. He already sent Dragonnel and Alucard to handle the hero so Rosavellt doesn't have to worry about it.

"And what about the demon army? I know this tactic must be straining them. Do you think they will rebel soon?"

Rosavellt nodded. She could easily see the stress that the demon army was going through. The army wanted to chase down and kill all the undead whenever they start running, but Rosavellt was ordered not to chase them down. This was making the army very agitated and most of them were no longer fighting at their best anymore.

Rosavellt knew that there was a small part of her that was grateful to the demon lord for his orders. A lot of her people were still alive because the demon lord didn't make her kill all of them.

But this tactic will definitely let to a rebellion against her.

Rosavellt still had that stoic look on her face but Floid knew that there was a great turmoil in her mind. She was very confused about where she should be standing right now. Should she stand by the demon lord who she swore to serve to save her people or should she stand by her people who she swore to protect? It was up to her.

Floid dismissed her. He knew that it was only a matter of time before Rosavellt makes her decision.

"Good work, Rosavellt. Continue the attacks as I ordered and make sure that the undead doesn't pass through the capital. Rizi is working there and she doesn't need any distractions,"

Rosavellt wanted to say something to Floid about the conversation she just had with Alucard. She also wanted to help out in discovering who the hero is. But she knew that Floid wouldn't listen to her. His dismissal was final and she had no choice but to obey. She just turned and left. Rosavellt was worried. She knew that the demon lord was locking her out from the search. She was one of the best when it came to reconnaissance and she would make things much easier. Rosavellt could easily sneak into Uta and find out who the hero was without any trouble! The only person that can do better reconnaissance than her was Andromeda. But even with all her skill, the demon lord was making Rosavellt handle the army instead of the hero. Rosavellt finally realised the problem.

The demon lord does not trust me.


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