How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 112: How To Summon A Hero

Chapter 112: How To Summon A Hero

The kingdom of Uta was currently in a state of lockdown as they all anticipated the demon lord's next move. Every street and shop in the kingdom was ordered to shut down and there was hardly anyone on the streets. The people were not allowed to go out past a certain time because of a kingdom-wide curfew and there would be no goods coming in or going out of the kingdom for now! The kingdom made sure that there was no chance of someone sneaking into the kingdom no matter what. They didn't want to be caught unaware by the demon lord.

The person that put this law into place was Priscilla! After she called in all of the Grand Commanders around the kingdom, she put them in charge of handling the curfew while she secluded herself in the castle! Priscilla didn't do this because she was trying to protect the people, but instead, she wanted to make sure that if there was any trouble in the kingdom, the Grand Commanders would be able to stop it for her.

Priscilla knew that she would be out of commission for a few months while she works towards summoning the hero. Ever since she saw the book that her father left for her that gave her instructions on how to summon a hero, she has been preparing everything so that it would go perfectly. She got a room that was right at the center of the castle. It was large and it would be able to contain a lot of Mana crystals for her to use in the summoning ritual. Priscilla took her father's words to heart. Her father wrote that she has to carry out the summoning in a secluded place. She couldn't allow anyone to see her summon a hero in case the hero ends up dying because they couldn't handle Givalich's power. If the hero dies in this secluded place, then she would be able to get rid of the body and just summon another hero as if nothing happened. She can keep doing this until she finally gets a hero that won't die from the strain.

Right now, Priscilla was in the summoning room with only her most trusted guards and her attendant, Al. Al was standing to the side with a nervous look as he watched Priscilla put the finishing touches on the summoning circle. The circle was large and it almost took up the entire floor of the room. The summoning circle was made up of three high-level magic circles interlaced with each other and it had to be drawn perfectly else the summons wouldn't work! But that was something small for Priscilla to do! When it came down to magic and potions, no one in the kingdom was as good as the queen! Priscilla was one of the heroes that helped to subjugate the demon king and she was also an S-class! She could draw any magic circle that she has only seen once perfectly! It was easy for her to follow the instructions that her father wrote and she quickly reproduced the magic circle for the summoning ritual.

Priscilla stood up after a few moments and she wiped her brow of sweat as she inspected her work. Once she was satisfied that it was perfect, she immediately opened her father's book and read through the final lines.

[... Once the magic circle is finished and you are sure you have a large reserve of mna crystals around you, start the summons with the words written below. If you say it properly, you will feel a connection between you and a being from another world and they will be pulled into this world by your magic. Good luck, my child]

Priscilla smiled at the words of her father. What a loving father she had. If only he died sooner on his own, she wouldn't have had to kill him. Priscilla shook her head as she got rid of those useless thoughts and she immediately put her hand out over the circle and started to chant.


Once she began her chant, Al and everyone else in the room had to take a step back as they saw the immense amount of Mana swirling around her. It was so intense that they couldn't even see her because the mana was forming a wall of wind around her.

"From ashes to ashes, from blood to blood. Your soul and your essence, through fire or despair, I command them to appear. Resonate with this world, forsake all, connect with none. As your master, answer my call, o hero!"

Priscilla was cringing on the inside as she said these words but she had to do this. Once she finished the chant, she felt as if the mana inside of her body was sucked out till she was almost dry, but before she ran out of mana, she absorbed more from the surroundings and replenished herself! She knew that if not for the mana stones around her she would be dead already due to mana exhaustion! It was like she was a tap releasing Mana constantly! The winds around her started to increase even more and Priscilla could feel her vision going dark at the edges! Am I losing consciousness!? Just how much Mana are they taking from me!?

No, this isn't Mana! This is blood! The circle is drawing my blood!? What the hell!?

Priscilla could feel that the magic circle took at least half a liter of blood from her. She had to force herself to keep standing and she was glad when the magic circle finally stopped taking her mana and blood and it started to shine with a brilliant blue light. The light increased till no one could look directly at it because it would burn their eyes! But then it calmed down and it started to take the shape of a human standing in the center of the circle.

Priscilla's eyes lit up and she smiled wide as the light died down and she saw a boy standing there. He looked young, probably as young as Floid was when he first came here. So he was probably twenty years old or less. His hair was blond and he had green eyes that looked around in shock.

The boy at the center of the magic circle was looking around the room like a lost child. His hand was still outstretched with two fingers pointing out because he had been trying to touch his girlfriend under her skirt before he came here. His name was Jhon and he was a German college student studying socialism. He and his girlfriend were in the room together and he was about to get it on with her when a bright light suddenly came and took him away from the room! It was supposed to be his first time having sex and he wondered if every first sexual experience was like this. Does everyone get transported to another place before they have sex for the first time? If that's true then couldn't they have let me at least touch her before they took me away!? I only shifted the panties and I didn't even get to put my fingers inside!!

"O' Hero!! Welcome! I'm glad that you answered our summons!"

novel chapters are published .

Jhon looked at the crazy woman in front of him as he kept wondering where the hell he was. Priscilla was looking at Jhon with wide, innocent eyes and she gave him a bright smile once she saw him looking at her. Jhon knew that this wasn't normal, there is no way this happens to everyone before they have sex for the first time. Was I... Kidnapped?

"Where am I? This isn't my room. Are you some sort of cosplayer? From Japan maybe?"

Priscilla didn't know what the word cosplayer meant but for some reason, she didn't like it at all. She could feel her cheek twitch in annoyance but she stopped it immediately. She couldn't give the hero a bad impression of her. She has to make sure he likes this kingdom so he will be happy to die for it!

"Uhm... I don't know what this 'cause-player' is. But I can only welcome you to Rivalle. O' Hero, I beseech you..."

Priscilla bowed and all the soldiers in the room - including Al - immediately fell to one knee in from of Jhon. Jhon was flabbergasted. What the fuck is this? A fever dream? Or did I die and I am now seeing visions? Wait... Did I die before having sex for the first time!?

"... Please Hero, save our kingdom from the evil demon lord. We have gone to great lengths to summon you here. Please, help us!"

Jhon was still shocked by all of this, but he slowly started to understand what was happening. Even though he was from Germany, Jhon still knew what Anime was and he has read his fair share of reincarnation mangas and manhuas. Don't tell me that I was summoned to another world? As a hero? Why? Why me? I don't even have any magic and I sure as hell don't think I'm heroic in any way. Isn't this a bad deal for them?

But with how Priscilla was bowing and the other knights were kneeling, Jhon could tell that they were serious! This couldn't possibly be a joke if they are going this far. I was summoned to another world. Jhon ran his hand through his hair and scratched the back of his head in annoyance! Why didn't they just call me after I had sex?

"Okay, okay, just stand up, I'll help - Urk! Ah! Arghh! Arghhhhhhhhh!!!!!"

There was a sudden shout from Jhon before he suddenly held his chest as an intense pain shot through his entire body! He felt like he was burning from the inside out! His body felt like it was melting! Priscilla looked up with a hum and she grimaced when she saw Jhon's chest. There was a hole in his chest! That must be where his magic core is supposed to be. It seems he couldn't handle Givalich's power so it melted straight through him.

"Ack! Ack! H-Help... help me!"

Jhon was now on the floor and he had his hand stretched out towards Priscilla as he begged for help, but before he could touch her boot, she kicked his hand away with a blank look. Jhon was shocked at her dismissal but he didn't have time to worry about that as he screamed again as his entire body suddenly burst into flames! He burnt on the ground for more than five minutes and his scream echoed through the room as he was slowly cooked alive. After he finally stopped moving. Priscilla motioned to the guards at the side and they immediately came forward and dragged the body away by its legs. Priscilla brought up the book with a sigh. How irritating. Didn't that stupid hero have any manners? Why the hell did he try to touch me with he was in that disgusting state? Tch!

Priscilla put her other hand over the magic circle and she called forth her Mana again.

"Well then... Onto the next?"


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