How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 106: Join Me

Chapter 106: Join Me

Ophis nervously greeted Andromeda and Lilith bowed as she stepped back. Andromeda was looking at the both of them with a blank look. If anyone looked at her shy demeanor, they probably wouldn't be able to guess that Andromeda was one of the head maids in the castle but Ophis knew from experience that Andromeda was not someone to piss off.

Andromeda looked curiously at Lilith as she spoke.

"You still haven't answered my question, Lilith. What do you think you're doing?"

The nervousness that Lilith felt increased two-fold as she tried to come up with an excuse. She can't say she was here to warn Ophis about a possible summons since that would be bad. Spreading rumors in the demon lord's castle was a serious offense. Ophis looked from Lilith to Andromeda and she was very nervous as well. Even if Andromeda looked very calm and shy, Ophis has seen the sort of things that Andromeda could do. Andromeda was ruthless when it came to punishment! Andromeda would not let Lilith go if she finds out that Lilith came here to warn me!

"L-Lilith came to check on me. S-She was already on her way back... Right, Lilith?"

novel chapters are published .

Lilith nodded quickly as she recognized the chance that Ophis was giving her! She can just walk away now! She was about to do just that but she was stopped as Andromeda spoke.

"I... I'll let it pass this once, Lilith. But if I ever see you exhibiting behavior like this again, I'll make sure to discipline you properly. Spreading rumors from baseless sources within the demon lord's castle is not something I will tolerate ever again. Is that Understood?'

Andromeda said this entire thing with almost unbelievable shyness at the start but she eventually became bolder as she continued. Ophis couldn't believe that a woman this shy and soft-spoken could be as evil as she really is. None of the members of the former demon lord's household had a personality like Andromeda. The former demon lord also had five members in his household and even though they were all very tough and professional, all of them were very nice to Ophis. When Ophis was the princess, the demon lord's household treated her like glass and they always took care of her but she could tell that each of them was very confident and strong! Andromeda was nothing like what she expected!

Lilith bowed deeply in apology once she heard what Andromeda said! Lilith also knew how dangerous this situation was! If Andromeda wanted to punish her then there is nothing she can do but she was glad that Andromeda was letting her go like this. Andromeda nodded and Lilith quickly made her way out of the hallway. Andromeda turned to look at Ophis.

Ophis stiffened as she stared into Andromeda's pink eyes. For some reason, Ophis suddenly remembered something her father told her a long time ago about Lamia. He said that it was a very bad idea to look a Lamia in the eyes since that would only make it easier for them to trap you in their [Ragan]. The [Ragan] was the eye skill that all Lamia's were born with. It allowed them to take control of anyone and make that person their slave. It was similar to the [Mesmerize] that the vampires used, except that once the Lamia have control of you, you will never be able to break out of it until they release you.

Ophis immediately looked away from Andromeda's eyes.

Andromeda noticed how Ophis looked away from her eyes and she knew exactly what Ophis was thinking. She thinks I'll put her into [Ragan]! Why would she think that? I didn't even activate it yet.

"Y-You don't have to look away. I... I won't..."

Andromeda started stuttering again and she had to force herself to stop and calm down. Rosavellt had already warned her that she should stop stuttering so that she doesn't give the demon lord a bad image. She had to be bold about what she wanted to say. If the servants and other lesser demons see me stuttering, they will think the demon lord is weak!

"Look up. You don't need to look away,"

This time, Andromeda's voice was stable and she inwardly sighed in happiness when she saw Ophis obey her and look up. Okay. This is progress. If I can keep my voice stable like this then Rosavellt won't be angry with me!

"The demon lord has demanded your presence. Follow me,"

Ophis felt that chill run down her back again once she heard this. So Lilith was right! Why would the demon lord want to see me? I haven't even done anything!

Ophis could only think that the demon lord wanted to punish her again! Why else would he want to talk to her? Did he find a fault in something I did? I-I can't just go to him like this. I need to prepare. I need to stall for as long as possible! Ophis spoke up before Andromeda could open a portal and Andromeda looked back curiously. What is it?

"I-I cannot just go and see the demon lord like this. Can you give me a moment to freshen up and take a bath?"

Andromeda shook her head.

"The demon lord said to bring you like this. You don't need to clean yourself, come with me,"

Andromeda opened the portal and Ophis released a tense sigh. So he wants me to appear dirty in front of him? Is he trying to look down on me? Or is this some kind of power play? Ophis steeled herself as she walked through the portal. It didn't matter what he tries to do. I won't allow him to see how it is affecting me! I'm still the daughter of a demon lord and nothing he does can change that!

Ophis walked through and she was surprised when she opened her eyes to see a large bathroom. There was a bath that looked like a small lake in the middle of the room and it was filled with smoking hot water. The entire room was covered in white fog and the floor was tiled with a reflective black stone. Ophis could even see her reflection in the stone.

At one end of the bath, Floid was submerged in the water. He was resting his head back on Pyra's naked lap and there was a towel over his face. Once Pyra saw Ophis and Andromeda, she gave Andromeda a nod of welcome. Andromeda nodded back and then slithered closer to the bath as she swallowed nervously. She quietly told the demon lord that she has brought Ophis. She tried very hard not to stutter but she wasn't able to keep a few stutters out of her voice. Pyra removed the cloth on Floid's face and Floid opened his eyes to see her breasts right above him. She smiled down at him softly and Floid grinned before he sat up.

He has been here with Pyra for ten minutes already and even though he was done with his bath he was still enjoying her presence. He looked at Andromeda and saw how mellow she appeared. She wasn't even looking at him. Floid was already used to her shy demeanor so he wasn't put off by it, but he could already imagine how Rosavellt would have reprimanded Andromeda if she was here. Floid then turned to the third girl in the room.

"You're here... Why are you blushing?"

Floid deadpanned in confusion. What the hell? Ophis was blushing while looking at him. She knew that it would be disrespectful not to look at the demon lord when he is talking to her, but for some reason, Ophis couldn't look at his naked body without blushing. The truth was that Ophis was still very maiden-like. She was a sheltered child when her father was alive. No one would ever dare to come near her and she didn't interact with anyone her age. The only people that were allowed close to her were the members of the demon lord's household. After her father died, she became obsessed with her crusade to get rid of all the humans. She wanted to wipe out all the humans and she was preoccupied with her mission at all times so she never had any relationships and she hasn't even had sex before! She already heard about sex from Lilith. As a succubus, Lilith was very sexually active, but Ophis never had the chance to try it out.

"The demon lord asked you a question,"

Ophis snapped back to reality as she heard Andromeda's voice. Andromeda was looking at Ophis with a frown and Ophis realized that she has been staring all this time without saying anything! She has to be careful here. She can't disrespect the demon lord in front of his household.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I was just... Surprised,"

"By my nakedness? Have you never seen a man's naked body before?"

How can you just say it like that!? Ophis had a dark purple blush on her cheeks and she frowned as she shook her head in the negative. Floid hummed with a smile. To think that this woman was so innocent. He leaned back and his back pressed into Pyra's breasts as he spoke. Pyra wrapped her hands around his shoulders with a smile while leaning her head on top of his own.

"You haven't had your bath yet, have you? Since you just finished working in the mines, you should relax. Join me,"


Ophis' response was automatic and she immediately put her hand up to her mouth after shouting! Shit! I shouted at the demon lord!


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