How to become a Demon Lord: The Former Hero's Journey as a Demon Lord!

Chapter 101: A Lesson In Pain.

Chapter 101: A Lesson In Pain.

It is said that the human body does not possess a maximum threshold for pain.

Floid read about this a long time ago. The book he read said that as time passes and the body is subjected to more and more pain, the maximum amount of pain that you can't withstand increases. It wasn't something Floid could ever test out. The only time Floid ever inflicted pain on others was when he was taking martial arts classes and those were in the presence of a teacher so he always had to hold back from going too far.

But ever since Floid came to this world, Floid has been curious. What he read in that book was only about humans. It says that 'humans' didn't have a maximum pain threshold. But in this world, there were many races. More than fifty races! Floid ruled over the demons and the demons alone have over twenty races among them! Was this principle still true for all the races here? Did they not have a pain threshold as well? Or is there a point when they stop feeling pain entirely because their brains could no longer process the feeling?

Well, Floid was sure as hell going to find out...

Reginald gasped as he woke up in a dark room! His hands were feeling tired and numb from where they were chained to the ceiling and his feet were dangling in the air as his toes barely scraped the floor. One of his eyes was missing and there was blood all over his body. He was breathing erratically as he tried to remember where he was. It took some time for him to finally realize that he was still in the underground dungeon! He was still the demon lord's prisoner.

His breathing suddenly started to increase in speed! He was still down here!? That means that the demon lord is here!? That monster! Where is he!? I have to get out of here!


A sound of metal hitting metal echoed from the other side of the room and Reginald flinched like he was electrocuted! He looked to his right and he started to shake frantically as he saw Floid sitting on a chair! Floid was dressed simply, he had on a white pair of trousers and a white dress shirt. The arms of his dress shirt were rolled up to his forearm to reveal his toned arms. With his white hair and gentle aura, he would have looked like a prince, if not for the blood all over him. His hands were covered in blood. There was blood splattered on his white shirt and trousers and there were specks of blood on his hair.

He was holding a plier in his hands as he sat with his elbows on his knees. On the table beside him, was Regainld's missing eyeball.

Floid's head was bowed and Reginald couldn't tell if he was even awake. Reginald immediately started to hyperventilate as he tried to get out of the chains! Floid didn't even move but Reginald was just terrified! This boy sitting in front of him is a monster! A heartless monster that feels nothing even when he is watching someone else suffer through pain!

Reginald knew that this is the first time that Floid was torturing someone. Floid was too sloppy with the blood and he didn't know how to properly cut into a body without getting blood on himself. But that just made it scarier! For someone that has never done this before, Floid was too good at this! It was like watching a baby dragon learning how to roast its food! It would be sloppy at first, but a dragon is still a dragon! They would still do it splendidly! Floid was a natural at torture!

Reginald shook the chains a little as he tried to see if they would loosen up! If I can get out of the chains while he is asleep, I can run - Reginald stopped right here as he thought about where he would run to. He was currently inside the palace dungeon. There were hundreds of meters of rock separating him from the outside world and his magic core was broken so he couldn't open a portal. He was at the mercy of this beast no matter what he does! Should I just... Kill myself? I-It would be better than being down here with this monster! I can just end it! I can't believe this is what I've been reduced to. Am I actually contemplating suicide because of fear?

A sigh came out from Floid's mouth and Reginald jolted as he turned towards Floid! Floid looked up and Reginald would never reveal how terrified he was at that moment. Reginald felt like he was going to pee himself.

"It seems the undead are a lot like humans. You also have no threshold for pain."

Floid stood up and put his hand behind his neck as he turned it from side to side to work out the knots while he walked up to Reginald slowly. Floid used the pliers to tap Reginald on the chest and Reginald tried to move away from the pliers as much as possible. If he ever gets out of here, he would have nightmares of that plier for years! That plier had taken away more of Regianlds body parts than any other thing in this world. Reginald's empty eye socket was pulsing in pain as he remembered how Floid jabbed the pliers in there and pulled out his eyeball!

Floid walked around Reginald till he was behind him as he started to talk again.

"Fifteen times. That's how many times I've brought you back from the brink of death. The first three times were just appetizers. I wanted you to know what I could do to you if you didn't answer my questions. The next ten times after that was when I needed you to talk. I already know what you came here for, but I still need Givalich's location, and I just needed you to tell me. It was a simple question, and yet you couldn't even tell me that much?"

Reginald felt very uncomfortable now that he couldn't see Floid! He wanted Floid to always be in his line of sight so that he can see what he is doing! Reginald tried to turn himself around but the chains dug into his wrists and prevented him from turning. His hands felt heavy and sore like he has been hanging here for years. They were purple bruises all over his wrist. He couldn't even shift a little without it hurting a lot! But Reginald would still bare that pain as long as he can see Floid! Reginald was more afraid of what Floid can do than the pain!

Reginald tried for some time but he couldn't turn and he had to just stop trying. He couldn't hear Floid's footsteps anymore so he didn't know where he was. Reginald took a deep breath. I'll get out of here. I'm sure there's a way to get out of here. Just bare it for some time. I'm sure that they're coming for me. Dulla is coming for me.

Floid was sitting on a table behind Reginald while watching him shake. The table was filled with many sharp objects lined up in a straight line. The biggest object there was a giant ax and the smallest object was a doctor's scapula. Between them were every conceivable sharp object that Floid could think of! Floid reached down and picked the ax up as he dropped the plier and slowly stood up.


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Floid dropped the ax head on the ground and Reginald immediately started to rattle the chain as he tried to look around once he heard that sound! What is that!? It sounds like something dangerous! What is it!? Floid ignored the frantic movements from Reginald as he dragged the ax along the ground towards Reginald. Reginald was now shouting in anger as he tried to turn!

"What the fuck do you want from me!? I already told you I don't know! I don't fucking know! I came here to find the location! Just let me go! If you kill me here the undead won't let you go! I'm a prince, you piece of shit! A prince!!"

"Hahaha... Of course, your highness,"

The laugh that came out of Floid's mouth would have made devils cry. Floid found it hilarious that Reginald was still throwing his title around like that! In here what does it matter that you're a prince!? What does it matter that I'm a demon lord!? None of that matters! The only thing that matters is the person who's chained to the ceiling and the person who's not!

Floid stood to the left of Reginald's back and brought the ax right up to Reginald's back. Once the cold blade touched Reginald, he stilled as he started to beg! He shouted that he had what Floid wanted! He knew the location! But Floid knew he was lying! What an idiot. If you knew the location, you would have told me about it when I took your eye. You are lying.

"I haven't told you about the last two times, have I? I brought you back fifteen times, three were just the appetizer, and ten were for information. But once I knew you didn't have any information to give me, I decided that I wouldn't stop. You came into my kingdom and attacked a member of my household so I don't care what you say, you really aren't going to walk out of here alive, Reginald. But before then. I'll set an example. Do you undead think that you can come into the demon world and do whatever you want? I am your fucking king and you all seem to have forgotten that fact. Let me remind you..."

Floid pulled back and swung forward with brutal force!


Squelch!!! Crack!!!

The sound of flesh tearing and bone breaking echoed through the room and Reginald screamed!!!



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