How a Realist Hero Rebuilt The Kingdom

Book 2: Prologue

Book 2: Prologue

Prologue: On Your Side

Liscia, hold these documents for me, Souma said.

...Okay. Got it, I responded.

Lately, Souma had been acting strangely.

As I took the stack of documents from Souma, a thought occurred to me.

Recently, Souma had been working on paperwork with even greater zeal and enthusiasm than before. It was as if wed returned to that time shortly after my father had abdicated the throne to him. He shouldnt have been as busy now as he was back then, but it seemed to me as if he was seeking out work and packing in more of it than he reasonably could.

And yet, when he suddenly found himself with free time, he didnt do anything in particular, just stared vacantly out the window. Before, when hed had free time, he would have come to my room and worked on dolls, or on cute outfits to dress Tomoe up in, but he didnt even do that lately.

I watched Souma silently processing documents.

The change was a subtle one, and I was sure that hardly anyone else in the castle would have noticed it.

I started to speak.

...Hm? Is something the matter? Having noticed my eyes on him, Souma looked up.

I said, ...No. Its nothing. With just those words, I turned around and walked out of the governmental affairs office.

Ah! Hey, Liscia.

I could hear Soumas voice from behind me, but I couldnt bring myself to turn back. Or, rather, I couldnt bear to look at Souma as he was now.

That night, Juna Doma came to my room.

So, Princess, His Majestys behavior is strange... that was what you wanted to talk about, right? she asked, tilting her head to the side questioningly.

I had called out to her as she was preparing for a Jewel Voice Broadcast program, and I had her come back to my room when the broadcast finished. I was grateful that, when I told Juna that there was something strange about the way Souma had been acting, she had come with me, despite the late hour.

Have a seat, Juna. I sat on the bed, gesturing for Juna to sit next to me.

Excuse me, Juna said, taking her seat next to me.

I got down to business. I dont know how to say it... He seems distracted. Sometimes it seems hes more absorbed in his work than ever, but the next thing I know, his head is off in the clouds and hes staring vacantly outside.

...I see. I think I can understand, if only a little. Perhaps Juna had some insight as to what was going on, because she nodded with a mysterious look on her face. Ive seen the same. When I had a meeting with His Majesty about our broadcast program, his mind seemed to be elsewhere. Though, I couldnt tell you how long hes been like this.

I think its been since we came back from the God-Protected Forest, I said.

It had been just two weeks ago. A landslide had struck the home of the dark elves, the God-Protected Forest, which was also the homeland of Soumas bodyguard, Aisha Udgard. Souma had led the unit he was with at the time to carry out a relief effort.

When notice of the disaster arrived, I had been asked to come back to the capital to call in reinforcements, so I hadnt personally participated in the rescue operation. Souma, however, had been there with Halbert, Kaede, and the other Forbidden Army soldiers, carrying out relief operations in that hellscape of a disaster zone.

I felt like that was the point when Souma had started acting strangely. Maybe it was after that relief effort that he started to act strangely, after all...

But I heard that His Majesty accomplished a great deal while he was there, Juna said.

Yeah, I agreed. I think he did a good job there, too.

Id heard that hed used his ability, Living Poltergeists, to control wooden mice and had had them search under the dirt and sand, helping to find many people whod been buried alive. However...

But thats not how Souma feels about it. Maybe its because he saw so many bodies, he thinks, Couldnt I have handled things better?

I dont think its bad, in and of itself, for him to think that way, though... Juna had a complicated expression on her face.

It was important to reflect on things. However, excessive reflection could lead to self-hatred, and that would be counterproductive.

Thats exactly why I want you to encourage him for me. I took Junas hand, placing my own over it.

Junas eyes went wide. Y-You want... me to?

Youre about the only person I can ask to do something like this. Aishas still in the God-Protected Woods, and Tomoes still little. Even so, if I were to ask Mother or Serina, they arent close enough with him.

But, if thats the case, wouldnt you yourself be an even better choice to do it, Princess? she asked. The two of you are betrothed, and I can see that youre concerned for him.

I... cant be the one, I said, lowering my eyes. Im younger than Souma, so he probably thinks, As a man, I dont want to show her my weaknesses. When hes in front of me, Souma puts up a strong front.

...Im the same age as His Majesty, too, you realize?

You may be the same age, but the way you act is more mature, I said. I think you would do a fine job of indulging a young boy whos trying to put up a strong front.

As I sat up straight, Juna bowed her head.

Thats why, Juna, I finished. Thats why Im asking you to take care of Souma for me.

Princess... I understand. I may not be of much help, but allow me to do all that I can, Juna said, bringing a hand to her chest and nodding.

After leaving Liscias chambers, Juna went to the governmental affairs office, which doubled as Soumas room. Things were hectic here during the day, with all the bureaucrats coming and going, but late at night, it was quiet enough to make the memory of all that daytime hustle and bustle seem like a lie.

Two guards who were there to protect Souma stood on either side of the door.

Right, Aisha isnt here, Juna thought. Thats to be expected, considering...

It wasnt the case that Aisha stayed by Soumas side 24-7, but she was with him often enough that it felt unnatural to not see her there protecting him.

Juna walked up to the door, giving a slight nod to the guards. Perhaps Liscia had already spoken to the guards, as they made no attempt to stop Juna.

Its a bit late to bring it up it now, but its a rather bold move for the princess to be sending a lady to her betrotheds chambers late at night...

After leaving a man and woman alone at night, what did she intend to do if something were to happen? Did she believe nothing would happen? Or was it that, even if something were to happen, she was prepared to accept it if that cheered Souma up?

...Somehow, I get the sense that its the latter.

Juna let out a sigh of admiration. Lately, when she looked to Liscia, there were times when she could see a queenly dignity in her. When her sudden betrothal to Souma had first been decided, there had been some awkwardness between the two of them, but now she seemed to have accepted the reality of the situation.

Shes truly a magnificent individual.

For each day she spent with Souma, Liscia grew a little more attractive as a woman. Someday she would make a splendid queen, as well as a good wife and a wise mother. Juna couldnt help but respect her as a fellow woman.

The princess asked this of me, personally. I, too, must do my duty.

Firming up her resolve a little more, she gently knocked on the door to the governmental affairs office, and called, Your Majesty, it is Juna Doma. Are you still awake?

She kept her voice low enough that, were he already asleep, she would not disturb him.

Juna? Come in, she heard Souma say from inside the room.

When Juna opened the door with a Pardon me, and entered, she found Souma looking through some paperwork by candlelight. Souma laid the document down on the desk, turning a somewhat wearied smile to Juna.

What is it, so late at night? Are you sleeping over at the castle?

Ah... Yes, I am, Juna said. Its been decided that Ill be staying in the princesss room tonight.

Having a girls-only party? That sounds like fun.

When he gave her that frank and unguarded response, while Juna may not have been lying, she still felt guilty. No... Anyway, what are you up to, sire? I had heard you were finished with your government work for the day.

Ah, I did lie down to go to bed... But I just couldnt get to sleep, so I started looking through the papers I was going to go over tomorrow. I figured, maybe it would help me feel a little more sleepy, Souma said, glancing to the stack of papers on his desk. Juna could see the tiredness in his expression.

Could it be... Youre not sleeping, lately? Juna asked.

Souma scratched his head a little awkwardly. My bodys tired, but my mind just wont let me get to sleep, you know. When I close my eyes and try to sleep, I end up thinking about all sorts of things. About everything Ive done, about everything there still is to do, about whether the decisions Ive made were right, about whether the decisions Im going to make are right... It all whirls around inside my head, and I just cant get to sleep. Souma gave a weak laugh.

Juna remembered that ever since Souma had been summoned to this world, he had been forced to carry many heavy burdens: getting the country back on its feet, resolving the food crisis, and providing relief to the disaster area. Any one of these would have been too heavy for Souma, who had been a student until just recently. And now, this time, he needed to find a solution to the friction between him and the three dukes, along with the problem of the Principality of Amidonias maneuvering in the shadows.

All that pressure must have been keeping him up at night. When that occurred to her...

Oh! ...Pardon me, a moment. Juna took Soumas hand and had him stand up.

Huh? Hold on, what? he stumbled.

Paying no mind to the flustered Souma, Juna pulled him by the hand, tugging him over to the simple bed set up in a corner of the room, then pushing him down on it with a thud. As Souma lay there, eyes wide, having just been laid down on the bed, Juna spoke to him in a quiet tone.

Please, sleep.

Huh? J-Juna?

Please, just sleep. Juna, who always wore a warm smile, had an unusual expression on her face. It was like one she might use to scold a naughty little brother, stern, yet at the same time full of concern for the person she was talking to. I know things are difficult, but please take care of yourself. Princess Liscia is worried, too.

Liscia is? he asked.

Yes. She saw right through your front, sire. She knew something was wrong, and sent me here. She asked me to do my best to indulge you.

...Well, darn. Souma looked up at the ceiling, a wry grin on his face. I had thought... I was working hard and doing my best, you know...

You are working hard, sire. However, you work too hard. Juna sat down on the edge of the bed, resting a hand on Soumas forehead. He could feel Junas cool hand robbing his forehead of warmth. While enjoying that pleasant sensation, Souma closed his eyes.

As she watched Souma, Juna began to sing quietly:

Go to sleep, for tonight. Sleep until tomorrow.

When you wake, walk.

When you tire, sleep.

The longer you walk, the more hands there will be to support you.

It wasnt a song from Soumas world, but a lullaby from this one. A song mothers sang to children who had learned to walk. A song that prayed that they would walk a lot, sleep a lot, and grow up healthy. However, the line The longer you walk, the more hands there will be to support you touched Soumas heart, bringing forth tears.

Souma put his arm over his eyes, hiding them. ...Sorry. For letting you see me look so uncool.

Juna smiled. Its okay for you to whine now. Because I, too, am on your side.

As she said that, she gently stroked Soumas head.

I can understand why you dont want to look bad in front of the princess, she told him, letting her gentle voice stroke Soumas ears. Its because of those feelings that youre able to work hard and try to be strong. However, when you grow tired from that, call me. On the nights you cant sleep, let me be there to sing for you.

Not long after, Juna heard his shallow breaths as he drifted off to sleep. His body and mind were both more than exhausted enough for it. He must have fallen asleep the moment his heart had been set at ease.

Juna rose from the bed, checked that Souma was fully asleep, and pulled a blanket over him. Then, she headed for the door to make a silent departure, reached for the handle, and... suddenly, she stopped. Juna made a U-turn back to the bed, and pulling the hair hanging over her ear back, she brought her face to Soumas ear and quietly whispered:

Its okay. I am on your side. If the princess brings out your strengths, then I will hide your weakness.


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