HOTD: Tōshiro Nagi

Chapter 17: Dead Lands

Chapter 17: Dead Lands

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(A/N: Is that a Power Stone I'm sensing? You should leave it here for safekeeping. Don't worry, I'll take good care of it.)

Word Count: 2442

HEADS UP: Okay, so, I tried my best to add my own elements within canon as much as I could. And if you want to stop reading for a while due to it following canon that's alright as well. I'll be veering off canon at chapter 19. Anyways, peace.

Location: United States Of America; Flying Somewhere

"Damn it! Aim for their heads!" one of the guards cursed, urgently instructing the others as he swiftly reloaded his weapon. Before them stood the President's cabinet and security detail, now transformed into undead creatures.

Their clothing and bodies were splattered with blood, their lifeless forms lurching toward the living. The unsettling sound of their moans and groans filled the air, creating a chilling symphony of horror.

Gunshots pierced the air, each blast pushing back the relentless advance of the zombies. One after another, the creatures were struck, their bodies jolting and recoiling before succumbing to the final blowa bullet piercing their decaying skulls.

Amidst the chaos, a woman leaned against the wall, her hand tightly pressed against her bleeding shoulder, a grim testament to the bite she had received from one of the undead.

Her voice strained with anger and fear as she cried out, "Who allowed them on the plane?" Her question hung in the air, unanswered, as another gunshot rang out, drowning out her words.

A gasp escaped a man amidst the chaos. "Oh, dear God! They bit the First Lady!" he exclaimed in shock, his voice filled with disbelief and horror. Meanwhile, inside the President's room, a large screen displayed the grim reality of their situation.

The map was cluttered with red markers representing the locations where communication had been lost: Washington, New York, Beijing, London, Tokyo, Moscow, and countless others. The alerts flooded the notifications, revealing the widespread devastation that had befallen the world.

"Mr. President, you must enter the code!" ordered a man dressed in a suit, the Chairman of the United States. In front of him, the President sat in his chair, his elbow on the desk, and his head resting on his fist.

Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead as he grappled with the weight of his decision. After a moment of heavy contemplation, he uttered in a subdued tone, "I can't."

"You and I have been bitten," the Chairman insisted, pointing to the visible bite marks on both his own bicep and the President's hand. "There isn't a single country on this planet that will allow Air Force One to land on their soil!"

"That's why we must retaliate against those countries that have used Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles against the US, while we still have the chance!" The Chairman walked around the table, closing in on the President.

He crouched down to bring his face closer to the President's, emphasizing his point. "Activate Triple 6 Delta Protocol!"

"It is your solemn duty to protect the people from foreign threats. It's your constitutional obligation," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. Suddenly, his expression contorted in agony, and he doubled over, coughing up a substantial amount of blood.

The President stood abruptly, creating a safe distance between himself and the Chairman. His gaze remained fixed on the distressed figure before him. The Chairman's once healthy white skin had transformed into a rotten gray, with blood streaming from his nose and mouth.

Addressing the lone guard in the room, the Chairman managed to struggle out, "I'm... not going to make it," his words choked amidst the blood in his throat and mouth. "Someone... Just end it!"

"Mr. President... The code!" the Chairman repeated, his voice strained. The President lowered his gaze to the floor, his eyes tightly shut as he silently prayed, making the sign of the cross.

"Thank God... and bless the United States," the Chairman concluded. With his final words still hanging in the air, a gunshot resounded, abruptly ending his life. Blood spattered against the wall as the plane continued its flight over the burning city of Washington, D.C.


Meanwhile in Japan

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream," Kohta and Alice sang in perfect harmony. Alice sat in front of Kohta, enjoying the ride atop the Humvee as they traversed the waters, underneath the bridge.

Inside the Humvee, Nagi lay against the seat, peacefully asleep, while Saeko's head rested on his lap. After the events of the previous day, Nagi was in dire need of some much-needed rest.

Once Takashi had ensured Alice's safety and boarded the Humvee, everything else became a blur. Shizuka took the driver's seat, with Takashi and Rei peacefully slumbering beside each other.

Saya stood through the Humvee's hood latch, keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings for any potential threats. "Come on! Let's sing it again," Alice chimed in eagerly. With unanimous agreement, they began singing once more, their voices filling the air.

"Row, row, row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream," Kohta and Alice joyfully sang once again. Kohta's glasses gleamed in the sunlight as he suggested a different version. "Alright, now the filth version," he smirked, raising his fist into the air.

Alice, filled with enthusiasm, eagerly agreed. With a mischievous snicker, Kohta began, "Shoot, shoot, shoot your gun, kill them all right now! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Life is but a scream." He finished with a sinister grin on his face, accompanied by laughter.

Applauding with delight, Alice praised Kohta for his rendition. However, Saya's irritation grew, and she slammed her arm on the roof, startling Kohta and making him realize his mistake.

"Hey, you fat otaku! Don't teach a child such a filthy song like that, got it?! You bastardized Mother Goose," Saya lectured sternly, glaring at him with a scowl.

Startled by the sudden noise, Nagi's eyes snapped open, and he quickly assessed his surroundings. As he realized he was inside the Humvee, a relieved sigh escaped his lips, and his tense body visibly relaxed against the cushioned seat.

Shizuka's soft voice penetrated Nagi's ears, urging everyone to wake up. He acknowledged her words internally, his struggle to stay awake evident in a stifled yawn as he instinctively covered his mouth. 'I could really use more sleep or some coffee,' Nagi thought, lamenting his drowsy state.

Fixating his gaze on the shimmering water beyond the window, Nagi contemplated the idea of plunging into the river as a means to jolt himself awake. The rhythmic motion of the Humvee lulled him into a trance-like state.

Suddenly, the vehicle jolted and swerved, causing Nagi to jostle in his seat before it finally came to a halt.

Nagi overheard Saya's murmured observation, "That's weird. There's no one. Living or dead." Stirred by her words, he made a move to rise from his seat and assess the situation.

However, his attention was quickly drawn to Shizuka, who was looking at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. Intrigued by her expression, Nagi followed her gaze to his lap, where Saeko's head lay peacefully.

Nagi's eyes widened imperceptibly, momentarily taken aback by the sight before him. However, he swiftly regained his composure, maintaining his stoic expression as his gaze lingered on Saeko.

Without missing a beat, Saeko stirred from her slumber, her eyes scanning the surroundings until they settled on Nagi. He greeted her casually, "Good morning." The realization of her position and disheveled state washed over her, painting her cheeks with a blush.

She swiftly wiped away the remnants of drool and straightened herself, keeping her gaze lowered in an attempt to conceal her embarrassment. Nagi found himself amused by this unfamiliar side of her.

He had witnessed her curiosity, calmness, and sadistic tendencies, but this vulnerability was a novel sight. It would be inaccurate to say he didn't find it intriguing.

Nagi opened the door and stepped out, extending his hand towards Saeko. She grasped it and gracefully emerged, attempting to tease him to alleviate her embarrassment. "My, a gentleman, now are we?" she remarked playfully.

"It's called common courtesy," Nagi retorted, his tone devoid of emotion, observing Saeko as she moved away. Noticing Kohta's need for assistance in helping Alice off the Humvee, Nagi walked over to lend a hand.

Approaching Kohta, Nagi called out to him, "Here." As Kohta carefully lifted Alice off the Humvee, her face flushed with embarrassment. Clenching her skirt, she anxiously repeated, "Don't look."

Initially, Nagi assumed it was due to her fear of heights, but then his memories from the previous night rushed back. Realization struck him, and he unconsciously murmured, "Ah."

Instructing Kohta to wait, Nagi walked over to Saya and informed her of the situation. Prompted by his words, Saya swiftly snatched Alice from Kohta's hands.

"We're going to get dressed too, so don't you dare look," Saya ordered. Nagi let out a sigh and joined Kohta and Takashi, with Kohta sharing information about Alice's family.

"Her father was a newspaper reporter," he paused, bitterness seeping into his tone as he corrected himself, "or rather, he used to be."

"Where is her mother?" Takashi inquired. Kohta provided the answer, saying, "She mentioned that her father told her they would meet her later."

The atmosphere grew somber as Kohta's words sank in, and the gravity of the situation became apparent. However, the girl's sudden exclamations shattered the melancholy air.

It was evident what awaited them, and with an excited gleam in his eye, Kohta tightly gripped Nagi's and Takashi's shoulders, declaring, "A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do!"

"I don't want to die just yet," Takashi and Nagi replied simultaneously. With the current lull in activity, Nagi decided to venture away from the Humvee and make his way to the opposite side of the river to awaken his senses.

Finding a suitable spot, he knelt down by the riverbed and cupped his hands, collecting water to splash onto his face. As the cool water touched his skin, his drowsiness gradually dissipated, allowing his mind to sharpen and regain clarity.

As Nagi made his way back to the group, he arrived just in time to hear the girls questioning his absence. Saya, standing with her hands on her hips, directed her gaze toward the boys and inquired, "Where did Nagi go?".

Saya was dressed in an attire resembling a school uniform, donning a white jacket with a zipper positioned below her breasts, layered over a black tank top. Completing the ensemble was a green miniskirt.

"I'm right here," Nagi replied, his tone devoid of emotion, as he positioned himself next to Kohta. "I went to the lake to wake myself up," he informed, matter-of-factly.

Acknowledging Nagi's nonchalant response, Saya nodded in resignation. "We're going to bring up the Humvee. You three cover us," she instructed. With a nod, Nagi retrieved the crossbow from the trunk before joining Takashi and Kohta, who had their guns at the ready.

They exchanged nods, a silent agreement to watch each other's backs and cover any blind spots. As they made their way up the hill and onto the road, they remained vigilant, scanning their surroundings for any signs of danger.

Gradually, Nagi muttered loud enough for the others to hear, "Clear," indicating that the area seemed safe. He relayed the information to Takashi and Kohta, who confirmed the same.

Walking back up the hill, Takashi signaled for them to gather around. Shortly after, the Humvee roared to life, ascending the hill with great speed. As it reached its peak, it launched into the air, hovering dangerously close to Kohta.

Reacting swiftly, he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the vehicle. Taking a deep breath, Kohta muttered to himself, "All of these zombies, and I'm going to get killed by an Asian woman driver."

Observing the surroundings, Nagi took note of the eerie silence that enveloped the desolate area. The sight of damaged and crashed cars, coupled with the stains of dried blood, served as a clear indication that the protective barrier from the previous night had crumbled.

"Takagi, is your house the closest one to here?" Nagi inquired, his attention momentarily shifting from the playful interaction with Zero, the puppy he had rescued alongside Alice the previous night.

Receiving a confirming nod from Takagi, he proceeded, "Then we will head to your residence first. However, you should..."

Interrupting his sentence, Saya interjected, "I understand. I don't have much hope. But..." Her voice trailed off, her fists clenched tightly against her chest.

Gazing at her, Nagi offered a perspective, "I'm not asking you to abandon hope. Hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. That's all we can do in this situation."

With a slight smile, she nodded in acknowledgment of his words and proceeded to board the Humvee, followed by the rest of the group. Rei and Takashi opted to sit on top of the vehicle.

Peering out of the window, Nagi surveyed the variety of stores, shops, and buildings lining the streets. Among them, his attention was drawn to a particular establishment showcasing motorcycles and buggies.

Alice expressed her fascination with the sight of numerous motorcycles, captivated by the array before her. Sensing her interest, Kohta chimed in, offering a tidbit of information.

"They sell valuable vehicles and other essential supplies here. Occasionally, you might even come across military equipment."

"Is that so?" Alice's eyes widened in awe, taking in the diverse range of businesses in the area. With no particular engagement or amusement in sight, Nagi reached into his pocket and retrieved a lollipop.

He unwrapped it and popped it into his mouth, savoring its taste. Sensing Alice's gaze fixated on the lollipop, he contemplated internally for a moment before heaving a sigh. Eventually, he reached into his pocket once more and offered her another lollipop.

With a slight smile, Alice eagerly accepted the lollipop from Nagi's outstretched hand, expressing her gratitude. "Thank you, Nagi," she uttered appreciatively.

Inclining his head in acknowledgment, Nagi shifted his gaze toward the front of the road, his eyes narrowing at the sight of the approaching undead.

The appearance of zombies now, after finding none scattered throughout the city, indicated that they were either hiding or concentrated in large numbers elsewhere.

'Give me a break,' Nagi thought to himself, his mind already bracing for the inevitable encounter with the relentless horde.

Author Words:

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you haven't already, please consider leaving a Power Stone here to show your support and help this story stay visible.


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