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Chapter 52

Is this woman a sprinter?0

The two men in black couldn't believe it.0

This deserted island was vast, nearly 10,000 square kilometers in area. The island was elongated, and even if someone took the fastest route, it would still be a 40-kilometer journey. The terrain was overgrown with weeds and forests everywhere, making it extremely difficult to traverse.0

For trained individuals like them, it would take a day and a night to cover that distance.0

Yet this woman had arrived before nightfall. Did she fly here?0

Suppressing their astonishment, the two men in black placed the product catalog on the counter, waiting for their guest to arrive.0

Gu Nanyan casually scanned her surroundings, appearing nonchalant. However, in that brief sweep, she had already committed every detail of the environment to memory.0

Her gaze lingered for a moment on the necks of the two men in black.0

Gu Nanyan contemplated whether she could take down both men simultaneously and what consequences that might bring. In a split second, she had considered all possible outcomes.0

Ultimately, she decided to hold her ground.0

Firstly, this was a live broadcast. If she made any moves, those behind the scenes would certainly see it. As formidable as Gu Nanyan was, she was still just one person. If those pulling the strings sent more people, she wouldn't be able to handle them all.0

Secondly, this wasn't Great Qi, and she wasn't the Princess of Zhenguo here. Killing or injuring people was against the law; she couldn't resolve matters privately.0

Most importantly, Gu Nanyan wasn't certain of the mastermind's intentions. Did they want to kill the participants, or were they genuinely creating a reality show?0

With so many unknowns, it was best not to act rashly.0

Stepping into the store, Gu Nanyan looked around and found it well-stocked with everything one might need. They even offered hotel services on the second floor.0

It was surprisingly accommodating.0

Gu Nanyan remained silent, and the men in black, assuming she didn't understand, began to explain, "This must be your first time in the store. You should buy some food."0

They looked her up and down, noticing her injured hands. Realizing she must have been through a difficult time, one of them took out a box of medicine. "You might want to buy some medicine, but it's expensive."0

"How expensive?" Gu Nanyan asked worriedly. She did want to buy some medicine.0

That tiger of hers had thick skin and could make do with some herbal juice, but Gu Nanyan didn't want to subject herself to the same treatment. It was too primitive and crude for her taste.0

Modern medicine had come a long way since ancient times, becoming increasingly convenient. Pills were tiny but potent, and easy to take.0

Gu Nanyan didn't want to drink bitter herbal concoctions.0

She worried that she might not have enough grass balls to buy medicine. She had only collected 300 grass balls, which couldn't fit in her clothes, so she had left them at a nearby tree root, carrying only a few dozen with her.0

"Yes, medicine is very expensive," the man in black said, looking at Gu Nanyan sympathetically. Her appearance suggested she hadn't found many grass balls.0

"How about this? You can buy three pills for one grass ball," he proposed.0

Gu Nanyan remained silent.0

Seeing this, the man in black felt even more sympathetic. "Don't tell me you haven't even found one grass ball?"0

Poor thing, he thought. Without a single grass ball, forget about medicine – she wouldn't even be able to buy food to survive.0

Gu Nanyan's silence wasn't due to a lack of grass balls, but rather shock. She had expected medicine to cost hundreds of grass balls, but it turned out to be just one. Why were the men in black trying to scare people when it was so cheap?0

"How much for a box?" Gu Nanyan asked.0

"Five grass balls."0

Gu Nanyan untied the cloth on her back and tossed 50 grass balls onto the counter. "Give me three boxes."0

The men in black were stunned.0

Holy crap, how did she collect so many grass balls?0

They were shocked. The island only had 1,000 grass balls scattered in very hidden and dangerous places. Many had been eaten by animals or crushed. It would be impressive if half of them were still intact.0

Yet she had collected so many in one go.0

After a moment, one of the men in black regained his composure and handed Gu Nanyan three boxes of medicine, taking 15 grass balls in return.0

Gu Nanyan flipped through the product catalog and found that everything was surprisingly cheap.0

She estimated that with her 300 grass balls, she could probably buy out the entire store.0

She selected two large-capacity backpacks, one for herself and one for the tiger to carry, along with a set of sportswear.0

The outfit she was wearing had been chosen by Assistant Feng. Although it consisted of a top and pants, it was very form-fitting and uncomfortable, unsuitable for life on a deserted island.0

After buying food, tools, weapons, and medicine, she had spent all 50 grass balls she had on hand.0

Considering that it was getting dark, Gu Nanyan decided to stay for the night. "Give me a room for 30 days," she said.0

"It's three grass balls per night, and you're out of grass balls," one of the men in black replied, now numb to Gu Nanyan's surprises.0

Strange things happened every year, but this year was particularly eventful. Not only had this woman reached the center of the island in less than a day, but she had also managed to collect 50 grass balls.0

Now she wanted to book a room on credit? Impossible!0

The man in black added, "We don't allow credit here."0

"Wait here," Gu Nanyan said. She left with the two large backpacks and returned shortly after, both bags bulging as if about to burst.0

The men in black suddenly had a bad feeling –0

Surely these couldn't all be grass balls?0

Gu Nanyan opened one bag and poured out all the grass balls. "Here are 100 grass balls. Ninety for the room, and the remaining ten for a deluxe meal set. I want that deluxe set, so please prepare it."0

The deluxe meal set included chicken, fish, eggs, milk, and even steak, all fresh and hot, but it was extremely expensive.0

The men in black had never imagined anyone would be able to afford the deluxe set.0

After all, a large pack of compressed biscuits cost only one grass ball and could feed a person for three days. Yet Gu Nanyan was spending ten grass balls on a single meal.0

Although they hadn't expected it, they had to fulfill the order. One of the men in black went to prepare the meal, while the other led Gu Nanyan to her room on the second floor.0

It was truly a sight to behold – they never knew what kind of extraordinary people they might encounter.0

As he handed Gu Nanyan the key, the man in black couldn't help but ask about her bulging backpack, "Don't tell me... these are all grass balls too?"0

"Yes," Gu Nanyan nodded. "There are 150 in here, stuffed to the brim."0

The man in black was speechless.0


The viewers watching the live stream were left in a state of prolonged shock.0

Their emotions had shifted from initial concern to utter amazement, leaving them at a loss for words.0

Were they really watching a survival show on a deserted island, or was this just a leisurely vacation for big sister?0

First, she rode a giant tiger, then went on a shopping spree, lacking nothing and still having a fortune in grass balls.0

With a 30-day hotel stay, she didn't need to do anything but relax.0

It looked more like a holiday than a survival challenge.0

Topics about Gu Nanyan once again trended on social media.0

The entire internet was abuzz with discussion.0

Everyone was captivated by Gu Nanyan, this extraordinary woman. She was too incredible, too impressive!0

Could such a person really exist in this world?0


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