Hot Search Alert! The Princess Goes Viral Worldwide

Chapter 50

"Have you all made your choices?" asked the Man in Black with Tiger Mask. "You ten will be divided into three teams. Those who chose the axe, fishing rod, and embroidery needles will be the team leaders, representing the Weapon Team, Food Team, and Useless Team respectively. The three leaders will then pick their team members."

Useless Team?

Someone couldn't help but snicker, and the live stream audience erupted in laughter.

The netizens knew they shouldn't laugh, considering this deserted island reality show could potentially cost lives, but they truly couldn't help themselves.

Gu Nanyan really did fit the "useless" label perfectly.

The one who chose the axe was Chen Tian, the athlete. He picked it because of his strength. He got to choose team members first, and he selected the elder of the twins, the one with the compressed biscuits. That package of compressed biscuits was quite heavy, enough to feed three or four people for three days.

The one with the fishing rod was Teacher Qi, who chose Song Ze, the one with the bow and arrow, as his team member.

When it came to Gu Nanyan's turn, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

Everyone lowered their heads, hoping not to be chosen by Gu Nanyan. The embroidery needles were clearly a burden. Her temper and personality were also poor. If this were a normal reality show, they might have been willing to endure for the sake of their image, but this island adventure was clearly not normal. It would be difficult enough to save themselves, let alone worry about others.

Gu Nanyan's gaze swept over them lightly, immediately understanding their thoughts.

She turned directly to the Man in Black with Tiger Mask and asked, "Can a team leader choose not to have team members? I don't want to bring any teammates. It's too troublesome."

Holy crap, she actually called others troublesome when no one wanted to team up with her in the first place. What could she do with just a pack of embroidery needles anyway? Stab people?

Everyone was utterly speechless.

The netizens in the live stream also sent a flurry of comments.

[Unbelievable. Others don't want her, and she's the one calling them troublesome.]

[I think Gu Nanyan is trying to save face. She knows no one wants to be with her, so she's saying it first.]

[I wouldn't team up with her either. What use is a pack of embroidery needles? You can't even pierce a rabbit's fur when hunting.]

[Gu Nanyan is too impulsive. At a time like this, survival is most important. Even if others don't want to be with her, she should still choose someone, preferably someone capable. Sigh, she'll regret it when things get tough later.]

[Can't blame others, only herself.]

The ten participants were quickly divided into three groups. Axe-wielding Chen Tian chose the twin sisters, Li Ang with the iron pot, and Sister Sa with the tent.

Fishing rod Teacher Qi chose Song Ze with the bow and arrow, Zhou Qinian with the lighter, and Yang Tongtong with the fever medicine.

Gu Nanyan's group consisted of just her and a pack of embroidery needles.

After the draw, the three teams were sent in different directions.

The other two teams had more people and didn't lack supplies. As long as they didn't encounter wild animals, their survival was pretty much guaranteed.

Only Gu Nanyan was alone, solitary and vulnerable.

Although Zhou Qinian disliked Gu Nanyan, he felt a bit of pity and whispered to Teacher Qi, "After the men in black leave and stop watching us, I'll go find Gu Nanyan and bring her back."

Teacher Qi nodded, "That's the right thing to do. There's strength in numbers. At times like these, we should help each other."

Song Ze, overhearing this, let out a light snort of disdain but didn't say anything.

As much as he disliked Gu Nanyan, he didn't want her to die.

Gu Nanyan walked alone into the forest, going deeper and deeper.

The island was covered with cameras, and in addition, each person had two drones following them for filming. So, the netizens could see everyone's actions.

At this crucial moment of life and death, people didn't have the heart to be picky anymore and began to worry about Gu Nanyan.

[I can't believe it, is she stupid or what? Why is she walking into the forest? They said there are wild animals on the island, including tigers and wolves. Is she trying to serve herself up as a meal?]

[Everyone else knows to find a stick as a weapon, but she's just empty-handed walking in there. This is asking for death.]

[No, no, I can't watch anymore. I can't bear to see a person being eaten alive.]

[By the way, has the location of the island been confirmed yet? If it takes a few more days, people will really die.]

After walking for several hours, Gu Nanyan noticed scratch marks on the trunks of several nearby trees.

She bent down to examine them closely.

[What is she looking at?] The live stream audience was curious.

The drone moved closer at this point, and the netizens finally saw what Gu Nanyan was doing.

Those were tiger claw marks!

[Ahh! Those are territorial markings from a tiger! Gu Nanyan has entered a tiger's territory! This madwoman, quick, get out of there!]

[Tigers mark their territory with urine and claw marks. Judging from the marks on the tree trunk, this tiger is over two meters long, almost as big as a Siberian tiger. Damn, it's a large tiger, run quickly! If you don't run now, you won't have a chance!]

The news of a tiger appearing on the deserted island spread quickly on TikTok, soon becoming the top trending topic.

Everyone flocked to Gu Nanyan's live stream, all holding their breath for her.

Zhan Yiran was almost in tears. She knew her sister-in-law could throw embroidery needles accurately and believed in her abilities, so she wasn't too worried when Gu Nanyan chose to be alone. But this was a tiger, a big tiger! What if... what if...

Zhan Yiran didn't dare to think further. She leaned on her mother's shoulder, too scared to keep watching.

Zhan's Mother was also very worried, but she had no way to help now. She could only pray to the heavens, hoping Gu Nanyan wouldn't come to harm.

On the deserted island, Gu Nanyan followed the tiger's trail, continually moving deeper into the forest.

As she slowly approached the depths, the netizens' hearts were all in their throats.

Some people were emotionally distraught, almost crying.

[Wuwuwu, Gu Nanyan won't really die, right?]

Others were cursing.

[Damn, this woman really doesn't have a brain. Is she crazy? Retreat quickly!]

Despite everyone's prayers, the tiger still appeared.

A tiger's roar pierced through the forest, making everyone shudder involuntarily.

"Gu Nanyan!" Seeing this scene, Zhan Lingfeng could no longer control his emotions. He suddenly stood up, staring intently at the live stream.

This woman was truly a madwoman, a complete lunatic.

"Send out the order, I want to see Meng Li. Whatever conditions he sets, I'll agree to them, as long as he protects Gu Nanyan!"

Gu Nanyan was unaware of the outside world's reaction. The moment she heard the tiger's roar, her eyes lit up.

She headed straight towards the source of the sound. After walking a short distance, she saw a large yellow-striped tiger, majestic and awe-inspiring.

[Ahh! A tiger, a real tiger!]

[Gu Nanyan, run!]

The netizens were shocked, shouting and screaming, completely forgetting this was a live stream and Gu Nanyan couldn't hear them.

Zhan Lingfeng's forehead was covered in bulging veins, his heart skipping a beat.

The tiger also spotted Gu Nanyan and curiously pounced in her direction.


Everyone screamed, closing their eyes in fear, unable to watch.

It would be too tragic; Gu Nanyan would surely be torn to pieces.

Some braver souls kept their eyes wide open, watching.

The scene they expected didn't unfold. Instead, they saw Gu Nanyan gracefully leap to the side, easily dodging the tiger's attack.

Then, with a light touch of her toes, she suddenly took to the air, passing over the treetops like the wind.

At the same time, her ten fingers moved in unison, and several embroidery needles whistled through the air, embedding themselves into the tiger's body.

Everyone was dumbfounded. What just happened? Was this some kind of special effect?

Gu Nanyan, you're going too far! Flying and using lightness skills is one thing, but you can even use hidden weapons?

Are you the Invincible East?


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