Horror Game Designer

Chapter 24: Choice

Chapter 24: Choice

Some said that the course of everyone’s life was predestined from the moment they were born, while others argued that destiny was always alterable. Yet, it seemed the only definite future was the universal uncertainty about what the future held.

Gao Ming reached into the darkness of the black box and extracted a ring, its black surface marred by stains of blood.

He looked at the three members of the Investigative Bureau in front of him and asked, “How does it activate?”

“Enter your identity information and pass three levels of verification, and you will be its sole owner,” said the tall, thin man with a soft expression. “I’m glad you made this choice. My name is Chen Yuntian, from the Hanhai old city district Investigation Branch, director of the Lishan Office. Your Li Jing Apartment is within my jurisdiction.”

With the investigator’s help, Gao Ming completed the identity authentication. The moment he put on the black ring, he could access all the information stored in it.

Most of the information was about the unified processing rules for anomalous events by the Investigative Bureau, and a small part was the experience passed down by previous owners of the black ring.

The black ring itself represented the pinnacle of technology in the Xinhai’s Smart City District and carried the courage, fearlessness, and other shining qualities of ordinary people.

“Don’t worry about the game studio’s work. If you don’t want to resign, you can work as usual during the day. We won’t interfere with your life,” said Chen Yuntian as he closed the black box. “But there are some things I need to make clear to you.”

“The old city district has the highest population density and the most frequent anomalous events among the nineteen districts of Hanhai. We’ve brought in many investigators over from Xinhai City, but it’s just enough to maintain the situation. We’ll give you the best treatment, and we hope you won’t resist certain orders we issue.” Chen Yuntian always appeared calm as if he had lost human emotions, never angry, sad, or happy.

“How many anomalous events have you encountered in the old city district?” Gao Ming was curious.

“Twenty-one Level 0 anomalous events, seventeen Level 1 events, seven Level 2 events, and two Level 3 events.”

“That many?” Gao Ming had only left the tunnel a few days ago and thought there were only a few anomalous events.

“The appearance of anomalous events is irregular and unrelated. But one thing is certain: the frequency of their occurrence is increasing,” said Chen Yuntian, spreading his hands. “I’ll give you three days to adjust and adapt to your new identity. After three days, you’ll join the Lishan Investigation Bureau’s first investigation team, replacing Qin Tian.”

After watching Gao Ming put on the black ring, Chen Yuntian picked up the black box and left with the other two members of the Investigative Bureau.

“Gao Ming! Did they give you a hard time?” Manager Gou and Wei Dayou rushed into the room, expressing concern. “These people are really bizarre.”

“I’m fine,” Gao Ming reassured them, subtly concealing a black ring under his sleeve. “Is everyone else okay?”

“We can’t go home tonight. We’re planning to stay overnight at the office. What about you?” Reinvigorated with his passion for game development, Wei Dayou asked.

“I need to go home,” Gao Ming replied and left the room. Outside, Xuan Wen greeted him with a cup of coffee. “Your eyes look much more determined. Did something stimulate you?”

“The horror game has become reality. Now, other players will join. If the power of the game falls into the wrong hands, the situation could worsen,” Gao Ming explained, declining the coffee from Xuan Wen.

“Yes, rational people like us are rare,” Xuan Wen said, aligning herself with Gao Ming’s perspective.

“I need to speed up and use my knowledge to gain an advantage,” Gao Ming said, picking up his backpack adorned with a memorial photo. “I’ll leave Nightlight Studio in your hands. Find out who the hidden killer player is and focus on creating ghost story games.”

“Do you trust me now?” Xuan Wen asked playfully. She had once called Gao Ming “husband” upon first meeting, but her true feelings remained a mystery.

“I’ve always trusted you,” Gao Ming said as he hurried downstairs, hailed a taxi, and set off for the old city district.

“Chen Yuntian gave me three days to prepare mentally, but he doesn’t know I’m more anxious than anyone,” Gao Ming thought to himself.

He examined the black ring, which contained comprehensive procedures for managing anomalous events at the Investigative Bureau. These procedures varied depending on the location, like apartments, schools, or hospitals, enhancing investigators’ survival chances without necessarily helping them “clear” the game.

While studying the ring, its signal light suddenly lit up and vibrated. A message from the Lishan Investigation Bureau arrived: “An anomalous event detected on Lishan Minlong Street. All available investigators, please rush to the scene!”

Most anomalous events happened at night, with only a few hours left until dawn. After a moment’s thought, Gao Ming asked the taxi driver to change the destination. He decided to investigate the scene personally to understand the Bureau’s operations better, preparing himself for any future investigations he might face.

The taxi navigated through the city, leaving the gleaming skyscrapers behind. As they progressed, the surroundings transformed dramatically into a dense cluster of crowded, run-down apartments. The buildings, tightly packed together, sported dark, unwelcoming windows.

The old city district of Hanhai was known for its poverty, but within it, Lishan stood out as the most impoverished and disorderly area. Contrary to its name, Lishan wasn’t an actual mountain but a haphazardly constructed maze of old apartment buildings. These structures, built in defiance of regulations and without any coherent planning, crowded together tightly.

These concrete giants rose starkly, leaving no gaps between them. The apartments at ground level were perpetually shadowed, rarely touched by sunlight.

Exiting the taxi, Gao Ming stepped into the narrow streets of Lishan, barely two meters in width. He navigated through pathways where sewage from broken pipes above trickled down, filling the air with an overwhelming stench. The background was occasionally punctuated by distant shouts and curses.

Above him, the sliver of sky was obscured by a chaotic web of illegally strung wires, clotheslines, and haphazardly placed billboards. Instead of the night sky, Gao Ming was surrounded by an atmosphere of oppression, decay, and filth.

Drawing a deep breath, he walked past a dental clinic and entered an unlit building. The old metal sliding door screeched as he pushed it open. Inside, the building contrasted sharply with its exterior – it was brightly lit and teeming with staff dressed in black uniforms, most of whom did not wear black rings like his.

Flashing his black ring for verification, Gao Ming felt the respectful gazes of the staff. In the Investigative Bureau, it seemed frontline investigators who wore black rings commanded high status.

“Hanhai Old City Investigation Branch, Lishan Investigation Bureau, First Investigation Team, Level 1 Investigator Gao Ming, ID 01919, welcome,” greeted the receptionist. It was their first meeting, and she took the time to explain the layout and function of the Lishan Investigation Bureau. “To effectively monitor anomalous events, the Bureau is situated right in the heart of their frequent occurrence – the Lishan building cluster, encompassing seven streets. Your team is responsible for monitoring Minlong Street and Li Jing Street.”

“I received the message. I’m heading to Minlong Street,” Gao Ming replied.

“The first team has already departed. You might need to operate independently. Please follow me,” the staff member advised.

Gao Ming was then led to a back door where several black, modified electric cars were parked. “The narrow roads in the Lishan building cluster make electric cars ideal. You can operate them with your black ring, and each vehicle is equipped with navigation and communication systems.”

Without hesitation, Gao Ming put on a raincoat and took an electric bike. Having resided in the Li Jing Apartment for a considerable time, he was familiar with the area. Navigating with the help of the integrated system, he quickly reached Minlong Street.

Upon arrival, he saw that the caution tape was already in place, and four investigators in black uniforms were deep in discussion.

Removing his raincoat hat, Gao Ming displayed his black ring and approached the group. “I’m Gao Ming, the investigator replacing Qin Tian,” he announced.


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