Hollywood: The Greatest Showman

Chapter 150: Rebellious yet Talented Woman

Chapter 150: Rebellious yet Talented Woman

Renly was taken aback for a moment, then laughed involuntarily. Was this a scene from "Notting Hill"? But this was the Toronto Film Festival, where actors were everywhere, and journalists and paparazzi were too numerous to count. So, encountering such an accident wasn't surprising; the real surprise was that he ran into—if he wasn't mistaken—a fellow actor.

This sense of absurdity made him smile. Renly looked around but still couldn't tell who was paparazzi and who was an ordinary spectator. He lacked experience in this area. "I think no one has noticed us," he confirmed. Renly didn't sense any particularly focused attention; the place was bustling with people coming and going.

The woman behind him carefully stepped out, looked around, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

From the accident to now, only a dozen seconds had passed. Renly hadn't even had time to take a good look at the other person. He only now saw a profile—recognizable by its sharp features. The stern lines of the face were quite distinctive. The refreshing and brisk demeanor between the eyebrows seemed to have lost its usual brilliance, but the strong presence in her glance revealed an innate wisdom—cool and detached.

Natalie Portman, the actress who had embarked on her acting career because of "Leon: The Professional," was clearly a unique presence in Hollywood. Intelligent, rational, and strong, her independent nature, under the halo of a scholar, made her stand out in the fiercely competitive world of fame.

"Black Swan" was one of the films entered in this festival, so it wasn't surprising for Natalie to appear here. The surprising part was meeting Natalie in such a manner.

"Phew..." Natalie exhaled deeply, adjusted her beret to ensure she wasn't exposed, then looked up at Renly and pursed her lips. "Thank you." But before the words had fully left her mouth, she turned and stood behind Renly again.

Renly laughed softly, his tone carrying a hint of teasing. "I think the best solution now is to buy a movie ticket and go into the theater. Isn't that how it always happens in movies?"

"Don't act weird, don't talk, act normal, and wait quietly for the paparazzi to leave," Natalie said anxiously, ignoring Renly's joke and speaking in a tone that was almost commanding.

This made Renly uncomfortable. They were just strangers meeting for the first time. Extending a helping hand was his goodwill, not his obligation. He could have refused. However, his good upbringing kept him polite, and he didn't move away. "The one acting weird now is you, not me, Miss Portman." His politeness now had a hint of detachment, subtly increasing the distance between them.

Hearing her name, Natalie tensed up and turned sharply, ready to get angry. But seeing the reporters passing by in her peripheral vision, she suppressed her anger and, pretending to be calm, stood beside Renly and grabbed his left arm. "Buy two movie tickets, and let's go into the cinema, acting as if nothing happened."

Again, that commanding tone, which Renly disliked, made him smile politely. "Miss, do you usually command strangers you meet for the first time like this? Or is this your usual way of interaction?"

Natalie frowned. The man in front of her was really being petty about such a small matter, but given the urgency of the situation, she didn't have time to argue. It was all that damn Benjamin Millepied's fault. She had waited for him for fifteen minutes, and he still hadn't shown up. Otherwise, she wouldn't be in such a mess now.

In a split second, Natalie made a decision. She took a deep breath, looked up, maintained a calm demeanor, and said, "Sorry, please forgive my rudeness. I'm in an urgent situation and need to avoid those paparazzi. Can you help me?"

"Sorry." Renly's response left Natalie stunned; she clearly didn't expect such an answer.

Renly knew that as a gentleman, the right thing to do would be to offer a little help; but he also knew that Natalie was just using him as an emergency measure, without any real gratitude. They weren't friends, so it didn't matter to him.

"You..." Natalie hadn't expected that beneath Renly's gentlemanly exterior lay such pettiness. She had already humbled herself! What more did he want? "You're not a man!" Natalie blurted out in her frustration—

If the reporters discovered her dating Benjamin, it would not just be gossip; it could affect the PR strategy for "Black Swan," which was crucial for her acting career. She couldn't be found out, especially not about Benjamin.

But before she could finish her outburst, she saw two reporters approaching. They weren't paparazzi, but reporters. She immediately lowered her head, gritting her teeth. "Act like nothing happened, they'll leave eventually," she said sharply, her words almost cutting.

Renly's only thought was what would happen if he shrugged off Natalie's arm and left. But gentlemanly etiquette stopped him from the mischief. He stood his ground and pretended to be engrossed in the festival program guide.

Unexpectedly, the two reporters stopped in front of them. Renly didn't look up, as if deeply engrossed in the guide, but after a moment, he realized they weren't moving past. Were they onto Natalie?

A sharp pain in his left arm startled Renly. Natalie had gripped and twisted the flesh of his arm with all her might. The sudden pain made Renly look up reflexively, facing the two reporters standing before him.

They wore cameras around their necks and had press badges on their chests, their identities clear. Both were focused on Renly. As he looked up, their faces lit up with joy. But before Renly could figure out why, Natalie's voice came from beside him, "Aren't we running late? Let's hurry into the theater."

Her words, forced through clenched teeth, seemed to warn: refuse, and you're dead.

"Renly Hall?" Gavin Hunter, the reporter, beamed brightly. "I'm from 'US Weekly.' Can we ask you a few questions?"

"I said we're running late, didn't I?" Natalie, hearing "US Weekly," looked up sharply at Renly, her fierce gaze saying: if the reporters find out, you're dead!

Renly felt confused. His arm still hurt, Natalie seemed to be gripping even harder, and the reporter's greeting had thrown him off. Why had his name come up? Natalie's aggression left no room to breathe.

Turning to Natalie, Renly smiled gracefully, "Miss, he's looking for me." But his words were laced with sarcasm and sharpness, hitting hard.

Natalie was stunned, about to retort, "Absurd!" But she realized she might have misunderstood. Something was off.

"Natalie?" Gavin now recognized Natalie. Her outfit—a black shirt with jeans, beret, and scarf—was so low-key he hadn't noticed. Originally, he was thrilled to spot Renly, a rising star, hoping for an exclusive interview. Finding Natalie too was a bonus surprise.

Natalie's face darkened. She shot Renly a venomous look—if he had cooperated, she wouldn't have been exposed. That damn guy! Still, she had to turn to the reporters and force a smile.

"It really is you!" Gavin's excitement was palpable. Cornell McGregor, his colleague, was equally delighted. Today's luck was exceptional: finding two stars at once! "I didn't recognize you at first. You're so low-key today!"

Natalie's frustration mounted. She finally realized the reporters weren't looking for her but for the man beside her. This was embarrassing. Even someone as smart as Natalie felt flustered by the unexpected turn of events, her smile stiffening.

Cornell glanced between Renly and Natalie, a thought striking him. "Are you two on a date?" Considering the earlier interaction, it seemed plausible. A rising star dating Natalie Portman? That would be huge!

Cornell nearly exploded with excitement.


The one-word response came from Natalie.

Renly was surprised. Out of respect and courtesy, he hadn't outright denied it, but Natalie's response was unexpected. He turned to her, his gaze intrigued.

Not just Renly, but also Gavin and Cornell, focused their attention on Natalie. She felt the intense stares, almost burning her skin. She closed her eyes, her head throbbing; things were getting more complicated.

"Natalie? What are you doing here? I've been looking for you everywhere!" It seemed things could get even more chaotic.


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