Hollywood: The Greatest Showman

Chapter 101: Modest Set

Chapter 101: Modest Set

Under the scorching sun of July, Barcelona was ablaze, with the sweltering heat pervading the air. Even standing still, sweat began to trickle down one's skin. Yet, despite this, it couldn't deter the passionate Spaniards from indulging in the frenzy, abandon, and romance of midsummer. Women in hot pants, men shirtless or bare-chested, and children dancing in the streets—all amidst laughter and cheers, epitomizing the unique charm of Spain.

Matthew surveyed the cluttered warehouse before him. To his right lay stacks of wood, all covered with waterproof canvas. A sawing machine sat quietly in a corner, coated in thick dust. To his left, an open space scattered with tools like hand carts, shovels, and drills, along with several piles of yellow sand, arranged haphazardly like a long-abandoned warehouse.

Passing through the iron gate of the warehouse, the sweltering heat vanished instantly, replaced by a chilling atmosphere that sent shivers down one's spine. Goosebumps erupted on his arms as if he had stepped into a freezer. The abrupt cooling effect made one's heart race with apprehension.

"Did you specifically seek out such a haunted place?" Matthew's remark prompted Rodrigo to burst into laughter, but Renly added, "He's not joking." Rodrigo's smile froze, stumbling back a few steps.

While Matthew and Renly, the initiators, remained unfazed, calmly inspecting the warehouse, Rodrigo couldn't discern whether it was serious or a jest. After some thought, he explained earnestly, "Our budget is limited, renting a temporary studio would be difficult. This warehouse has been abandoned for three years. The cost of shooting here is only a quarter of a studio, and the space we need is sufficient."

As he spoke, Rodrigo's steps halted, spreading his hands in presentation, "You see, this is our main shooting location."

Before them lay a small heap of coarse yellow sand, with a rectangular wooden box lying open atop it. The box was larger than expected, with a dark brown cloth bag tossed inside. Nearby were several boxes of varying sizes, one particularly conspicuous, maintaining the same length but towering in height, resembling half a person.

That was all there was.

These items within sight constituted everything, appearing less intricate than a high school science experiment.

Matthew and Renly remained expressionless. Rodrigo, feeling uneasy, continued, "Hey, guys." He gestured again toward the equipment before them, "You see, different-sized boxes are for shooting different types of shots. We have close-ups, mid-shots, and long shots. Furthermore, we need to change angles constantly, hence the numerous boxes..."

As he explained, Rodrigo's confidence waned, his voice trailing off.

Seeing Rodrigo's discomfort, Renly flashed a wide smile, "We were just joking." Rodrigo looked bewildered, unsure how to react. Renly continued, "With such simple props, we can create an outstanding film. That's the magic of cinema, isn't it?"

Finally regaining his composure, Rodrigo exhaled deeply, visibly relieved. Renly and Matthew chuckled softly.

"Buried" was indeed a film that tested skills. It wasn't just about confinement but about being confined in a space so narrow that turning around was nearly impossible. With only one scene and one actor throughout, it demanded the director's skill in framing, editing, and scheduling, the actor's ability to perform and engage, the screenwriter's storytelling prowess, psychological insight, and plot twists, even the cinematography, music, and more underwent rigorous scrutiny. Creating a decent film under such constraints was challenging, let alone making it exceptional or classic.

Hence, the rudimentary shooting location was expected by Renly, as the film consisted of only one scene.

However, Renly was surprised that Rodrigo had prepared boxes of different sizes. As viewers, they were always curious about how a film was made or how a specific scene was shot, finding it almost unbelievable. Now, the mysteries of the film industry were gradually unfolding before Renly's eyes.

Feeling relieved after experiencing the terror of confinement, Renly now felt eager to enter the practical phase.

"What about the other members of the crew?" Renly rubbed his hands together, readying himself.

Rodrigo glanced at his watch; it was almost time. Though Spaniards were notorious for their tardiness, today was the first day of shooting for "Buried," so they shouldn't be too late... Just then, the entrance erupted with bustling voices:

"I told you, don't turn right!" "The navigation told me to turn right, what's your problem? You think I enjoy taking the long route?" "I'm just saying, I know this area well, I won't get lost." "Alright, alright, we're not late anyway."

Rodrigo breathed a sigh of relief, rushing to greet them. Before he could speak, someone called out, "Rodrigo, come help with the stands. Alex brought the floodlights too, even though I told him we didn't need them..." "What if we do? It's only an extra fifty euros if we rent them together. If we rent separately, it's two hundred euros a day. You want to pay, or should I?"

The rapid, passionate, and rhythmic Spanish filled the warehouse, transforming the previously lifeless haunted warehouse into a lively scene.

"It seems you're ready to start working." Matthew smiled at Renly.

Renly pursed his lips, calmly responding, "What time is your flight?"

Matthew had been in Barcelona for three days now and it was time for him to return to work. He was currently in his internship phase, aiming to become a qualified lawyer, a necessary step in his career.

"Uh, eleven thirty-five." Matthew glanced at his watch, "I have to leave now. Barcelona airport is always a hassle." Even the VIP lanes were no exception to Spanish people's laziness.

"London's rainy season awaits you. Don't envy me too much." Renly's teasing made Matthew chuckle, as Spain was also a preferred holiday destination for Britons.

"I thought you'd miss London's rainy season." Matthew retorted, causing Renly to roll his eyes. After a moment's hesitation, he asked, "After we finish here, are you sure you won't make a trip to London?"

Renly shrugged, "You can take some photos of this set and show Elizabeth. I think she'd be pleased with my decision not to return." Matthew couldn't argue with that, but grinned, "After work, I might wander around Northern Europe. I want to try rock climbing."

Rock climbing, the world's most dangerous extreme sport, ranked first. First, the experience of confinement in a room, now rock climbing. Renly was still Renly, never changing.

Matthew nodded slightly, a hint of disdain on his face, "You know I'm what gesturing right now." Renly certainly knew; Matthew was mentally flipping him off.

Seeing Renly's faint smile, Matthew thought for a moment, but ultimately said nothing more, turning to leave. However, he paused, turned back, and patted Renly's shoulder, "Beware of Spanish ham. It's irresistible temptation." With that, both burst into laughter before Matthew resumed his stride.

Rodrigo approached, watching Matthew's departure, then glanced at Renly with a puzzled expression. Renly just smiled, offering no explanation, "Won't you introduce me to the rest of the crew?"

"Wow! Is this the actor you found? Why does he look so young? Could he be underage? This is bad, I didn't bring any diapers. Rodrigo, do we need to go to the supermarket now? If you're willing to reimburse, I'm willing to run errands." A tall, thin young man with a head full of curls spoke rapidly in Spanish, his words flowing like a machine gun, without pausing for breath.

Everyone burst into laughter, but Renly remained unfazed, still smiling, "I suggest you buy adult diapers instead. You drank too much last night and slept in your own urine. It's still lingering, I'm not sure what your girlfriend thinks, but I do mind. If I pay, could you go to the supermarket and get some air freshener?"

Silence fell, smiles froze on everyone's faces, becoming masks. Even Rodrigo was stunned, his eyeballs almost popping out.

Pure, fluent Spanish. Obviously, Renly's proficiency far exceeded a "beginner" level.

Spanish and Portuguese, derived from Latin, were crucial parts of a noble education, as the texts in Latin remained a vast treasure trove, encompassing literature, philosophy, science, and more. Apart from English, Latin was the first language they learned, and in courses at Cambridge University, some essays even had to be written in Latin. Today, languages like French and German, among others, followed Latin.

Renly's smile remained unchanged, "Good morning, I'm Renly Hall, playing the role of Paul Conroy." His gentlemanly and polite voice echoed in the warehouse, even eliciting an echo. Yet, everyone remained motionless, unable to react. At some point, the warehouse seemed to have cooled down again.


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