Hollow Ascension

Chapter 172: Magic Unbound

Chapter 172: Magic Unbound

The world around Elda trembled with the force of the relic's unleashed magic. She could feel it swirling uncontrollably through the valley, crashing like waves against the natural balance. It wasn't just power—it was raw, ancient energy, and it was slipping out of her control.

Kael and Lena stumbled back as the earth itself shifted beneath their feet, cracks splitting open the ground as jagged lines of light snaked across the landscape. The valley, once their sanctuary, now felt hostile, every gust of wind charged with unstable magic.

"Elda!" Kael shouted over the roar of the magic storm. "Can you stop it?"

Elda gritted her teeth, gripping her staff tightly as she tried to rein in the torrent of energy she had unleashed. The relic's power pulsed through her veins, but it wasn't obeying her will—it was wild, unbound, and it was only growing stronger.

"I—" Elda's voice faltered, the strain clear in her trembling hands. "I can't control it!"

Lena cursed under her breath, her sword drawn but useless against the magical chaos that surrounded them. "Then we need to find a way to shut it down before this whole valley tears itself apart!"

Mara, though weakened from their earlier battle, managed to stagger to her feet. Her face was pale, but her eyes burned with a dangerous gleam. "You don't understand what you've done, Elda," she spat, her voice laced with venom. "You've tampered with forces far beyond your comprehension."

Elda's heart pounded, her thoughts racing. She had known the relic was powerful, but she hadn't realized just how dangerous it could be when unleashed without limits. The valley's magic, once a calm and steady force, was now a raging storm, and it was tearing the land apart from within.

"I can't let it keep spreading," Elda whispered to herself, her voice trembling with fear and desperation. "If I don't stop it, the valley will—"

"—will collapse," Mara finished for her, her expression twisted into a cruel smile. "The valley's core will be shattered, and all of its magic will be drained into the Syndicate's hands."

Kael stepped forward, his sword still ready despite the chaos around them. "Elda, we need to do something now. What's the plan?"

Elda closed her eyes, trying to block out the sound of the wind howling through the trees and the earth rumbling beneath her feet. The relic's power was slipping through her fingers, but deep down, she could still feel a thread of control—thin, fragile, but there.

"I need to bind the relic's energy back into the valley," Elda said, her voice barely audible over the storm. "But it's dangerous. I don't know what will happen if I try."

Lena let out a frustrated breath. "We don't have time to worry about the risks! If you don't try, we're all dead anyway!"

Mara took a step forward, her eyes narrowing. "You're too late, Elda. The valley's magic is already broken. You can't fix this with your pathetic grasp of power."

Elda met Mara's gaze, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew Mara was right—the damage to the valley's core was deep, and even if she managed to regain control, the valley's magic would never be the same.

But she had to try.

Taking a deep breath, Elda raised her staff, focusing all of her energy on the relic's power. The magic surged through her like a tidal wave, threatening to drown her, but she pushed forward, reaching for the delicate thread of control she still had left.

"Hold on!" Elda shouted, her voice filled with both fear and determination.

The wind whipped around them, and the ground shook violently as the relic's energy crackled through the air. The valley's magic was unstable, spiraling out of control, but Elda could feel the core beneath it all—fractured, but not yet broken.

With a final surge of will, Elda pushed the relic's energy toward the valley's core, hoping to bind the two forces together before they tore each other apart.

For a moment, the world went still.

The howling wind quieted, and the cracks in the earth stopped spreading. The valley's magic pulsed weakly, but it was no longer spiraling out of control.

Elda let out a shaky breath, her knees buckling from the effort. She had done it. She had stopped the immediate collapse.

But as she looked up, her eyes met Mara's, and she saw the cold, calculating expression on her former mentor's face.

"You've delayed the inevitable," Mara said, her voice cold and steady. "But the Syndicate will not be stopped so easily."

Kael moved to Elda's side, his eyes still scanning the horizon for any further threats. "We need to get out of here before the valley destabilizes again," he muttered.

Elda nodded weakly, her strength drained. "This isn't over," she whispered. "But at least we've bought ourselves a little more time."

Lena stood nearby, her grip tight on her sword as she stared at Mara with open disdain. "Next time, we finish this," she said, her voice low and dangerous.

Mara's smile widened, but she said nothing, only turning and disappearing into the shadows of the forest.


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