Hollow Ascension

Chapter 158: Uncovering the Relic’s Secret

Chapter 158: Uncovering the Relic’s Secret

The valley's magic pulsed erratically as the guardians made their way deeper into the glade. Elda could feel the energy beneath her feet, unstable and restless, as if the valley itself was growing nervous. The faint glow that usually surrounded them had dimmed, and the air felt heavy, like the calm before a storm.

Kael led the way, his sword ready at his side, his eyes scanning the path ahead. "We're getting close," he said, his voice low. "I can feel it. Something's not right here."

Lena followed behind him, her hand gripping the hilt of her sword as she glanced around. "The valley's magic feels... different," she muttered, her brow furrowed. "Like it's holding its breath."

Elda walked beside them, her staff glowing faintly as she tried to focus on the valley's energy. The deeper they went, the more chaotic the magic became. It was as if the valley was trying to shield something from them—something powerful, something dangerous.

"There's a presence here," Elda whispered, her voice filled with unease. "The valley is hiding something. I can feel it, but it's deep, buried under layers of magic."

Kael's eyes narrowed as they reached the edge of a small clearing, the trees around them twisted and gnarled, their branches bending inward as if protecting whatever lay beyond. The air here was thicker, and the ground beneath their feet felt strange—softer, almost like it was pulsing with energy.

Lena unsheathed her sword, her gaze hard as she looked around. "This is it, isn't it?" she asked, her voice tense. "The relic's close."

Elda nodded, her heart pounding as she felt the pull of the magic. It was stronger here, more concentrated, but it wasn't just the valley's magic anymore. There was something else, something older and far more powerful lurking beneath the surface.

Kael stepped forward cautiously, his sword held at the ready. "Where do we start?"

Elda closed her eyes, focusing on the energy around her. The valley's magic was fluctuating, but there was a rhythm to it, a pulse that seemed to come from deep beneath the ground. She knelt down, pressing her hand to the earth, and felt a jolt of energy surge through her.

"There," she whispered, her eyes snapping open. "It's buried, deep beneath us."

Lena frowned, glancing down at the ground. "How do we dig it out?"

Elda stood, her staff glowing brighter as she reached out with her magic. "We don't," she said, her voice steady. "The valley has been protecting this relic for centuries. If we try to dig it up, we'll only cause more harm."

Kael took a step closer to her, his expression tense. "Then how do we get to it?"

Elda took a deep breath, her hands tightening on her staff. "We need to ask the valley for permission," she said quietly. "The magic here is still protecting the relic. If we can connect with it, we might be able to convince the valley to reveal it to us."

Lena's eyes narrowed. "And if the valley doesn't want to give it up?"

Elda glanced at her, her face serious. "Then we'll have to leave it buried."

Kael exchanged a glance with Lena, his jaw tight. "We don't have time for that," he muttered. "If the Syndicate is already searching for it, we need to find the relic before they do."

Elda nodded, but her heart was heavy. The relic was powerful, and the valley had been guarding it for a reason. Forcing it to the surface could destabilize the entire valley—and worse, it could play directly into the Syndicate's hands.

"We have to be careful," Elda said softly, closing her eyes as she reached out with her magic. "The valley knows what's at stake."

The magic around them pulsed, and for a moment, everything was still. Elda could feel the energy of the valley—its will, its pain, and its fear. The relic was buried deep, hidden away for centuries, but it wasn't just the valley that was protecting it. The relic itself was alive with magic, ancient and powerful, but also volatile.

Slowly, the ground beneath them began to tremble. Elda opened her eyes, her staff glowing brighter as she felt the valley's magic shifting. The earth cracked slightly, and a faint glow began to seep through the cracks.

"There," Elda whispered, her voice filled with awe. "It's waking up."

Kael took a cautious step forward, his eyes fixed on the glowing cracks. "Is it safe?"

Elda shook her head, her voice quiet. "I don't know."

Lena moved closer to Kael, her sword still drawn as she scanned the area. "Keep your guard up," she muttered. "If the valley's this protective, there's a reason."

The glow from the cracks grew brighter, and slowly, the ground began to shift. The earth trembled, and with a soft rumble, a small crystalline object began to rise from the soil. It was no bigger than a fist, but its surface shimmered with an ethereal light, and the air around it buzzed with energy.

Elda stepped forward, her eyes wide with awe as the relic floated just above the ground. "This is it," she whispered, her voice filled with wonder. "The relic."

Kael and Lena stood beside her, their eyes fixed on the glowing object. The relic pulsed softly, its light flickering like a heartbeat.

Elda could feel the power radiating from it, ancient and raw, but also dangerous. "It's powerful," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "More powerful than I expected."

Kael's gaze darkened as he looked at the relic. "And the Syndicate wants this," he muttered, his voice grim. "If they get their hands on it..."

Lena stepped forward, her eyes sharp. "Then we can't let them," she said firmly. "We have to destroy it."

Elda's heart skipped a beat at the suggestion. Destroy it? The relic was ancient, its magic tied to the very heart of the valley. Destroying it could have consequences far beyond what they understood.

"No," Elda said, her voice firm. "We can't destroy it. The valley has been protecting it for centuries. If we destroy it, we could destabilize the entire valley's magic."

Lena's eyes narrowed. "Then what do you suggest? We can't just leave it here for the Syndicate to find."

Elda took a deep breath, her mind racing. "We need to hide it," she said. "Somewhere the Syndicate won't be able to reach."

Kael frowned, his jaw clenched. "And how do we do that? They already know the relic's here. They'll keep searching until they find it."

Elda glanced at the relic, her heart heavy with the weight of the decision. The valley's magic pulsed softly around her, and she could feel the relic's connection to the land, its power tied to the balance of magic itself.

"We need to move it," Elda said, her voice quiet but determined. "But not far. The valley can help us hide it deeper, in a place where the Syndicate won't be able to reach."

Lena crossed her arms, her eyes skeptical. "And you think that will stop them?"

Elda nodded, her hands glowing softly as she reached out to the valley's magic. "It has to."

The valley pulsed softly in response, and Elda knew that the next move was theirs to make.


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