Hokage Master

Chapter 6: First Target

Chapter 6: First Target

The atmosphere in the office has changed markedly. An awkward tension mingled with the rising heat. Naruto felt in control of the situation, especially aware of his power and strength, albeit limited. Shizune did not run away, but continued to stand here as if waiting for something. Since everything turned out so conveniently, he just wasn't going to let her escape so easily!

- Listen, Shizune ...

Confidence overwhelmed the Hokage, so he got up and walked closer to the excited girl. She bowed her head, but did not take a step back. Her breathing was hammered, her cheeks flushed and embarrassment slowly spilled over to the light neck. Coming so close, Naruto felt her wonderful scent, the taste of femininity and screamed about hidden vicious desires.

The man chuckled playfully and took a step towards this hot body. Shizune could no longer hold herself proud and involuntarily took a step back, only a solid wall stood up as an obstacle. Having already cast a panicked look at the door, the girl sharply met Naruto's hand, who instantly slammed it right in front of her nose.

Then, his haughty gaze hung over her panicked face and he still asked loudly:

- Are you okay?

- Y-yes ... - she did not dare to raise her head, Naruto noticeably surpassed her in height, but in this position the girl's chest was already in close contact with his naked torso. Shizune's female gut was already beginning to tremble with uncontrollable arousal. Part of her screamed about the desire to respond to his actions, and the other part shuddered with fantasies about the future. Only her mind told her to stop, remember Hinata, not to do it and ...

Thoughts instantly dissipated as Naruto gently touched her chin and pulled her a little closer to him. He looked into the girl's eyes sparkling with excitement and bared his teeth. For the first time she saw such a grin on his face, from this one sight, in her already wet panties a complete deluge began.

"N-no, he will see ..." - she already felt the love juices flow uncontrollably down the sensual thighs, slowly collecting under her heels. The fantasies of recent years were coming true right now, Shizune simply didn't know how to react to her!

`` You know, in my youth I was still that fool, but now I am quite capable of understanding when a girl wants ... '' touching her tender lips, Naruto slowly moved to her fragile neck and breathed in an intoxicating scent loudly:

- You're driving me crazy ... I want to continue this conversation. If you want to, then ... '' Licking the brunette's cute ear, Naruto whispered:

- Come at night to the forest outside the gates of Konoha. We will go a little further, where no one will see us, and then we will continue ...

As soon as these words escaped from his lips, Shizune's Legs trembled in an instant, an even larger stream of female juices gathered in a small puddle under her boots.

"You're so vulgar, you've stained the whole floor ..." Naruto remarked playfully, continuing to run his finger over the slender belly of the beauty, he almost touched her most intimate place. All this led her to uncontrollable awe.

The girl swallowed nervously and continued to remain timidly silent. At the same moment, the Hokage suddenly pulled away and began to behave as if nothing had happened. He threw on a T-shirt and sat down on the table:

"Shizune, good to see you! Did you bring me something?

- Ah ... - the girl froze for a moment, and then swallowed again.

"How ... Why did he suddenly ..." - a slight dissatisfaction and a feeling of anger almost escaped, but she pulled herself together in time. Still, Shizune worked here for more than one year and learned to hold back perfectly. After straightening the clothes that were stuck to her wet thighs, the girl quickly shook her head and hurriedly walked to the Hokage's table. It seemed to her that some genjutsu had just happened! But, that's just, she clearly remembered his look. Still the same, completely unlike the one that Naruto could show. So scorching, so vicious ...

The girl quickly put the documents on the table and quickly said:

"Mr. Hokage, I brought you a report from Karen's lab. She said she needed more samples to test. In any case, everything is here. '' Shizune blushed again with an unusually loud slap on the table.

"S-sorry… I… I also wanted to say that Lady Tsunade will be back from her trip soon. As usual, she has no plans to do anything, but I would like to ask you again to hint to her - the skills of a medic her level can be very useful. Also, I wanted to report that Shikamaru Nara, as always, does not do his job, he leaves everything to his subordinates and many of them are unhappy.

Naruto listened with a distant face, quickly drawing conclusions. After a moment, he sighed and shook his head.

- I am not surprised. Tomorrow, I want you to bring me an accurate account of all the workers at My Residence, including yourself and Shikamaru. I want to understand exactly your responsibilities and carry out a reformation. Perhaps I should find helpers and stop sorting through these mountains of paper.

For some reason, Shizune smiled contentedly.

- I'm glad Narut ... Ahem, Master Hokage. You still decided to listen to me. I've always said you are taking too much on yourself. Not even Lady Tsunade and Sixth could do it alone. Plus, because of "some" lazy personalities, you have to work even harder. I try as much as possible, but ... - Shizune was a little embarrassed, - I feel that I am not helping enough ...

"Oh, she's so hot ... Damn, I would love to pounce on her here, but God knows these Anbu, they won't risk it. I still didn't have enough surveillance here. I have to understand how everything works here. But it looks like this beauty in love does not even take into account my sudden changes. It is worth squeezing the maximum out of this ... Fortunately, she speaks so respectfully, that's who these jerks need to take an example from! "

After a moment of thought, Naruto nodded again and said gravely.

- Since everything is so, I want you to make a list of those in whom you doubt, in addition to the list of all employees. It would also be nice if you prepare some incriminating evidence against these people, and you don't have to worry, I'll deal with it myself.

Shizune quickly nodded and started walking away, still embarrassed. She still hasn't been able to comprehend what happened a minute ago! Naruto admired her chic forms a little and suddenly said:

- Wait a minute.

"BUT? Op-five? " - the girl immediately froze, inside her everything trembled again, she swallowed and turned a little:

- Y-yes ... Something else, s-lord?

"Yes, I need you to prepare photographs of all the Kunoichi in the village, even those who have already retired like Tsunade or Kurenai. I need everyone, including the Genin or those who are in the same class as Boruto. Prepare everyone, I want to take notes.

- But why? Shizune herself didn't expect to ask such a question.

Naruto grinned and replied:

- I need to draw conclusions about the female part of the village and compare some data from memory. Do not forget to add yourself to the list and take a photo of each. Also, do not forget to make notes about their marital status, life situation, problems and oddities. I'm not waiting for the report now, but let it be in a week, create an assignment and make someone go through the list. Let them take some decent photos of me. Got it?

"Oh, well, yes," Shizune didn't really understand much, but she didn't ask. She wanted to leave the office as soon as possible and let off the steam ... Realizing her thoughts, the beautiful kunoichi blushed again and quickly flew out of the Hokage's office.

Naruto leaned back in his chair again and rubbed the bridge of his nose in embarrassment.

"In business ... It was fun. You will need to ask her about the Anbu. Judging by her reaction, she really wants to be intimate with me as hell - I'm her favorite. If so, then let's take a look at what will jump out in it by the evening. Will she want to "continue" so badly, or will she remember Hinata, remember the difference in age ... I can't wait! "


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