Hokage Master

Chapter 45: Finale, Almost ...

Chapter 45: Finale, Almost ...

Naruto simply could not stand it any more, he almost got what he wanted and abruptly grabbed Temari's enchanting halos, but he heard only a painful moan in response.

- Khh ...! - clenching her teeth, the girl turned away.

"Hmm? Didn't she feel pleasure? " - similar surprised again. Moreover, he did not smell arousal from her. In such a situation, it did not seem strange, but ... Still, why does she hurt?

He approached the kunoichi's face and coldly said:

- You can insult your body as much as you like in front of others. But don't you dare next to me! Calling those boobs saggy? - The Hokage sharply squeezed the dismount ...

- Ay ... - the kunoichi already had tears: - Do not squeeze ...

Even Shikamaru did not allow her to touch them because of his sensitivity to pain, but here he acted so mercilessly! Temari has already mentally began to curse this sadist!

- Stop powdering my brains! They are so beautiful that I want to drown in them. I would kill for the opportunity to knead them every day. I don't appreciate what I have ?! Believe me, this whole month I will appreciate you like no one else ever!

Everything in Temari's chest fluttered, she did not expect this at all! He seemed to be pissed off, but not because of the insult addressed to him, but because of her ...

"Is he crazy ?!" - Naruto continued to play with one hand with the girl's chest and suddenly sharply approached her neck, squeezing the papilla.

Temari screamed:

- Aah! B-hurts ... - the unexpectedly arising tingling feeling began to scare her.

Suddenly, she felt something hot on her neck. She tried to fight, but Naruto was too heavy. He played with her papilla and quickly suppressed the resistance with his lips, making his way with slow kisses to the beauty's sweet ear. No matter how hard she tried, everything was useless, in the end she just gave up and her arms went limp ...

"W-what is this ... D-don't believe ..." - the first time something like this happened to her. Her body seemed to be aroused ...

"How so ..." - in the past Temari did not come across such a thing. She not only did not allow Shikamaru to touch her nipples, but in fact, even in clothes, she felt enormous discomfort from simple touches. Only this time, the pain was different because of his rudeness and inability to escape, she only had to endure the pain that slowly changed to something strange ...

He pressed, massaged, and did not cross the line and did not act extremely ruthlessly. He seemed to be trying to make her get used to it.

"Now I see ... Apparently her sex problems are even worse than Ino's. She cannot be frigid, not with such nipples, which means she needs something else ... "

`` Mm ... '' parted his lips, a shiny thread of saliva reached out to the nipple, which Naruto licked afterwards properly. He wanted to give him warmth and a little tenderness. Then, the man raised his confident gaze again and peered into Temari's trembling eyes.

- Never speaks like that about her body again. You are one of the sexiest women in my life. Your skin is perfect. Are you calling her rude? Nonsense! This is exactly what the Temari I know should be, a proud and strong woman. Your body is exactly the same, it does not need a simple caress, it needs a person who can pacify it and caress it properly. Soft boobs, chained nipples that need proper care. Your body is too timid, I see ... Your wet lips and rough tongue, even if I cannot taste them, I already understand how good they are. Rely on me, I will show you a new world of pleasure ...

With these words, Naruto's hand went over the beauty's luxurious waist:

- Strong and strong, even your ass beckons to enjoy it, - after his playful slap, Temari bit her lip, in her eyes one could read absolute misunderstanding and even panic. She finally understood - he only had one glance and touch to see how timid she was in sex, but at the same time he continued to convince her otherwise. In the past, she gave up on sex and her sexuality, but he pressed that wound over and over again! What woman doesn't want to get pleasure in bed? All her life she felt only pain and fled from it. Now there is nowhere to retreat. Naruto is not Shikamaru, he was not going to stop stimulating and she couldn't yell at him!

For the first time in her life, Temari faced such rough treatment and such a man. She just fiercely stared at him unable to answer, and he continued to speak, feeling her thighs, while the kunoichi's stomach involuntarily began to flutter something - the body spoke before emotions. As soon as Naruto's fingers penetrated into the wet pussy, he even felt her answer through his panties, and smiled:

- Temari, I'm sure you're just crazy in bed ... Finally you became honest, but you only needed a couple of pleasant words in your ear and good care of your body. What do you think? - Licking his lips, Naruto removed his hand from her panties and licked his index and middle fingers:

- Mmm, your taste is indescribable ...

Temari trembled, her legs gave way, and she slowly slid down, no longer able to stand.

"How ... How so ..."

But as soon as she got down there, a huge protruding something opposite riveted her eyes. He was so big, even in the captivity of his pants, that Temari involuntarily muttered:

"This is, his ... What the hell ..."

The main thing at the moment was not that, the trembling eyes of the kunoichi slowly lowered down to her drooling hole!

- No ... - she could not even believe that this happens:

- N-impossible ... - if you remember, she only got so wet before the first relationship with a man! Then she did not know how painful sex can be ...

Was he right? All she needed was to endure the pain and receive such treatment?

Thinking about it, the girl was filled with disappointment. She could not even imagine what her body was!

"He is generally a man ..."

That's just, Naruto did not let her stay in thoughts and fantasies for a long time, he turned away and slowly returned to the table. Temari was perplexedly watching his receding back and this huge thing, when suddenly he sat down and still the same confident voice swept through the office:

- We're done. You did a great job, thanks for your help. I was not mistaken in you, you are the best assistant, Temari!

The girl was still arriving in some kind of delirium, but she involuntarily burst out:

- W-is that all?

"Of course," the Hokage nodded with a perky grin. "Or did you expect more?

Temari stood up and, still breathing heavily, lifted her kimono. She did not answer, for her what happened was completely incomprehensible. For the first time, she felt so strange. This was the first time a man had treated her so imperiously and said such words. She was ashamed, she felt guilty, and something else, causing even greater shame and discomfort ...

It is not clear how, but Temari was able to somehow dress, fasten the belt and hastily open the door. It was then that Naruto remarked with a grin:

- Don't forget the fan.

`` Y-yes, '' grabbing her weapon, the kunoichi faced a few more words:

- Shikamaru hello.

Her body trembled again, and her eyes involuntarily dropped from shame, she quickly closed the door and hurried to leave the residence as quickly as possible. Her whole body seemed to be on fire, she wanted to quickly get rid of this dirty feeling and wash, return to her family and forget this day like a bad dream! But, on the way, she suddenly realized that this was only the beginning ... A heavy feeling again began to press on the kunoichi's chest.

"I almost did it, almost reached the final ... I thought it was nonsense, I thought the others were inventing ... Why this way, and even with him ... I hate!" - Temari just burned with shame, but at the same time continued to convince herself:

"This is for the sake of the clan, for the sake of the family, I will endure ... I must!" - the decisive gleam in her eyes did not dare doubts, but she still managed to raise her head and returned home with an even gait. Although her clothes and hair were in disarray and her face betrayed embarrassment, she slowly bounced back. After all, deep inside I understood that no one should find out about what had happened!


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