Hokage Master

Chapter 233: Three Months

Chapter 233: Three Months

For a little conversation with Kurama, the Hokage wasted some time and made people strain in the cold. Someone was already completely numb, broken by a chill.

Naruto calmly returned the frozen table to normal and asked with a grin:

"I suppose that's enough?" In any case, I don't need to prove something to you. If I said that tsutsuki are coming into our world, you shouldn't really care how I found out about this. Let's say you don't like the answer, so you'd better stay in the dark. The main thing that you must understand is the whole danger of the threat of these heavenly creatures and the fact that your Hokage has not been sitting idle all this time. In that war started by Zetsu, this spawn of Kaguya, many of our friends died, and I will no longer let anyone die! Even if I have to be cruel to myself and my subordinates, I will become so!

Naruto's stern tone made everyone's chest feel heavy.

- I spent several years trying to come to this point. I have become stronger, and I no longer need to waste time on stupid things. We have no more than three months in stock, and then as many as three members of the tsutsuki clan will arrive!

- Three?! - several of those present shouted out synchronously: - Impossible!

The clan leaders began to look at each other, Tsunade grimly returned to her place and looked at Kakashi. Hatake did not answer, he himself was amazed at the news.

Suddenly, Guy shouted out:

"So we'll finish off these bastards, let's just stick around!"

- Gai-sensei, - slightly worried Lee suddenly regained his former strength of spirit and nodded: - Yes! We can win!

"Naruto, but Sasuke ..." Sakura tried to ask, but the Hokage raised his hand to stop her.

- I only informed you, in the end in that battle, most of you will not even be able to resist the insignificant gust of wind caused by the battle. Gai-sensei, Lee, of course, this does not apply to you. I have no doubt that you will have the strength to make the enemy spit blood. But, this is not necessary ... I already have a plan, it remains to wait for Sasuke and discuss everything with him. Anyway ... - Naruto finally got to the point, leaving their vanity alone.

"The first of the tsutsuki are simply weak compared to those who are on our planet right now. Kaguya's partner who found a way to survive and hold out ever since. Its strength is terrifying, and Ao works precisely for the organization created by this creature. His name is Ishiki, and the vessel in which he settled is named Jigen. You understood correctly, he is not in his true form.

The hokage did not hesitate and decided to immediately clarify:

"You see, tsutsuki are like parasites, before they die, they are able to settle in the human body and eventually capture it.

Naruto paused to make sure everyone was interested, and then continued:

- Jigen created an organization called "Kara", a kind of Akatsuki, only in our time. Their appearance is natural, especially with the current world order. The Hidden Village system became obsolete with the death of Hashirama, but Tobirama elevated it to an absolute. But, let's not condemn the ancestors ... I just emphasize that the appearance of Kara is a natural result of the power vacuum that arose due to the Hidden Villages. I hasten to remind you that over the past ten years, we have encountered more than a hundred apostates, dozens of gangs and groups created by the apostates. And what is the reason?

With a cruel grin, Naruto answered his own question himself:

"There will be no order in a world with complete hegemony of military groups like ours. The phenomenon of criminal cells is a natural effect, since all countries of the world are insignificant, and we, the Hidden Settlements, are nothing more than cruel invaders. Our cooperation with the country is one big joke.

Sakura stood up abruptly and objected.

- Naruto! What nonsense ?! We have been cooperating with ...

- Sit down! - The Hokage waved his hand: - I'm not finished!

- Ugh! The girl clenched her fists and then snorted and returned to her seat, crossing her arms over her chest. She couldn't understand why he had become so arrogant and unbearable!

With a grim expression, Naruto continued:

- I didn't come for your opinion. So ... In simple terms, I see the world today as one big circus. Countries in the World? Let's not continue this childishness? The world is ruled by our military groups, not by Daimyo. In the Land of Fire, only the Hokage rules, as an absolute dictator. What are the Countries and Daimes doing at the head? They sit quietly and keep quiet, feeding us like obedient servants. Of course, many of them forgot about it, and the nobles completely imagined themselves to be kings, getting rich at the expense of our people, whom they can incite against their enemies. Along the way, exploiting ordinary people, to whom you and I do not care, because they are not shinobi. I think some of you already know how everything works ... So tell me, how can you develop with such a mediocre method? We have vast territories under our control that Daime and his servants are unable to process, while we, the owners of the chakra, allow this to continue!

Kakashi shook his head with a sigh.

"I understand what you're getting at Naruto." More than once I have had questions about the policy of the Third and the Second ... But, what you are talking about ... This will result in another war. Even if we are stronger, we ninjas are not equipped to rule an entire country. While the Daimyo manages, Konoha develops. If we overthrow the country's rule, it can cause a natural series of wars and condemnation from the allies. How are we going to handle everything? With the whole country? There are dozens of populous cities, thousands of people who still fear chakra owners like us. It is worth admitting that we are with ordinary people from different worlds. Ordinary people should be ruled by people, but not shinobi ...

Naruto looked at Kakashi calmly. Yes. He completely agreed with these words. In fact, shinobi are really not made to rule and, as Sixth said, it will cause excitement. Everything could have turned into a war, and most likely it would have happened if Hiruzen or someone other than Naruto was in power. The destabilized power in the country after the seizure will become a huge problem, which the enemies will surely take advantage of and attack the newly formed state. Except, this would only work against the previous Hokage. Nowadays, Naruto never doubted his ability to control everything. He understood perfectly well that even united, all countries would not be able to become a threat to him. The only problem is tsutsuki, but while they are gone, he was not at all opposed to trying to create his own world. If they do appear, he will use these "gods" in order to unite everyone in his own deification! Naturally, he did not indulge himself with success, it is very doubtful that the shinobi are adapted to rule the country. But Naruto had his own plan for this. What's the point in killing the current Daimyo ministers? Why destroy someone if you can subjugate?

That is why, he shook his head mockingly, demonstrating his answer to Kakashi.

"We rule them anyway. Although we do not issue orders to the nobles, they are under our rule. The one in whose hands the power is the true power. Tobirama is an example of this, if he did not have absolute power, how would he unleash a war? Undoubtedly, it is easier to rule a military group and Konoha than an entire country. But who said that this is impossible? I guess I won't surprise you Kakashi-sensei, but Daime and their nobles have been harassing ordinary people for decades. Slavery, murder and bullying, and who allowed it? Not hard to guess! We are to blame for the fact that a handful of bourgeois are exploiting people behind our backs! These people are under our protection, not under the protection of the Daimyo!


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