Hokage Master

Chapter 229: A True Leader

Chapter 229: A True Leader


Meanwhile, a variety of discussions and controversies were raging in the conference room. There were more than a dozen people invited, all of the most important figures of the Hidden Leaf. The order for everyone to get together for an hour turned out to be quite unexpected, so many worriedly asked their comrades about what had happened. Usually, in the past, Naruto hadn't summoned so many people at the same time, and certainly not in such a strange way. The message was received by everyone and it sounded not just like an order from the Hokage, but like an order from some extremely powerful person. All latecomers would be punished, anyone who ignored the meeting or was late even for a minute would be punished under the treason law. This method made everyone worry and wary. If things are so serious, it could very well be that Konoha is in serious trouble. But no one knew with which ...

Everyone took their places along the perimeter of the long table. All clan leaders and their representatives: Hiashi Hyuga, Tsume Inuzuka, Chоji Akimichi, Shibi Aburame, Konohamaru Sarutobi, Yakumo Kurama, Shikamaru Nara, as well as the elder of the Yamanaka clan.

Naruto did not even take into account the heads of the smaller clans, but he invited other equally important people. For example: Tsunade, Temari, Ino, Sakuru, Li, Gaya, Saya, Kakashi, Katasuke Toono, and a couple of elders Koharu and Homuru.

There were nineteen people in total, occupying most of the twenty-four seats in total. Logically, Sasuke was also obliged to be present here, but his absence was only on the hand of Naruto. Overall, he summoned almost all of the strongest in Konoha, as well as the most significant personalities. Of course, he ignored some of them, but surprisingly everyone arrived, and very quickly.

"Shikamaru, will you answer us or not?" Tsunade demanded, to which Sakura nodded gloomily, after which everyone focused their attention on the current advisor.

With a wry grin, the man shook his head. His head was still splitting after yesterday's, but he didn't show it, but calmly replied, almost the same as Chоji, a few minutes ago:

- I don't know anything, let's wait for Naruto and ask him. I'm as worried as you are.

Tsunade snorted in annoyance and turned away.

`` You bet ... '' Any mention of Naruto lately made her boil and quickly cut off the conversation. But, after Shizune assured her that this meeting was important for the future of the village, she had no choice but to go to this meeting, gritting her teeth. In any case, she did not see this as a problem, except perhaps for the one in which she would have to meet this scoundrel again ... The very thought of this made her heart skip a beat. She knew his secret, but for some reason it was not he who suffered, but it was she! Fortunately, there are a lot of people here, it is very doubtful that Naruto will throw something here.

Sakura was also annoyed as she was interrupted from work. But, she still held back. Although, some, on the contrary, calmly waited for their leader and once again did not allow themselves liberties, and a couple of elders, due to their age, did not want to enter into a conversation with the young at all.

Suddenly, Katasuke decided to ask his own question:

- So, why am I here? I, of course, have a couple of questions for the Lord Hokage, but he gave me a very eloquent message that my business is science. So, I'm interested in the reason why he suddenly summoned me? As far as I can see, all the important figures of the village are gathered here ...

Kakashi sat next to him and remarked with a smile:

"Don't worry about Katasuke, you are as important to Konoha as any of us. Your contribution to the development of the Village is invaluable.

- Hehe, it's good to hear that, Mister Six.

Kakashi smiled shyly.

- You don't have to call me that, I left my post long ago.

Suddenly there was a good-natured laugh. Guy was sitting opposite, in his wheelchair, looking at his old friend with a mischievous grin:

- What a shy Kakashi you are! But, one thing you ... So why am I here? I was not usually invited to such matters, even you. What is Naruto up to?

- Well...

Kakashi was about to answer when the door to the hall suddenly flew open!

All eyes immediately focused on the newcomer.

Naruto entered with a confident gait, Shizune closed the door behind her and followed her master like the most inconspicuous shadow.

Suddenly, invisible pressure spread everywhere. The hall was quiet. Some people were about to get up and ask Naruto the question he was interested in, but ... The words seemed to get stuck in people's throats. Involuntarily, everyone began to rise and bow to greet their leader. In one synchronicity, as if on command, they stood in a row and saluted the leader. This happened unconsciously, as if at the level of instincts:

- Mister Seventh!

Even Kakashi and Tsunade were amazed at the sensation. Their bodies were involuntarily overwhelmed with respect and some kind of unconscious awe. This man ... Naruto ?!

No unnecessary emotions slipped on the Hokage's face, he calmly walked to his place, turned around and calmly nodded:

- Sit down.

And on command, everyone returned to their places at the same time, but not he ... Naruto's cold gaze went over everyone, attentively focusing on each of those present. Sometimes he smiled calmly, especially when he looked at Ino or Temari, and sometimes he smirked slyly, admiring the face of Tsunade and Sakura, but mostly his gaze remained unshakable, and finally, he settled on Katasuke, who instantly flinched as soon as he crossed his eyes with the Hokage. Although no one has been able to take their eyes off Naruto so far, this scientist could not resist ...

- Hmm, - the Seventh just grunted and finally took his place. Surprisingly, Shizune was standing on her right hand and had absolutely no intention of changing her place. Tsunade looked at her student in bewilderment, and then at Naruto, and suddenly frowned.

"What does all this mean? What happened to this boy ?! "

Kakashi looked thoughtfully at his student, unable to understand what was happening.


Even the Third Hokage did not give him such a strange feeling ... Right now, he had a feeling as if they were soldiers who met their commander in chief, unable to even argue! Naruto exuded amazing energy and gigantic strength! She simply could not resist. Was he always like this?

However, there were also those who were not too surprised, they could not take their eyes off Naruto for other reasons. As soon as he showed his attention, some of the kunoichi were seized by a familiar and awakening awe. Ino and Temari were noticeably aroused, blushed slightly, but they never took their eyes off him. As soon as he appeared, they began to ignore even their own husbands.

Naruto suddenly noticed Temari stroking her belly, to which he raised an eyebrow in surprise.

"Interesting ..." - smiling at his beauty, he instantly embarrassed her.

They both knew lecherous details and here's the result ...

This was not hidden from the views of all those present! Ino stared at the girl in amazement and immediately understood everything:

"So they too ... Wait a minute ... This ?!" - looking at how Temari constantly touches his stomach, Ino's chest went cold!

"Isn't it his ...?"

However, everyone else took the Hokage and Temari's glances differently. Tsunade began to suspect something, not daring to draw conclusions, but Sakura immediately found the answer. After all, she was already in her place!

"T-temari, are you pregnant?" - burst out a natural question, forcing the whole audience to be surprised again.

"W-well," the girl embarrassed and looked at Naruto again. She could not contain her strange smile, forcing him to enjoy the sight ...

"What a pervert ... She is addicted to this? Who would doubt that..."

He could have continued this funny show, but ...

- Enough.

The Hokage's cold voice immediately interrupted the whole stream of questions to Temari and even shook the amazed Ino. Everyone turned their attention to him again.

- I hasten to inform you that I have gathered all of you here today not to discuss Temari's personal life.

Everyone listened in silence.


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