Hokage Master

Chapter 138: Pretending

Chapter 138: Pretending


And then the morning came. Naruto got up early and, to his surprise, did not find Hinata next to him. However, he did not care too much, he just pulled on his trousers and walked barefoot with a bare top to the kitchen for a portion of a good breakfast.

The sun's rays were already slipping through the curtains, touching the stained sheets. Naruto even involuntarily remembered yesterday and with anticipation wanted to have a few words with Hanabi. Just when he went down to the kitchen, he found there only the surprisingly cheerful Hinata fluttering in the kitchen and the playful Himawari, about something carelessly communicating with her mother. In appearance, it even seemed as if these two were not at all connected by sexual intercourse with one man. Hinata didn't look like herself at all, usually she was worried about something or even embarrassed about her daughter, but now she seemed like an ordinary mother, and Himawari was a pretty daughter. It seems that at last the border of shame and embarrassment between them was melted, and they were able to adapt to a new life. However, Naruto had noticed progress in this before. In sex, Hinata revealed her perverse sides to him, just like Himawari, so the young Uzumaki loved to use it, but in the end she received her punishment from her mother the next day. Funny family, you won't say anything ...

Glancing around the kitchen with an attentive glance, the Hokage did not find Hanabi, but Boruto was sitting on the sidelines and somehow quietly playing his console. Even when Naruto appeared, he only glanced quickly in his direction and then nervously returned to his game.

"What's the matter with him?" - yesterday he fell asleep, so he did not take into account his son. As it turned out, he got the curiosity inherent in the Hyuuga. Yes, these lovers of prying sometimes created problems for themselves ...

- Daddy!

"And here is the first of them ..." - Naruto chuckled, not resisting the gentle embrace of his daughter, although she acted a little slower than usual, slightly squeezing her hips.

Naruto just smiled at this.

"Darling, you woke up." Hinata's gentle and loving smile was enchanting. True, along with this, she showed her husband some perky shine in her lavender eyes.

"Ha, how I like it!" - enjoying this situation and the vulgar glimpses on the faces of his kunoichi, he nevertheless went to the refrigerator to drink his favorite milk, looking out of the corner of his eyes at Hinata's juicy breasts.

"Come to think of it, that would be funny too ... If she's had an unsafe day, I'll soon have my own cashbug."

- Daddy, how did you sleep? - curious Himawari asked with a squint, continuing to fondle Naruto, obviously asking for another affection.

Distracted from his vulgar thoughts, he became more serious, finished his milk, stroked his young girl, and then bent down and whispered in her ear:

- Fucked your mom in both holes, right in front of Hanabi.

- BUT?! Himawari didn't even blush, but rather swallowed and looked in surprise at the back of Hinata, who, obviously elated after a pleasant night, fluttered next to the stove. At least someone was really happy after yesterday ...

"Hmm, next time I need to record a couple of home videos with my girls, for the collection ..."

Hinata flew in her thoughts, not even paying attention to the chatting husband and daughter.

- Wow, - Himawari smiled and reproachfully looked at her father: - It must have been fun ...

`` You bet, you also tried yesterday, if not for you, then Hanabi ... '' Naruto stopped abruptly as he heard footsteps on the stairs, and then leaned slightly towards his daughter:

- She goes. How's the photo with Ino?

Himawari smiled proudly and quietly replied:

- I did everything daddy, Inojin got everything to the last picture! I used my brother's computer, there shouldn't be any problems.

"Smart," Naruto stroked his girl. "You will receive your reward soon."

- Shit!

Himawari was clearly sparkling with enthusiasm, she really wanted to be with her mother yesterday, but, unfortunately, she slept almost exhausted until the morning, and then worked on her father's assignment. If Hinata hadn't helped her in the morning , she might have slept until lunchtime. Now all that remained was to hold out and get even more love from daddy!

Naruto moved on, and the girl continued to smile sweetly, looking forward to a fast night. Finally, her dream will come true ...

"Hi Hanabi," Naruto's voice came, sharply distracting both Himawari and even Hinata. Three glances at once went to the calm kunoichi, to which she simply smiled in response.

- Good morning. What's for breakfast?

"And she's good ..." Naruto couldn't help but praise such skillful play. Although Hanabi did not look in his direction - she skillfully avoided any embarrassment in looking at her sister, but she ignored him, even colder than in their first meeting.

"Interesting ..."

- Um, haha ​​... Hanabi? - Hinata, however, acted slightly nervous and laughed embarrassedly at the sight of her sister. Even if they hadn't discussed the last night with Naruto yet, everything became clear from her face, besides, she knew that he understood her perfectly well without words. Yesterday she felt very good, in many ways at the end she experienced amazing sensations, as they were being watched. This is why Hinata felt a little uncomfortable, especially when Hanabi acted like nothing had happened.

"My nipples, she ..." - noticing the random direction of her sister's gaze, a series of goose bumps went through the kunoichi's body and she sharply turned away, starting to cut vegetables faster. Now she definitely didn't want to get turned on - without underwear, her nipples will definitely come out to play!

"Y-yes, nothing special, just making a salad ..." Hinata trailed off, showing a clear reluctance to continue the conversation.

Hanabi's eyes flashed as she was about to ask something, when suddenly ...

- Aunt! Himawari cut in. She noticed the nervous behavior of her mother and immediately decided to cover her. To some extent, this cute naughty girl skillfully hid her real feelings, while she easily managed to avoid shame and guilt. Although, one might say, she had nothing to be ashamed of, because it was not her who was observed yesterday, or, more precisely, she did not even know about it. Naruto was more than sure that this would not have stopped Himawari from being able to act as if nothing had happened, yet she did not believe that she was doing something bad or wrong. On the contrary, Himawari enjoyed a new relationship with her parents and for her there was nothing more right in life, as long as He praised her - everything else did not matter!

As soon as her niece called, Hanabi again pretended, although she became even more nervous in her mind, this was what made her different from the shameless Himawari ...

"God, this is a girl ... Hinata knows for sure everything about what I saw, but she still behaves in the same innocent, although not at all like that! But what about this family ... "- involuntarily she threw a short glance to the side, directly at the grinning Naruto and shuddered sharply!

"He ... How dare he ?! Does it amuse him ?! " - she wanted to punch him for such impudence! But I just had to behave as before, smile innocently and stroke my niece ...

"Here ..."

"Hee hee, aunt, I have a secret." Continuing to take Hanabi aside, Himawari turned around and winked at her mother, receiving a grateful smile in return. After exchanging glances with Naruto, Hinata's lips took on a playful grin ...


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