Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 928: The first class of the new professor

Text Chapter 928 The New Professor's First Class

When Ivan walked into the classroom, the class bell just rang, and the sixth grade students were already sitting in their respective positions, with dozens of pairs of eyes looking at him.

"Good morning, everyone!" Ivan walked straight to the front of the stage, looked at the people under the stage, and spoke with ease. "Although everyone is familiar with it, according to the usual practice, I will introduce myself first. I am your new professor of magic research and practice..."

"What are you going to teach us in this class? Hals...Professor, we have not received a new textbook either!" A Hufflepuff wizard suddenly raised his hand and asked curiously.

"This question is very good! Since this course is a newly added course this year, there is no corresponding textbook for the time being. This also means that in my class, you'd better take out your notebooks and write down those important knowledge points. Record it all!" Ivan said slowly.

But most of the students did not respond, only Hermione and a few girls who love to learn brought out the quill and parchment.

Ivan saw all this in his eyes, and then added a little. "I believe this knowledge can be used in the exam!"

As soon as the voice fell this time, there was a sparse sound in the classroom. All the little wizards immediately put their notebooks on the table, and no one dared to neglect this year's final exam.

"As for the content to be taught in this class, just like its name, it is divided into two parts: actual combat exercises and magic theory research." Ivan opened his mouth to explain, and after a pause, he continued.

"I believe you should have read the Daily Prophet for the past two years, and understand that the magic world is not peaceful today. Even at the end of the school year, Hogwarts was attacked once... so I hope you all can take this Pay attention to the class, so that you can better protect yourself when you encounter danger."

Hearing this, Neville, Ron and others couldn't help but shudder. When Grindelwald raided Hogwarts that day, they happened to be there, and they still have lingering fears until now.

"Well, since you have no other questions, then we will officially start the class now!" Ivan looked around and scanned everyone's faces before suddenly speaking. "Does anyone know the specific steps to release a magic?"

In the audience, a white arm was immediately raised up, faster than anyone else!

"Hermione, you answer!" Ivan said with a smile.

"It's wands, spells, and gestures!" Hermione responded loudly.

Ivan nodded non-committal, but then continued to ask. "Then which point do you think is the most important?"

The little witch was stunned, frowning and thinking for a long time without being able to give an answer.

"I think it should be a magic wand... If the wizard's wand is disarmed in a duel, then the other party can no longer release magic!" Hannah Abbot raised her hand and shouted.

"Really? Do you really think so?" Ivan glanced at Hannah and put his hand directly on the podium.

The next moment, in the eyes of everyone, the one-meter-high desk quickly melted and deformed, and a beautiful lion statue appeared in the classroom in just a few seconds.

Only then did Ivan retort. "Obviously what you said is not quite right, Miss Hannah Abbot, as you just saw, I didn't hold the magic wand, but I still successfully performed a transformation technique!"

Hannah widened her eyes and looked at the lion statue in front of her with a surprised expression. It was the first time she saw someone who could release magic with her bare hands.

Harry, Neville, Malfoy, and others were also surprised. Hermione looked as usual. She had seen Ivan's wandless spellcasting skills, and because of this, she hadn't rushed to give an answer before.

"Is that a spell? If you pronounce the spell incorrectly, the wizard can't release the magic correctly..." Ron said uncertainly.

However, before Ivan could reply, Hermione on the side interrupted. "No, there are many wizards who can cast spells without spells, so spells are definitely not the most important!"

"That can't always be a gesture to cast a spell, right?" Ron muttered puzzledly. Ivan didn't even need a wand when releasing the spell, so there was no need to change the gesture!

The students in the classroom started discussing in a low voice, but no one could give a definite answer. In the end, they had to look at Ivan together, waiting for his answer.

"It's very simple. This shows that wands, spells, and gestures are not the key to casting a spell!" Ivan revealed the answer straightforwardly.

The students present opened their mouths and wanted to refute. They came to Hogwarts and have been learning the necessary spells and spell-casting gestures to release magic, but now Ivan suddenly told them that these are not important?

This is really hard for them to accept, but Ivan just performed a spellless and wandless cast in front of everyone, and the facts proved that his words were correct. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Then what is the key to our ability to release magic?" Harry raised his hand and asked curiously.

Ivan did not reply directly, but asked the other way around. "Harry! Do you remember how you made a piece of glass in the zoo before you came to Hogwarts? You didn't have a wand in your hand, let alone any spells."

Harry was questioned by Ivan's words for a while, and finally replied hesitantly. "I... I don't know... I just wanted to release that big snake..."

Having said that, Harry suddenly realized something, he looked at Ivan and said eagerly. "Is it because I desperately want to save it, so the glass disappeared?"

"Yes, the strong will evoked the magic power, and finally let you unconsciously release the magic!" Ivan explained, and then hoped to show everyone in the audience. "I believe you should all have similar experiences when the magic power broke out for the first time!"

"When I was chased by a dog at the age of eight, the magic burst turned it into a parrot..." a Ravenclaw girl said.

The rest of the little wizards also blew themselves up the peculiar experience of the first magic burst, and at the same time realized that they had accidentally completed a wandless spell.

"In other words, we don't need to buy spells at all, let alone learn the changes of spells and gestures, so why does the school teach us these?" Hannah was confused.

Ivan replied with a smile. "This is of course meaningful, the steps of casting spells can reduce the difficulty of the wizard's spells, and make your magic more accurate!"

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