Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 900: Trail of Thunderbirds

Pierce smiled and exchanged a few words with a few people, then looked at Ivan who was coming down the stairs, and said. "Mr. Hals, I am looking for you on important matters."

In view of the presence of outsiders, Pierce did not use honorifics to avoid unnecessary trouble.

"Is the thing that I said last time gone?" Ivan asked straightforwardly. Seeing Pierce's freehand look, he could guess that it wasn't about Grindelwald, it was probably related to Ray. Bird related.

"Yes! Because it's important, I had to take a trip myself." Pierce nodded, and at the same time looked at Hermione and others imperceptibly.

"Go to the conference room and talk!" Ivan immediately understood, moved away from the Grangers, and led Pierce into the top conference room.

After leaving the sight of Hermione and others, Pierce's attitude immediately became respectful, and he reported. "The thunderbird you asked me to find has already been found. According to intelligence, someone has found traces of this magical creature in a small town in France."

"France? How could it be there? I remember that the thunderbird's habitat is not in North America?" Ivan raised his eyebrows and asked strangely.

"I heard that it was taken by someone smuggled over, but something went wrong in the middle. It caused a lot of riots in that small town a few days ago. People from the International Federation of Wizards are investigating this matter. This information is also They provided it!" Pierce said casually.

"Wait...The International Wizarding Federation? These people are so kind?" Ivan was a little bit unbelievable. He had just drawn the face of the International Wizarding Federation. It would be good if the other party didn't hate him. How could it be kind to him? Provide information.

Or is it that these people finally figured it out and plan to use this information to ease the rigid relationship between each other?

"Have you sent someone to verify it?" Ivan looked at Pierce and asked very cautiously.

"I have asked someone to confirm that the weather in that small town has indeed been abnormal recently. It is probably affected by Thunderbird... But I dare not be 100% sure..." Pierce said hesitantly. .

In fact, he dispatched manpower to directly capture this thing for credit, but those Aurors squatted in the small town for several days without seeing the shadow of Thunderbirds, but felt the local harshness well. Weather.

Listening to Pierce's account of Ivan is not surprising. Thunderbird is an extremely sensitive and magical creature that can predict danger in advance, and coupled with its own powerful magic power, it is very difficult to capture.

But it is precisely because the opponent is so good that he will choose Thunderbird as the target for the next fusion.

"In addition, our spies also found out that the French side was under martial law for unknown reasons... Intensifying the screening of immigrants, I guess it might be related to Grindelwald..." At this point, Pierce's expression became very serious. dignified.

"No wonder the International Wizarding Federation gave us this information so easily." Ivan touched his chin and said with a sneer. These people were probably expecting that he ran over and collided with Grindelwald.

Pierce naturally understands this, but the plan of the Wizarding Association may be frustrated, because he has found a professional two days ago to search for the traces of thunderbirds, and it won’t be long before he can get the thing back. .

However, Ivan's response was beyond his expectations.

"No, I'll go see it myself." Ivan waved his hand and said.

He was also a little curious about what Grindelwald wanted to do in France, and there was some information that needed to be confirmed, such as whether Grindelwald had regained a new life as he had imagined and was completely free from the troubles of black magic.

Of course, the most important task is to catch the Thunderbirds and complete the next blood fusion, otherwise Ivan really doesn't have any confidence against Grindelwald who holds the old magic wand.

"If you plan to go to that town in person, you can try to go to a local hotel, and calculate the time that the commissioner may have arrived. I believe he should be able to provide you with some help." Pierce said hesitantly, and then from The wizard took a photo out of his pocket and handed it to Ivan.

Ivan stretched out his hand to take the photo and glanced down. The photo shows a wizard who is too young to be too young, probably less than twenty years old, dressed very plain but smart and capable.

"His name is Rolf Scamander, he should be regarded as an expert on magical creatures... Although he looks young, he knows magical creatures very well..." Pierce explained.

"Scamander?" Ivan inexplicably felt that the name was a bit familiar, and after looking through the memory carefully, he remembered, and then asked in surprise. "What is his relationship with Newt Scamander, the master of magical creatures?"

"Rolfe is the grandson of Newt Scamander..." Pierce shrugged, which is why he is confident that a nineteen-year-old Maotou can find the trace of Thunderbird.

However, in order to complete the task given by Ivan, he had originally planned to invite Newt Scamander himself directly, so as to ensure that nothing went wrong.

Who knew that this guy actually took his son to Africa to explore the problem of Sphinx's reproduction, and the Auror who ran for nothing could only grab his grandson and top him.

Fortunately, after an inquiry, they were surprised to find that Rolf knew very well about the habits of magical creatures, and after learning that the target this time was a cherished thunderbird, they volunteered to go on the road without their persuasion.

"Interesting, I'll go find him when it's there." Ivan nodded, not rejecting Pierce's arrangement.

Although he has learned a lot about magical creatures in order to find a suitable fusion target over the years~www.mtlnovel.com~, but no matter how much he can not compare to the well-known Rolf – they are all of them. Scholars who study magical creatures are even obsessed.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements. When do you plan to leave?" Pierce asked.

"Tomorrow...no...the day after tomorrow!" Ivan replied hesitantly.

If possible, Ivan naturally hopes to leave as soon as possible, but he still needs to arrange some things before leaving England, such as setting up a loyalty curse in this mansion, so as not to go out and be stolen. In addition, Hermione’s I also need to explain...

"Okay! Then I'll order someone to send Rolf a letter later, and let him wait for you at the local hotel the day after tomorrow, how about?" Pierce said.

"That's it." Ivan thought for a while, there should be nothing left, and then agreed.

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