Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 889: He returned from the fire

Grindelwald's questioning words made Alison panicked. She took a few steps back in pain, shaking her head frantically, looking a little crazy. "It's not me... it's not me... it was just an accident..."

"Accident? Do you believe in the memories that the Aurors have woven for you?" Grindelwald's mouth was filled with a smile, but the words became more cruel, as if he were reading the death penalty in public. "You have always known the truth, right? You killed her with your own hands!"

"No, it's not right, it's not like that..." Alison's body suddenly froze, and she screamed absent-mindedly.

Grindelwald continued to expose his scars unrelentingly. "When you were eight years old, you began to gradually show your talent as a wizard, with all kinds of magical performances, but your parents are devout believers. They believe that all miracles can only be attributed to the Lord, otherwise it is the power of the devil. ..."

Alison's complexion gradually became distorted, and the painful memories that had been suppressed deep in the brain resurfaced.

Because of the peculiarities she showed from time to time after awakening, her parents, who were devout believers, quickly brought her to the church, trying to figure out whether her weirdness was the blessing of the Lord or was possessed by demons.

In order to earn money, the priest in that small church naturally chose the latter without any hesitation, and told her parents that they must be baptized every week in order to be eradicated.

It's just a pity that this kind of deceit can't suppress her magical talent at all, and this uncontrolled power will still disrupt her life from time to time.

But her father obviously believed in the so-called demonic possession and regarded her as a total freak.

Her mother cared and loved her as usual, but Alison could never forget the complex expression mixed with fear when the other person looked at him.

To make matters worse, the once-a-week baptism quickly drained the family's little savings, and the originally irritable father became more irritable under the pressure of debt, and also contracted alcoholism and gambling.

In the end, she even attributed all her dissatisfaction in life to her. When she was in a bad mood, she hit and scolded. Although her mother had the intention to stop it, she couldn't do anything.

Such days continued until Alison was ten years old. In a sparse and ordinary domestic violence, she witnessed her mother being protected from being kicked to the ground by her father. Under such stimulation, her magic suddenly It broke out, all the anger accumulated in the heart was vented at that moment, and finally triggered an astonishing explosion.

Her mother died in the explosion, and her father was seriously injured.

Then, the two Aurors who arrived in a hurry characterized it as a magic accident, rewriting the memories of everyone nearby, including her father who thought it was just a tragedy caused by a leaking gas pipe.

Alison, who was still young at the time, was no exception, forgetting the truth of the matter.

However, as she grew older and entered Durmstrang to learn magic, similar scenes began to appear in her nightmare again, just like a nightmare.

Now, with the help of Grindelwald, she can fully remember that her mother's death was not caused by an explosion caused by a gas leak, but by her own hands. Even her father became alcoholic and addicted to gambling because of her. reason.

Such cruel facts almost broke Alison, and at this moment Grindelwald's voice rang again.

"You didn’t do anything wrong, Alison! It was the Muggles’ ignorance that caused it all. They didn’t understand the power of magic. The wizard was an absurd legend to them, so your parents were wrong. Attribute your talent to the devil."

Speaking of which, Grindelwald could not help but raise his pitch a bit. "Think about it, if your parents know enough about wizards and know what a great miracle magic is, then they won't have such a stupid idea!"

"On the contrary, they will also be proud of giving birth to a witch, because you are born with the magical power of magic, far better than the average Muggle child!"

"So you didn't do anything wrong. What was wrong was the long-deteriorating system of the magical world, the officials who were superior but only knew how to fight and search for wealth.

It was they who drove you to a dead end and created this tragedy. It was also they who trapped the wizard in one cage after another, isolated from the whole world, so that Muggles could not know the wizard exactly. What we need to do is to reverse it, in order to prevent more people from having the same experience as you. "Grindelwald said word by word.

Alison's dim eyes reappeared, and every word of Grindelwald met her deepest expectations. Having magic talent is not her choice, let alone a fault!

"It's time for you to make a choice, Alison." Grindelwald said indifferently. "You can choose to continue the ritual and witness the magical world take a new step...or take your wand to destroy me and return to the original rotten and devastated magical world."

"Don't be affected by his words, witch, the magical world is not as bad as he said. Most Muggles do not have any malicious intent towards wizards, you just happen to run into a bad father who hates demons..." Farley Er said anxiously.

"Since you have been to a wizarding school, you should know that many parents of Muggle families are very happy that their children can become a wizard! And those Aurors, they erase your memory without any malicious intent, probably they are I want to protect you..."

"Enough! Shut up..." Alison interrupted without waiting for Farrell to finish, looking at him angrily. "If those Aurors are really willing to protect me, why didn't I show up when I revealed my talent was slandered and possessed by a demon? Where were they when I was domestically abused?"

Farrell opened his mouth, trying to explain, but in the end he stopped speaking. He didn't know the situation in Northern Europe, but even in America, the Magic Congress couldn't have enough people to deal with every little wizard. Follow up and observe the living conditions, let alone intervene in family disputes. This kind of housework has always been the most troublesome.

Farrell’s silence made Alison made up her mind. She resolutely waved her wand and chopped off her left hand. Unspeakable pain spread all over her body, forcing her to let out a stern cry, and the falling arm soon After sinking into the crucible, the previously turbid liquid suddenly turned into a brilliant fiery red.

"It's crazy... It's crazy!" Farrell's scalp numb when watching this scene.

If he is not mistaken, this witch named Alison should be a wizard who was bewitched after Grindelwald escaped from prison. In just a few days, she was completely surrendered and she voluntarily cut off her arm to complete it. This black magic ritual.

"You are brave, Alison! Go ahead, it's just the last step," Grindelwald said appreciatively, not surprised by Alison's choice.

From the moment he peeked into this witch's heart, he knew that he only needed a little guidance, and he would become his most loyal believer for convenience.

Alison clutched his broken arm, panting in pain, but step by step walked in front of Farrell and waved his wand.

Farrell closed his eyes subconsciously, he was ready to die, but unexpectedly Alison did not take his life, but used a magic wand to open his face and drag some blood into that In the crucible.

"Father's bone, servant's flesh, enemy's blood?" Farrell opened his eyes again, guessing the most important steps of this dark magic ritual from Alison's movements, and finally understood Grindelwald. Why do you want to arrest yourself.

Although this prestigious black demon has made many enemies, few can be recognized as enemies by the opponent!

Needless to say, Albus Dumbledore died in the hands of Voldemort some time ago.

Secondly, Newt Scamander is definitely one. It's just that this guy's whereabouts are uncertain, and he often wanders around the world to study the habits of various magical creatures. Grindelwald may have ventured to North America to capture himself after rushing to the air.

The thought of being honored by Grindelwald as the enemy, Farrell's mood is a bit complicated...

After the delay, the liquid in the crucible gradually boiled, and bubbles were slurping, and the faint blue sparks splashed around, as if there was a volcano about to erupt inside.

Farrell kept praying in his heart~www.mtlnovel.com~ and hoped that Grindelwald's resurrection ceremony would fail. If he gets closer, he will spit and stir the pot of water without hesitation!

Suddenly, the crucible shook violently, as if Farrell's prayer finally came into effect, the blue erupted from the crucible, and the hot fireworks swallowed everything around it.

Alison was startled, his face pale, almost thinking that something went wrong when he made the potion, Farrell was a little excited, but before he was happy, a figure flickered. Stepped out in the fire...

That is Gellert Grindelwald!

He was resurrected after he died once. He is no longer as old as before. He looks about forty years old. His sturdy body is fully revealed after the flame recedes, and the strange pupils of different colors in his eyes add to him. A few different charms.

Grindelwald twisted his neck, feeling the surging vitality in this body, and then stretched out his hand, the old magic wand automatically fell on his hand, and the curtain cloth hanging on the right was also pulled down. It quickly changed into a beautiful black robe and draped over him...


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