Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 868: Dumbledore: I'm waiting for one person here!

"What happened? Did Voldemort want to kill Professor Snape?" Harry asked.

He was inexplicably brought to Voldemort by Snape before, and "dead" under the black lord's killing curse without saying a few words, so he didn't know the current situation of the outside world at all.

"I can't see anything more specific, but I think it should be related to the Horcrux..." At this point, Dumbledore paused, and then he told Snape to kill the snake Nagini. The matter was told.

"Then what should I do to destroy that Horcrux, with a fierce fire curse? But I have never learned that spell." Harry looked a little at a loss, but listened to Ivan and Xiao for how difficult the Horcrux was. As Sirius and others mentioned, ordinary magic can't even leave a trace on the Horcrux.

"No, it is not a wise move to use black magic to counteract black magic." Dumbledore shook his head, and then asked with a smile. "Remember how your mother fought the killing curse?"

"With...love?" Harry said uncertainly.

"Or maybe it's the power of faith!" Dumbledore said slowly. "In order to protect you from bad luck, Lily was willing to sacrifice herself and burst out with unspeakable courage. She used an ancient magic to transform this extremely firm belief into strength and hide it in your body."

"If necessary, you can also try to use similar powers against Horcrux..." Dumbledore added.

"I'm afraid I can't do this, sir..." Harry's face flushed red, and he couldn't help but retort. Now he doesn't even have a wand in his hand, let alone the kind that can transform faith into A powerful curse of power.

It is impossible for him to explode as long as he wants to kill Nagini, right?

This is too ridiculous...

"I believe you can do it, as long as you want to, and if your will is strong enough..." Dumbledore said mysteriously, and then urged before Harry could answer.

"Well, you should go back now, Harry, go back!"

The surrounding scenes shook violently, and the towering hall cracked with countless fine gaps, as if it was about to collapse in the next moment.

Harry didn't care about the doubts in his head for a moment, and shouted loudly. "What about you, Professor Dumbledore? Aren't you going back with me?"

"We are different. You are still alive and there is hope, but I am dead. What I want to go is another way to experience a new and unknown adventure." Dumbledore said with a smile.

Harry hesitated to say, if going forward is leading to the world of the dead, and going backward is returning to the paradise of the living, does that mean that Dumbledore staying here is like himself, between life and death, and has not done anything Make any choice.

"I stay here because I still need to wait for someone here..." Dumbledore's figure is becoming more and more transparent, as if shrouded in white mist, but his voice is accurately conveyed. Harry's ear. "If he is willing to keep the promise, he might be coming soon..."

Wait for someone...who? Before Harry could ask any more, the supporting pillars on both sides had collapsed, and Dumbledore's figure had completely disappeared in front of him. Everything around it seemed to be collapsing, even cracks appeared on the ground.

Harry could only turn around quickly and ran all the way.

After running for a long time, Harry found that besides the white mist or white mist, he could not see the end at all.

What worries him even more is that the speed of the ground collapse is getting faster and faster, even surpassing the speed of his running. The ground on the front, back, left and right is collapsing, and in the endless despair, he just fell into the bottom. In the abyss...

After not knowing how long it took, Harry suddenly felt that his body was twitched by something and hit the back wall hard.

The intense pain made Harry wake up quickly, but he just opened his eyes and saw a serpentine snake spitting a letter, as if he was about to bite him.

Harry was startled by such a thrilling scene, but his groggy body made him unable to avoid it at all.

Between the electric light and flint, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air came over, and the big snake wandering around him was chopped into two in an instant, and the smelly snake blood splashed and stained his robe and face.

The disgusting smell kept drifting into Harry's nose, but he wasn't in the mood to pay attention to it anymore, and he couldn't help feeling grateful that he had escaped from the dead again.

Harry propped up his body and looked around, his eyes were full of blood.

This wide basement was filled with snake corpses of various sizes, scarlet blood and minced meat were all over the floor, and Harry even saw a big snake with only half of its body twisted fiercely.

Snape, who had saved his life, was leaning halfway close to him at the moment, his body was next to the wall, his face was ugly and scary, he was bitten by a poisonous snake during a fight, and he was still missing one on his foot. Empty bottle.

Although Harry didn't know the cause and effect, he could still guess a little bit after seeing this scene. Voldemort must have hidden Nagini in the basement, mixed with countless snakes.

With his familiarity with Nagini, he searched in this spacious, dark basement, and quickly located the opponent's location.

Of course, this is not to say that Snape's eyes are bad, but that Nagini can only be found by lying half-lying like him-this cunning snake hovering on the towering bracket on the right ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Little by little, he climbed along the beam to the top of Snape's head.

There was a chill in Harry's heart. He didn't know where the strength came from. He ignored the pain in his body, jumped up from the ground, and shouted loudly. "Professor, watch out for it!"

Snape reacted instantly, raised his head abruptly, and waved his wand vigorously. The invisible blade of magic power shot out and hit Nagini's body with a crisp sound of iron and stone clashing. .

Nagini's painful neighing sound followed, and the snake body that was as thick as a child's waist rolled and fell from the air, but due to the particularity of the Horcrux, even if it was forced to eat a divine front without a shadow, that There were no scars on the huge snake body.

"Be fierce!" Harry reminded.

"Don't you think I don't know? There is no way to use fire here!" Snape replied angrily, and then he almost fell to the ground with a soft leg, and the hole-shaped dot on his right leg was constantly leaking out. Black blood-he didn't know this information before, and he was bitten by a sneak attack by Nagini who was mixed in the snake pile.

Fortunately, in order to deal with this big snake, he specially prepared a powerful antidote, which neutralized part of the toxicity, and was able to persist until now.


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