Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 866: Snake cave and the world where life and death meet

In the hall of Riddle's Mansion, Snape gradually broke free from his past memories, clenching the wand in his hand, preparing to complete the last task that Dumbledore gave him, to kill the big snake Nagini...

If he is not mistaken, this should also be the seventh Horcrux that Voldemort will destroy!

In addition to Harry, Hufflepuff’s gold cup was probably destroyed by Ivan. The evidence is that Voldemort was furious after learning that Gringotts had been breached by the "Dark Lord" and asked him to inquire about the whereabouts of this thing. .

If Voldemort fails to make a new Horcrux during this time, then after he kills Nagini, Voldemort will lose his immortality. Once he loses in the battle, what awaits him is eternal death!

"It's a pity..." Snape sighed. If arranged properly, he could completely eradicate Voldemort with the power of Ivan Hals.

But at the beginning he was very worried about rebirth in the midway, so he didn't dare to involve the other party, and now he can only watch this opportunity pass by.

Secretly sighed, Snape quickly adjusted his mentality, and it was a big deal. The core of this plan was to remove Harry's Horcrux status, and secondly, to ensure the safety of the two of them. Too much risky actions would only increase The possibility of his exposure...

"It's time to act..." Snape glanced at Harry, who was lying on the ground without any sensation. After thinking about it, he backhanded a phantom charm on him, took a deep breath, and used it. The magic dragged Harry to the basement of Riddle's House.

Since Gringotts was attacked more than a month ago, Voldemort had hidden Nagini. He didn't even know the exact location, but Snape guessed that Nagini should still be in this room.

After all, Voldemort doesn’t have so many trustworthy people to build a second safe house, and Harry has the ability to sense that big snake. Even if Voldemort puts Nagini in the deep mountains, Ivan will be caught -Hals got it out.

As for why you should bring Harry when you act?

Naturally, because Voldemort might come back at any time, he didn't have time to move Harry to a safe place and then return to perform the task. It would be better to bring Harry who was already in a coma, and it would be more convenient to run away!

As Voldemort's "most loyal" subordinate, Snape knew very well that Nagini and Voldemort had a deep connection.

Snape estimated that Voldemort would be sensitive to it when he attacked it, so the whole movement must be fast, and Nagini must be killed within a few minutes and successfully retreated!

While thinking about the countermeasures in his mind, Snape walked out into the depths of the mansion, and a strange whining sound came from the ground. Snape's spirit was shaken, and he knew that he was right. , Nagini is still hiding in this room.

However, after getting closer, Snape quickly realized that something was wrong. The low neighing sound was gradually becoming louder and noisy. The stone bricks on the ground were covered with slippery mucus. After seeing the scene ahead, Snape couldn't help trembling even more.

Tens of thousands of snakes of different sizes are crowded into a room of 100 square meters. Looking at the past, they are all snakes winding their bodies entangled with each other...


Am i dead?

Harry floated erratic in the air, asking himself again and again from the bottom of his heart. He couldn't feel everything from the outside world, but it was amazing that his consciousness was sober, so he clearly remembered that he was killed by Voldemort. The curse was hit...

By the way, and Snape, he betrayed everyone... Harry thought of this suddenly, and an angry mood rushed into his brain, forcing him to open his eyes.

There was a vast expanse of whiteness in his eyes. He looked around and felt like he was lying in a bright mist. All around was hazy, illusory and ethereal...

Harry hurriedly sat up, and then he noticed a more serious problem-he was naked!

Although there seemed to be no one else here, this discovery still made him feel embarrassed. He immediately forgot to consider whether he was alive or dead, desperately hoping to find a piece of clothing.

For some reason, when he had this idea, a robe had already appeared next to him. Harry didn't think much about it, and hurriedly put on the clothes before he was in the mood to explore where he was.

Could this be what happened after death, Harry stared around, remembering the robe that appeared just now, and realized that he seemed to be able to control this place...

Sure enough, when his thoughts came up, the surrounding scenes changed according to his thoughts. The white mist was gradually receding, and a towering, bright hall soon appeared before his eyes.

All this was the same as he had imagined, except for the ancient monster body that appeared inexplicably not far in front of him.

Harry walked a few steps, and then he could see that it turned out to be a naked child. The red skin was very rough and it looked like it was peeled. He was lying trembling in a seat. Struggling to breathe below.

Harry was very scared. Even though it was petite and weak, it still scared him.

After hesitating for a while, Harry mustered the courage to move a little bit.

The weird baby-sized child was curled up on the ground, with low whimpers in his mouth. Harry didn't dare to get too close, but he could really feel its pain.

"You can't help it, Harry."

A gentle, familiar voice came from behind him~www.mtlnovel.com~ Harry turned his head in surprise, and Dumbledore in a dark blue robe was walking towards him.

Harry forgot everything else in an instant, and said anxiously. "Professor, Snape... Snape betrayed us, and he took me to Voldemort... and then Voldemort used a Killing Curse on me..."

"You can speak slowly, Harry, we have plenty of time." Dumbledore comforted softly, then continued. "In fact, I'm very curious about what happened in the magical world during my absence."

Harry's excitement calmed down a bit, starting from the beginning, he told all the things that happened after Dumbledore's death, and emphasized the things that Snape had failed his trust and brought himself to Voldemort.

Dumbledore listened quietly and didn't make any comments, until Harry finished speaking, and then suddenly said apologetically. "I hope you can understand his actions, Harry."

"What?!" Harry was stunned.

"Because Severus did this as I told him." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, seemingly applauded. "I have to say that he did a great job, at least much better than I expected!"


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