Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 857: This is part 1 of the agreement

"Of course I know this..." Grindelwald said slowly, his complexion very calm.

"So you must have studied how to crack this black magic's corrosion to the body, right?" Ivan stared at Grindelwald and asked.

"Yes, I did provide him with some suggestions, but it's a pity that he came too late. That kind of weird black magic has completely eroded his whole body... Even I have no solution." Grindelwald Replied with a word.

"But the wizard responsible for configuring him with potions told me that Dumbledore's physical condition can only last until Hogwarts starts, but he violated common sense and persisted until the end of the year, and even still had a strong combat ability. I I think this must have something to do with you." Ivan said positively.

"You are very keen... Hals." Grindelwald's low tone looked a little hoarse. He did not directly answer Ivan's question, but stretched out the left hand that was blocked in the shadow. "This is the answer you want."

Ivan glanced down, and then his pupils tightened, and Grindelwald's entire left hand was burnt black, and black air appeared on it, which looked exactly the same as Dumbledore's injury.

"In other words, these days, you replaced Dumbledore with some of the damage caused by the dark magic?" After a brief surprise, Ivan quickly thought of this. He checked the banned books at Hogwarts. At that time, I have seen several kinds of magic that can achieve similar effects.

"You can think so." Grindelwald's expression remained unchanged, he put his hand back, and said casually.

Ivan looked at Grindelwald deeply, and then asked suddenly. "You don't seem to reject answering my question."

Grindelwald slowly put the last steak into his mouth, chewed it carefully, and replied. "After all, this is part of the agreement!"

"What agreement?! Is it an agreement between you and Dumbledore?" Ivan asked.

"The content of the agreement is very simple, I am responsible for answering your questions, and he promised to make my life a little more comfortable...before I will die..." Grindelwald had a sarcastic smile on his face.

"It's just that?" Ivan looked a little surprised, because the things that both parties need to pay in this agreement are not equal.

In order to get a slightly more comfortable environment, Grindelwald not only has to answer many of his questions, but also needs to pay his own life!

After all, Dumbledore has confirmed that once this kind of black magic is hit and cannot be cured in a short time, then...the curse will undoubtedly die!

Grindelwald does not have a potion specially made by Snape to suppress the injury, so it is corroded very quickly by the body. Judging from the severity of the left hand injury, Grindelwald probably has less than three months of life left. ...

"I have been imprisoned in this tower for about fifty years, and death comes one day earlier or one day later, it makes no difference to me." Grindelwald said calmly.

"Really?" Ivan looked at Grindelwald, his eyes quickly shifted to several newspapers scattered on the bedside. Judging from the headlines, this should be the latest issue of the Daily Prophet.

"Do you often flip through the newspaper? It's not like a person who is waiting to die would do!" Ivan raised an eyebrow and asked jokingly.

"This tower is too boring. You have to cultivate some habits to pass the time, such as... take a look at what interesting things are happening outside." Grindelwald's tone was still calm.

He pushed the tableware in front of him aside, picked up a daily prophet, and looked at the large headline "Mysterious man shot again, Gringotts suffered heavy losses", and asked with interest.

"It looks like you used the name of the Dark Lord to rectify those fairies. This is something I have always wanted to do but failed to accomplish... Ah, by the way, if I am not mistaken, the current England should be Is it under your control?"

"These are just little tricks." Ivan replied lightly.

Although he has done a lot of things over the years, in the final analysis, he is just playing in England. It really has to be counted. The total number of wizards on the British Isles is probably not as large as a Muggle town.

More importantly, Ivan thinks that he has nothing to be proud of in front of Grindelwald. The other party had intended to start a war between wizards and Muggles on his own, and even weaved an amazing plan for this, even if it ultimately failed. It’s still awe-inspiring.

"Principal Dumbledore once told me about your affairs and your many plans. I have to say that this is indeed a practical path and it has also given me a lot of inspiration." Ivan said.

"So we have the same philosophy..." Grindelwald had a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth. He believed that Dumbledore's words must be alert~www.mtlnovel.com~ but in front of him. 'S little wizard seems to have a different idea.

However, Ivan shook his head. "No, your idea is too radical. Although there is something to learn from, the wizard and the Muggle need to find a way to coexist after all."

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In Ivan's view, even if a very minority wizard can dominate the world for a short time, it is difficult to maintain it for a long time.

On the other hand, it is impossible for Muggles to exterminate the wizard, after all, two ordinary children born with the same probability have the gift of magic.

"So you believe in Dumbledore's practice, that Muggles and wizards should live in harmony?" Grindelwald sneered.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Ivan asked puzzledly.

"Are you going to put the lion and the sheep together?" Grindelwald said disdainfully.

"Muggles are not as weak as you think... I think you should have seen the appearance of that creature that was charred the last time when Muggles triggered a world war." Ivan said noncommittal.

"You mean the weapons that Muggles developed specifically to kill themselves?" Grindelwald sneered. "I admit that Muggles are indeed much faster than us in terms of killing efficiency, but don't forget that even the most powerful weapons need to be used by humans. Wizards control Muggles."

Ivan did not argue with Grindelwald about this, but said calmly. "You tried this a few decades ago, but it failed in the end, didn't you?"

Grindelwald's face became a little ugly, but it soon eased again. "Yes, I did lose, but it wasn't in the hands of the Muggles, and it had nothing to do with those in the Wizarding Union..."


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