Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 856: Gellert Grindelwald

At noon, after asking for the space coordinates of Newmontgard from several house elves, Ivan took the meal alone, and disappeared in Hogwarts during a period of spatial transformation.

When he came back to his senses again, he had already appeared on a wasteland far away from the crowd.

The teleportation spanning almost half of Europe made Ivan somewhat uncomfortable. Fortunately, he soon adjusted and looked forward-a majestic building as deep as a fortress was erected on a hillside, the most What stands out is the towering tower in the center...

Ivan looked around and quickly confirmed that this was the Great Prison of Newmontgard!

It was as famous as Azkaban. According to the record, hundreds of wizards were imprisoned in Numontgard during its heyday. It is a brutal testimony of Grindelwald. The top of the entrance is still engraved with Grindelwald's famous saying: " For the greater good."

It's just that now this place has been abandoned for many years, the solid wall has collapsed a little, and the guard post at the door is empty.

After the fall of Grindelwald, a large number of righteous wizards fell here, and the traces of the original battle can still be seen vaguely.

Ivan stepped into it, looking around like a tourist. To his surprise, more than 50 years later, some of the protective circles in this prison are still in full play. effect.

Especially when I walked into the high tower, Ivan clearly felt that the surrounding space was tightly locked, and I didn't need to think about it or know that this should be an anti-phantom shifting circle.

But not long ago, he had just merged with the Phoenix blood and mastered another method of spatial displacement.

A similar protective circle didn't play any role for him, so after sensing it for a moment, Ivan followed the stairs all the way up, and after ten minutes he stepped onto the top of the tower.

Compared with the dilapidated scene below, the top floor of the tower looks more breath of life. It has almost been transformed into a small room with all the necessities for life, but it seems a little lacking in care.

Thick dust accumulates on the wall stove and a few unusual chairs. The only windows that can peek outside through the tower are also gray, which makes the top of the tower look extremely depressing under the noon sun...

And the owner of this tower, Grindelwald, the only prisoner of New Mongadri, was leaning on the only rigid bed in the room at this moment.

Probably because of his advanced age and long-term imprisonment, Grindelwald's condition looks terrible. His gray hair is tied together, his eyes are sunken, and his face is pale with no trace of blood. Ivan He even suspected that the other party might die in this room in the next moment.

The sound of footsteps coming from the door naturally attracted Gellert Grindelwald's attention. His eyes swept across Ivan's body like an eagle, making the latter feel a long-lost pressure.

Ivan was already on alert and quietly put his hand on the wand. He vaguely felt that the prestigious dark wizard is in a state that is very similar to Dumbledore's today-a powerful dying person.

So even if the opponent doesn't have a magic wand in his hand, Ivan doesn't dare to relax his guard...

However, Gellert Grindelwald did not intend to attack him, but after Ivan approached step by step, he suddenly spoke and said in that hoarse low voice.

"Ivan Hals...you came a lot more nights than I expected..."

"Do you know me? Know that I will come to you?" Ivan stopped one meter from the bed, a little surprised in his tone of voice.

"He thinks you will find here sooner or later..." Grindelwald slowly explained.

"So it seems that Principal Dumbledore really has confidence in me..." Ivan raised his eyebrows and said jokingly. Dumbledore hadn't left him any clues or hints before he died, if not. He got some news from Shining, and I am afraid he would never think of this run-down prison.

"Albus told me a lot about you..." At this point, Grindelwald coughed heavily, covered his mouth with his hand for a long time before relieving himself, and continued to speak. "He thinks you are the person most likely to change the magic world in hundreds of years."

Ivan touched his nose. Dumbledore had told him about this, but he was a little curious about how Grindelwald would think about it.

"What do you think?" Ivan asked.

"Originally I didn't believe it, but now it seems that there is some basis..." Grindelwald stared at Ivan scrutinizingly, "There has never been a wizard who can reach such a height at your age..."

Ivan was not moved by Grindelwald's praise, and replied casually. "Really? I also heard Professor Dumbledore talk about you..."

While talking, Ivan put the meal with his left hand in front of Grindelwald-he did not forget that he was here to deliver the meal this time~www.mtlnovel.com~ Grindelwald is also welcome, pick it up With the knife and fork in the plate, he slowly cut a piece of steak into his mouth, elegantly like an aristocratic gentleman.

However, Ivan noticed that the opponent's left hand, which was holding a knife and hidden in the shadow, was a little unwilling. The cut steak looked crooked, rather than a neat piece.

Just before he could take a closer look, Grindelwald's voice came over. "If you have any questions, you can say now..."

Ivan waved his magic wand to take a picture of a stool from a distance, just sat down by the bed, no longer waiting for Grindelwald to finish eating, and asked directly. "I want to know, what did Principal Dumbledore talk to you?"

Grindelwald kept cutting the steak, and said indifferently. "One part is about you, and the other part is not necessary for you to know."

Ivan squinted his eyes, but didn't care about the other party's concealment, because he knew that the relationship between Grindelwald and Dumbledore was very unusual, and it was indeed inconvenient for him to listen to some words.

Grindelwald said openly that he was going to hide something, better than hiding it in private.

Thinking of this, Ivan omitted those inconvenient parts, and patiently learned from Grindelwald about Dumbledore's purpose.

However, Ivan was a little disappointed that Grindelwald said a lot of time for a meal but did not have much useful information. Most of them are mentioning Dumbledore’s evaluation of him, or telling about what he has done. Those things.

Ivan really didn't understand why the principal would mention himself to Grindelwald in such detail, and immediately lost the mood to continue listening, so he interrupted. "When the principal of Dumbledore came to see you, did you know he was dying with black magic?"


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