Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 852: Occlumency (Happy New Year everyone!)

Under Snape's explanation, the little wizards watching the excitement turned their heads back angrily.

Ivan was not affected at all, and finished reading two esoteric black magic books in one morning.

However, from the point of view of efficiency, the improvement brought by the Ravenclaw crown is not a little bit worse than the systematic learning master experience card, only about one-third of the effect.

Fortunately, the most important thing about this thing is that it can be used all the time, so you don't have to work hard to earn grade points. Ivan is very satisfied with this kind of thinking improvement.

As the bell rang for the end of class, Harry and Ron, who had survived the two Defence Against the Dark Arts classes, were relieved. They were very worried in class just now, for fear of being caught by Snape.

"By the way, Harry, didn't you want Professor Snape to learn Occlumency?" Ivan put away the two books on the table, took the Ravenclaw crown off his head, and looked towards Harry asked.

"I think it's not too late to wait until next week's Potions class to mention this..." Harry retired and said hesitantly.

"That won't work! Naturally such an urgent matter could be one day earlier..." Hermione severely interrupted Harry's words, urging him to find Professor Snape quickly.

Harry was very helpless, looking at Snape's leaving back, hesitated for a while, and finally gritted his teeth to catch up.

"Please wait, Professor Snape." Harry stepped forward and squatted.

Hearing the shouts from behind him, Snape's pace suddenly stopped. He frowned and turned his head impatiently. Harry couldn't help but shiver with his hollow eyes.

"I heard from Ivan that you are the best Occlumency Master in England... So... so I hope you can teach me that magic." Harry summoned his courage and said, then waited nervously for Snape. He did not hold any confidence in his response.

Because he knew how much Snape hated him. If Professor Dumbledore was still alive, maybe Snape would still follow his orders to teach himself, but now that’s not necessarily the case... But it’s not bad to be rejected. , Then he doesn't have to endure the torment of being alone with Snape.

Just as Harry thought to himself, Snape's cold voice rang.

"Come to my office at six tonight!"

Harry was visibly stunned and looked at Snape in surprise, almost thinking that he had heard him wrong.

"I don't want to repeat it a second time!" Snape said impatiently, then continued after a pause. "Remember, don't tell anyone about this. If someone asks, you just say I plan to detain you for a few days, understand? I believe no one will question this..."

After a brief mention, Snape walked towards the hall without waiting for Harry to respond.

It took a long while for Harry to return to his senses. He had never expected Snape to agree so readily, returning to the classroom in a daze, Ron and Hermione got together for the first time.

"How about, Harry? Did Professor Snape agree?" Hermione asked.

"He asked me to go to his office at six o'clock tonight." Harry didn't even pay attention to Snape's instructions, and didn't think he could hide from Ivan.

Not to mention, he was expecting that if Snape tried to mislead him, Ivan, Ron, and Hermione would be able to rush to rescue him as soon as possible.


In the evening, at 5:45, after dinner, Harry forced his spirits up and walked towards Snape's office alone.

After a polite knock on the door, Snape's somber voice came from the office.

"Come in!"

Harry took a deep breath, opened the door gently, and walked in.

There was no light in the room, only the faint lighting provided by the burning fire on the wall. Harry turned his head and looked around. The shelves on both sides of the room were filled with hundreds of glass bottles, and slimy specimens of animals and plants floated. Among the colorful potions, there is a faint smell of strong potion.

Harry sniffed uncomfortably, and then quickly focused his attention on the conspicuous old clock behind the desk, because it seemed to be broken and the time was pointing at eleven o'clock.

"It looks like you are not late today, Potter!"

Snape's cold voice suddenly sounded in the office, and Harry was startled by the distraction. He turned his head hurriedly and saw Snape's figure suddenly emerge from a shadow.

"How much do you know about Occlumency?" Snape didn't mean to chat with Harry, and asked directly.

"It can protect the memory in my brain and prevent mysterious people from using magic to detect my thoughts..." Harry tried hard to recall the notebook he had read during the summer vacation, and then continued. "The advanced Occlumency technique can also create false memories and confuse those who want to peek into the memory."

"Very well, since you have some understanding of it, then we will skip the novice teaching and go directly to the actual combat... I always think this is the best way to learn." Snape looked at Harry with his eyes gleaming~www. mtlnovel.com~ Said unkindly.

"But, should I do this?" Harry asked nervously. There were some explanations in the notes Ivan gave him, but he only had theoretical knowledge without any practical experience.

"Fight against my curse with your will...or you can try other methods." Snape said lightly.

Harry stared at him angrily. There was no technique or method. What was the difference between not saying? He even guessed that Snape had promised so readily in the morning to humiliate himself wantonly in the process of learning Occlumency.

"Let's start now, the Dark Lord won't leave you too much preparation time..." Snape didn't care about Harry's angry gaze at all, said slowly, and at the same time raised the wand in his hand.

Harry immediately took the gods, and concentrated on the several ways to resist the mind-consciousness in the memoirs.

Try to think of some useless things to interfere with the caster’s access to information, use your will to mobilize your own magic power to resist the opponent’s invasion, create false memories in your brain to confuse the enemy... In addition, there is a more extreme method, that is, direct attack. Surgeon...

"Despite the mind!" Snape didn't remind Harry again, waved his wand without warning, and yelled sharply.

The surrounding scenes disappeared in front of Harry's eyes for an instant, only then did he realize that the resistance methods he had imagined did not have much effect at all.

Snape’s methods were extremely fierce, without the slightest concealment. It was like poking a spoon into his brain fiercely, stirring wildly in his brain, and Harry just felt that countless memories came from his brain. Crazy emerges...

(PS: On the occasion of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new, the angels wish everyone a happy new year and a blessed year of the ox!)


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