Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 850: The magic of increasing wisdom

"Later, my mother became ill and became very ill. Although I did something unfilial, she still eagerly wanted to see me again, so she sent Barrow to find me, and it turned out..."

Helena's eyes were filled with pain and regret, and she couldn't continue speaking, but Ivan already knew the follow-up.

The blood man Barrow failed to bring back Helena, who was still a rebellious girl at the time, and he was jealous of her freedom and stabbed Helena to death in a rage.

After realizing the mistake he had made, Barrow also committed suicide in annoyance.

In a sense, Helena will end up like this all by herself, even with Barrow, who loves her to death, and makes Ravenclaw founder Roina depressed...

However, Ivan would naturally not say these words, otherwise Helena would have turned his face with him.

"In fact, Ms. Rowina has always regretted that she was too focused on research and neglected your feelings." Ivan hesitated and said comfortingly.

The painful expression on Helena's face suddenly eased a lot, and she turned her head slightly to look at Ivan in confusion.

"I have been to that laboratory, and I saw a striking stone stele at the door with a sentence engraved on it..." Ivan explained, but before he could finish speaking, Helena spoke for him That sentence.

"Extraordinary wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind."

"This is what my mother says most often. She has always liked smart people. It's a pity that my performance has always disappointed her..." Helena's words showed some resentment.

"Do you really think that? The stele was destroyed when I went to the laboratory, probably Ms. Rowina's hand!" Ivan said calmly.

Helena was stunned for a moment.

Ivan's words continued, he looked at Helena and said word by word. "I think your departure made her realize that she once had something more important than wisdom...family affection!"

Helena's body trembled violently, her eyes were filled with crystal tears, she gently covered her mouth with her hand, as if she wanted to block the whimper from her mouth, drips of tears slid down her cheeks Next, but before landing, it turned into dots of fluorescence and dissipated in the air.

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Ivan turned around very wisely, pretending to be looking at the scenery outside the window, and let Helena let out the emotions he had accumulated for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, the deep crying slowly subsided.

Helena wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes and muttered to herself. "If we could all understand this earlier, maybe... maybe things won't get so bad..."

"People always have to lose before they can understand what is most important." Ivan said.

Helena sighed and nodded, and then took a deep look at Crown, and said rather reluctantly. "You take it away!"

"Are you not going to keep it?" Ivan asked somewhat unexpectedly. He could see that Helena had a deep obsession with this crown, so when he took out the Ravenclaw crown, he Even the preparations have been made to return the things to their original owners.

"No, it doesn't make any sense for me to hold it." Helena said with a wry smile. She is now a ghost and doesn't even have the ability to hold a crown.

Ivan did not pretend to be anymore, because he was afraid that if he refused to say more, Helena would temporarily change her attention.

"Then how should I use it? Just bring it like this?" Ivan fiddled with this gorgeous crown and asked. He had tried various methods before, but he couldn't get any feedback.

"You still lack a spell to activate it." Helena laughed and floated in front of Ivan, gently resting her palm on top of the crown, slowly muttering something in her mouth.

Ivan clearly saw the famous quote engraved on the inside of the crown light up, and then the entire crown glowed with light blue fluorescence.

This abnormality only lasted for a moment and disappeared without a trace, but Ivan could feel that the crown in his hand was a little different from before.

He even guessed that the spell that activates the crown is the phrase "excellent wisdom is the greatest wealth of mankind", but it has to use the old British saying thousands of years ago, no wonder he didn't get any movement no matter how he tried this thing.

Fortunately, thinking about it from another angle, since he hadn't discovered this, the young Voldemort probably didn't have this ability, or else he wouldn't violently use the crown as a high-level material for making Horcruxes.

"Now you can take it for a try." Helena put her hand back and said encouragingly.

After getting confirmation from Helena, Ivan couldn’t wait to buckle the crown on his head. He was really curious, whether this thing is really as magical as the rumors say, as long as you bring it, you can make a person incomparable. clever……

However, at the moment when the crown was buttoned ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Ivan's expression suddenly stopped, his face was full of amazement and disbelief.

Helena was a little strange to Ivan's reaction, but she didn't think too much, and asked with a smile. "How is it, surprised? Do you feel that you have become a lot smarter?"

"Yes, I'm very surprised..." Ivan returned to his senses, and muttered, gently taking off the crown, staring at it, with a little thought in his eyes.

Ravenclaw's crown did increase his intelligence, but the feeling that the speed of thinking and the ability to understand greatly improved made Ivan feel extremely familiar.

This is very similar to the increase he usually gets when he turns on the Xueba experience card, but the effect is not so obvious.

This discovery greatly exceeded Ivan's expectations. Could it be that every time he used the experience card, the system also increased his thinking ability through some kind of alchemy?

Like this crown?

What about the so-called protected mode? Could it also be the effect of some kind of magic?

Countless thoughts flashed in his mind one by one, Ivan felt that he was very close to the truth, but he was not sure of his guess.

"Hal... Hals, what's the matter with you?" Helena saw Ivan standing on the spot holding the crown, as if the devil was startled, she stretched out her hand and shook it before his eyes.

"No, nothing, I'm just a little too surprised." Ivan said with emotion, clutching the crown in his hand. "No wonder Ms. Ravenclaw was called the wisest person in the magical world by people at that time."

Judging from the information he has learned, Rowena Ravenclaw is an extremely clever witch. In addition, she has produced this magic crown, allowing her to enjoy the increase in thinking all the time, the most intelligent sentence The evaluation of is by no means an exaggeration...


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