Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 832: The end of the old age

Ivan hesitated for a moment, and didn't immediately make a move. He thought that the fighting had reached this level and it was no longer necessary to continue.

But Dumbledore obviously didn't think so. He waved his wand again with a calm face, and the stone bricks on the collapsed wall quickly rose...

A six-meter-high stone giant rose from the ground, exuding an unspeakable aura. The soles of the feet formed by the base of the stone platform were extremely heavy, stepping on the broken bricks, and stepping on the obvious marks, and rushing towards Ivan. .

Ivan didn’t intend to waste too much energy on a deformed creature. He pointed his magic wand at random, and the headless python, whose body was broken off by half on the ground, stood up again, and the long snake tail struggling to hit the stone giant with one stroke. He staggered.

What is even more strange is that under the action of magical power, the head of the giant python, which had already burst, regrown, and the four sharp fangs pierced deeply into the shoulder of the stone giant, and the huge snake body was directly rolled up.

The two behemoths just rolled to the ground, entangled together...

Ivan didn't share the mentality of this contest between deformed creatures, and his eyes were always on Dumbledore.

He understands that today among the two of them, I am afraid that only one can get out of this church alive!

"Bone to pieces!"

After a brief confrontation, Ivan took the lead to break the tranquility, and a slender beam of light flew out from the tip of the stick and flashed in mid-air.

Perhaps because of the need to be distracted to suppress the injury on his right hand, Dumbledore was not wasting his magic power to make a shield this time. Instead, he picked up a fist and rubble on the ground to block the curse beam that was flying over him.

"! (Drill the heart and cut the bone "Petrificus! (All petrochemical

Ivan's continuous attacking did not leave Dumbledore even a chance to breathe, and soon forced the opponent to the point where he could only defend.

Dumbledore was like the most dexterous master of tricks, waving his wand lightly and using only some basic spells with low mana cost, he easily resisted Ivan's rounds of offensive.

Ivan was not impatient or impatient, and once again increased the intensity of the offensive. The terrifying fire emerged from the void and condensed into a fireball, bombing wildly in the dilapidated church.

Dumbledore could only conjure a few stone guards again as shields to block the aftermath of the explosion.

Such a large-scale draw of magic power made Dumbledore's injuries worsened again, and the burnt black scars quickly spread to his right face, making his originally smooth spellcasting movements appear sluggish for a while...

"Shen Feng Wuying!" Ivan keenly grasped this fleeting fighter plane and started the final wave of offensive. An invisible and shadowless magical blade flew out from the tip of the staff and slashed straight towards Dumbledore. .

Under the pressure of death, Dumbledore no longer distracted to suppress his injuries, and struggling to wave the stone guard beside his wand automatically disintegrated, transforming into a stone shield and lying in front of him.

The slash of the magic blade exploded on the stone shield with a toothless muffled sound, and the two burst together after a stalemate for a while.

Dumbledore stepped back a few steps, avoiding the rubble splashing on the ground, and in the smoke and dust from the explosion, a crimson light beam suddenly flew over without warning.

Disarming curse?

Dumbledore did not expect that in such a battle, Ivan would actually intend to cast such a non-lethal magic to end himself, and then he wanted to perform Apparition in a flash.

However, Ivan's voice rang at this moment.

"The soul is out of the body!"

A vague and wonderful feeling began to occupy his mind, as if to pull the thought from his brain.

As a master of panic, even though his condition was extremely poor, Dumbledore managed to break free from the influence of the Imperius Curse in less than a second.

However, every moment in the fierce battle is particularly important.

Although Ivan’s Ivan did not take effect, it had achieved its core purpose, and Dumbledore’s Apparition was forced to stop...

The backlash brought about by forcibly interrupting the cast has completely lost the possibility of the last counterattack for Dumbledore!

The crimson light beam hit the target, and Dumbledore, who was standing solemnly, was immediately knocked out. His thin body was floating in the air like a dead leaf, and it hit the rear load-bearing pillar so hard, and his wand was also tightly held in his hand. Get out, whirl in midair and plunge directly into the sea of ​​fire...

"The magic wand is coming!" Ivan was taken aback, and hurriedly cast a spell. A scorched magic wand quickly flew out of the sea of ​​fire.

Ivan didn’t care about the hotness, he reached out and grabbed the wand in his hand. Only then did he realize that when Dumbledore was fighting, the wand used by the opponent didn't seem to be the one he expected...

Before Ivan could think clearly, the whole church began to shake violently. The three load-bearing columns used to support had already broken and collapsed in the previous battle, and Dumbledore just hit the last one. The load-bearing column...

The weak balance was instantly broken. The church had been supported to its limit after being severely damaged continuously. The wall quickly cracked, and heavy stones were continuously falling from the ceiling.

Ivan did not want to be buried in the rubble. After a bitter battle, his spirit was weakened to the point where he was unable to cast spells to delay the collapse of the church...

Ivan simply grabbed the shivering Fox in the corner after grabbing Nirvana, stuffed it into the pocket of the wizard's robe, and then used magic to hold up Dumbledore, who didn't know his life or death, and the central **** began to locate the space.


At the moment when the church completely collapsed, Ivan quickly waved his magic wand, and his whole person was drawn into the crevice of the space. After the fierce battlefield, he was buried by heavy rocks...


In Knockturn Alley, in an empty house with no one, Ivan's figure emerged from the void.

Just standing still, Ivan eagerly walked up to Dumbledore to investigate, but the result of the investigation was that he shook his head helplessly~www.mtlnovel.com~ no breathing, stopped heartbeat, and disintegrated magic. ...

Ivan looked at Dumbledore, who was lying on the ground with his eyes closed and his robes clean and only stained with dust. He sighed. After all, he could not stop Dumbledore's death.

Although he had a foreboding of this scene before the duel, such a result was obviously not what he wanted to see...

The phoenix chick struggled to crawl out of the pocket of Ivan's wizard robe, flapping her hairless wings awkwardly, and fell to the ground with a sad whisper.

Ivan listened to sorrow and joy silently, and after recovering some magic power, he started the aftermath work. He put his wand on the magic mark on his right hand and conveyed a sad message to Acting Minister Pierce.

[The principal of Hogwarts, the greatest wizard of England, Albus Dumbledore, was murdered by Voldemort in the process of tracking the whereabouts of the Dark Lord, and unfortunately died...]

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