Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 829: You are more dangerous than me, Hals!

Remember in one second【】


With a period of space replacement, Ivan disappeared in Knockdown Alley. When he came back to his senses again, he had already arrived in a desolate small village, and in front of him was a towering church...

However, it seems that this place has been abandoned for a long time. The surrounding streets are empty, and there is no half of the human figure. The green weeds extend from the cracks in the stone bricks, and the yellowed walls are covered with moss and vines, revealing a A rotten and ruined breath...

Ivan walked all the way into the church along the steps, and soon saw Dumbledore.

After a few days, the white wizard's physical condition seemed to get worse. His unconscious right hand dropped to the side, the strange curse had eroded to his neck, and his thin body seemed to fall to the ground when the wind blew.

The golden red phoenix Fox also appeared in the church, hovering in the sky, and when he saw Ivan, he let out loud calls.

"You came a lot later than I expected, Hals..." Dumbledore turned around stiffly, looked at Ivan as he walked into the church, and said calmly.

"Originally, I didn't want to go to the appointment... depending on your injury, if a few days pass, we don't seem to have the need to fight..." Ivan shrugged and joked.

"You are right, maybe at this point, I have to thank you..." Dumbledore raised his eyebrows. As Ivan said, his body can't support for a few days. If Ivan deliberately avoids Now, he really has nothing to do.

Ivan sighed. If he could, he didn't want to fight Dumbledore. After all, he was not the real "Ivan Hals", and he didn't feel so deeply about Orlando's death.

"I heard from my mother that Minister Barnold had repeatedly invited you to serve as Minister of Magic and become the leader of the Resistance Army...Can you tell me why you rejected the position of Minister of Magic in the first place?" Ivan asked puzzledly. , This is something he has never figured out.

Dumbledore was silent for a while, staring at Ivan, then said slowly.

"That's because the most dangerous person in the magical world has never been Grindelwald or Voldemort..."

"It's me!" Dumbledore said softly, his tone of voice was ordinary, and he couldn't hear the slightest arrogance, as if he was just telling a simple fact.

Ivan's pupils shrank slightly, and he was stunned in place, but Dumbledore's words continued.

"A powerful and unconstrained wizard is dangerous, such as Grindelwald and Voldemort."

"I have more powerful power than them, and naturally more dangerous than them..." Dumbledore said frankly, walking down the high platform step by step, and his thoughts became a little wandering.

He has always been clear that he is not a selfless, noble person, and he can't remember how many creepy thoughts have appeared in his mind for more than a hundred years.

After Arianna died, he eagerly sought the Deathly Hallows. One of the important reasons was that he wanted to resurrect his sister who had died tragically, so as to redeem his sins...

But the whereabouts of the Deathly Hallows are impossible to explore. In contrast, there is a simpler method that has been kept in front of his eyes, disturbing his will like a devil, that is... black magic!

Dumbledore was extremely convinced of this. There were at least three kinds of dark magic in his brain that could bring Arianna back to life, but every ritual was extremely evil, demanding of the caster, and dependent on the sacrifice of others. To get enough vitality.

And he just has enough knowledge of magic to complete these rituals, as long as he crosses that bottom line, he can bring Arianna back to life...

Dumbledore could not remember how he got rid of such thoughts, but he clearly remembered the tormented feeling.

Because this feeling has almost enveloped his life, making him constantly wandering between good and evil thoughts...

"I used to resent destiny, thinking that I was awe-inspiring, and I should show my talents and do everything I want to do, and let the magical world run under my will..."

"This is not a difficult thing to do. As long as I am willing to step out of Hogwarts and make up my mind to do something, no one in the magic world can stop me..." Dumbledore said.

He is very aware of the power he possesses. The last time he decided to do his best was the duel with Grindelwald decades ago.

In that duel, Dumbledore won very simply, even though Grindelwald had the strongest wand, he still won.

After defeating Grindelwald and obtaining the old wand, his power became even more uncontrollable.

Dumbledore keenly discovered that compared to temptation, his limitations are almost negligible, so sometimes his evil thoughts and greed may even overwhelm good thoughts and make some irreparable mistakes.

For example, the death of Arianna, or for example, he borrowed the invisibility cloak of James Potter but he was unwilling to return it, causing Harry's parents to lose their only hope of escape...

These mistakes made Dumbledore realize how dangerous some of his ideas are. Grindelwald is like his other side, doing what he has always wanted to do, and also warning of what his excessive ambitions will cause. as a result of……

"For this, I made three pledges to myself to curb my growing desire..." Dumbledore strode to Ivan's face and said solemnly. "There is no need to never contaminate power, no need to never use black magic, no need to never kill people!"

Precisely because of these three points

^0^Remember in one second【】

, He would tolerate Fudge jumping up and down in front of him, ignoring Voldemort's stir in the British magical world.

It wasn't until the opponent's behavior made him intolerable that Dumbledore cautiously formed an Order of the Phoenix, and guided the wizards with justice in their hearts to confront it.

He refused the position of Minister of Magic several times because he knew that he could not keep his heart under the corruption of his power...

"But today I am afraid I will break some oaths... Hals! Because you are more dangerous than me!" Dumbledore's steps stopped and his momentum reached its peak. Under the impact of escaped magic, the church It was like a storm hung inside...

Ivan didn't give the slightest back~www.mtlnovel.com~ He ignored the magic shock, gently raised his wand, and responded.

"I have to say, you are a great wizard, not many people can do self-restraint like you..."

"But I still have to say one more thing. Fearing your own power is the behavior of the weak!"

(Ps: The guess of Dumbledore’s oath comes from the chapter of the original book [King’s Cross Station]. Old Deng himself said that he could not restrain his ambitions and desires and was not worthy of power. Ignoring Grindelwald doing things in Europe, he was not worthy of holding the old magic wand. kill.

In addition, he is the ceiling of the original's combat power. There is no doubt about it. On the premise of keeping the vow of no murder [this point Voldemort mentioned before the battle with Old Deng: Dumbledore disdain to do such cruel things to himself], with Harry defeated Voldemort with this oil bottle-judging from the details of the battle, it was a complete victory without suspense. )

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