Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 821: Phoenix blood!

In the evening, Ivan stepped out of the principal's office with a black face.

   Behind him, the ferocious stone beast sank slowly, making dull noises.

   glanced back at the closed stone gate, Ivan sighed involuntarily, as expected, Dumbledore could not accept his ideas at all.

   Or to put it another way, I can’t accept myself gathering crowds, killing people, and abusing black magic in the name of justice...

   Ivan is very clear about how many crimes he has committed. If he is tried by the arbitration tribunal, he estimates that he will have to stay in Azkaban for a lifetime.

   Dumbledore didn't do it on the spot when he was in the principal's room, just because it was Hogwarts. If they choose to fight here with their strength, it will definitely cause incalculable damage.

   Not to mention that it’s not the Christmas holiday. There are hundreds of teachers and students in the castle. It would be no good if someone was attracted by the magic wave of battle and caused accidental injuries.

   This is not what Dumbledore wanted to see, nor did it meet Ivan's wishes.

   So this duel should have been delayed until the Christmas holiday. In addition, they also need to find a place where they will not be disturbed as a battlefield...

   "What are you thinking about? Dumbledore?" Ivan walked slowly in the corridor of the castle, thinking about the scenes of their conversation in the principal's office just now, vaguely a little strange.

   Dumbledore actually told him all of Grindelwald's plan to dominate the world, and the details were very unreasonable.

   If you just want to warn yourself, you don't need to do this at all.

   Isn’t he worried that he will reproduce Grindelwald’s actions in the future and start a war between Muggles and wizards again?

   Ivan frowned, then turned his gaze to the two glass bottles in his left hand, which Dumbledore had handed to him before he left the principal's office.

   There are wisps of white smoke floating in one of the glass bottles. As a master of panic, Ivan of course can see that this is a thread of memory, and it is likely to be related to his father.

   The other glass bottle is filled with crimson blood. If you look carefully, you can see that the blood is glowing with light golden fluorescence.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}  This is the blood of the Phoenix!

   Ivan didn't quite understand why the white wizard gave this thing to himself at first, but when he thought of the words the other party said, he understood a little bit.

   Dumbledore is an extremely contradictory person. On the one hand, he witnessed the rise of Grindelwald and Voldemort with his own eyes, and he did not want a third Dark Lord to appear in the magical world.

   On the other hand, as Dumbledore said himself, his talent is very high, and he is the person most likely to break the barrier between wizards and Muggles in hundreds of years.

   Killing oneself is tantamount to severing the hope of revolution in the magical world...

   It was probably because of such a contradiction that the other party would hand this precious phoenix blood to his hand.

The meaning of    is also very obvious. Dumbledore believes that his strength is very strong, which is not what Ivan can match now, so he needs a Phoenix blood to fill the gap, and try his best to make the battle evenly matched, instead of overwhelming.

   "Really confident enough..." Ivan muttered solemnly.

  Since Dumbledore had met Nott and used magic to sort out the memories in the opponent's mind, it proved that the white wizard must know that he defeated Voldemort "easily".

Under such deterrence, Dumbledore still believes that his strength needs to be improved. This confidence makes Ivan a little uneasy, and even wonders in his heart whether to find a place to avoid it, maybe ten and a half days. In a month, Dumbledore died by himself...

   Then there is no need to fight this one!


Two days passed in a flash. After that conversation, Ivan didn’t delay a moment. He didn’t even sleep that night. He spent all his energy on making blood fusion potions, even checking those memory threads. No time at all.

   After all, after the blood of the magic creature is taken off, the activity will gradually disappear. Therefore, the production of the blood fusion potion must be completed within three days to ensure the most perfect improvement effect after the blood is melted.

   As for the legend that the blood melt is still lacking, Ivan has already considered it.

   After the war that shook the magic world, the dementors who had fled were caught again by the Auror, and they were strictly guarded by a large number of elite law enforcement officers.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   But now the entire Ministry of Magic is under Ivan's control, so Ivan took the time to take the time needed to settle the potion. The place where the dementors were held, chased them with the shadow of unicorns all night, and finally convinced all the dementors.

   There is no way, they can't surrender. One is to save their lives, and the other is because they can't be accommodated in other places.

The wizards of the British magical world have lost their patience with the dementors' repeated riots. Many high-level officials have proposed that this evil population should be completely extinct~www.mtlnovel.com~ and they are the only one. Voldemort, the savior, is now unable to protect himself, and the unfriendly cooperation before has created some gaps between the two sides, so it must be impossible to count on.

   At this time, the olive branch thrown by Ivan became the last straw.

  While Ivan persuaded the dementor, the long-lost reminder sounded in his mind.

   "Unfortunately, no more legendary points have been added." Ivan glanced at the taskbar and said with a little disappointment. He overfulfilled the task, but the reward for the task did not increase accordingly.

However, Ivan had done similar tests before, so he quickly accepted this result. Anyway, his goal has been achieved. The legendary points accumulated in the system bar have been changed from four to seven, which is enough for this. It was thawed once.

After    achieved his goal, Ivan had no intention of crossing the river to tear down the bridge. In the early morning, he gave an order to Pierce, who was resting in bed, so that the other party quickly sent someone to transport these prisoners in prison.

The dementors were almost overjoyed. Ever since they were captured by the Aurors, they have been kept deep underground, unable to get food at all. After being hungry for several days, they are finally able to eat a full meal. ...

   Looking at these crazy dementors, Ivan can't help but feel a little funny. These seemingly evil creatures are really simple and overly simple to some extent, and they are also very good to fool...

   casually exhorted the law enforcer in charge of the guardianship. Ivan did not leave much interest in the Ministry of Magic. He returned to Hogwarts before dawn in the morning, preparing to complete the last process of brewing the potion.


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