Hogwarts Blood Wizard

Chapter 817: International Wizarding Secrecy Act

Dumbledore's words were like a sharp sword, shattering Ivan's superficial knowledge of the magic world, allowing him to re-examine the contradiction between the wizard and the Muggle.

But the more I think about it, the more confused Ivan is, because he has no idea how to solve this problem.

After all, the wizards are not united, but scattered all over the world, each with its own ideas, and even the most basic decision-making cannot be unified.

Even if he can achieve certain results in England in the future, it will be of no avail. The trust he has built so hard may be destroyed by violent wizards somewhere.

This is just the trouble caused by the wizards. In comparison, the Muggles' thoughts are even more troublesome.

As an ordinary person, suddenly knowing that there are wizards in this world, they will use all kinds of magical magic and can easily play with themselves in the applause. What kind of ideas will emerge?

Envy, jealousy, or fear or hostility?

What else will those in power think? Will they regard the power of wizards as a threat, and feel jealous, or even regard the suppression of wizards as a means to please the voters?

Thinking of this, Ivan's brows wrinkled involuntarily, and he had a vague answer in his heart.

Differences caused by different races, religions, genders, nationalities, and countries can even cause people to discriminate against each other, speak bad words, and even trigger wars. What's more, wizards and Muggles are fundamentally different...

Being born with magical talent is certainly an advantage, but this advantage can easily evolve into arrogance, and eventually form a theory of pedigree.

No, it should be said that similar ideas have been accepted by many wizards. Even pure-blood wizards like Weasley who are close to ordinary people will unconsciously show the superiority of being a wizard when mentioning Muggles.

If the number of wizards can be increased by one hundred times, then Ivan has no doubt that Muggles in the world are only ruled, and the so-called equality of all will become a joke.

But it is a pity that the group of wizards is only a minority after all, and the number of Muggles is at least tens of thousands of times that of wizards. They are the real masters of this world!

At the same time, the crowded Muggles cannot endure the threats posed to them by wizards as a minority...

This sense of fragmentation may be the root cause of the outbreak of war!

"That's why..." Ivan muttered to himself.

He had always believed that the existence of the secrecy law largely caused the magic world to lack communication with the outside world, so he set himself up. Now it seems that the advantages of this law outweigh the disadvantages.

Because it separated the world of Muggles and wizards and eliminated the possibility of large-scale conflicts, it is no wonder that this law has been unanimously recognized by the magic world of all countries and continues to this day.

"It seems that you have already understood that you are protecting both Muggles and wizards... This is the key to their peaceful coexistence with us!" Dumbledore said solemnly.

Ivan nodded. His previous thoughts were indeed not comprehensive enough. He thought the problem too simplistically and ignored many important things.

Of course, this does not mean that Ivan agrees to continue to implement the secrecy law. After all, wizards cannot hide their existence forever... From now on, it is better to try to contact and ease the conflict step by step than to be caught out suddenly in the future.

At least now the wizard still holds the initiative!

Ivan was talking about his ideas tit-for-tat. In his opinion, it will only become more and more difficult for future wizards to hide their whereabouts, because wizards and Muggles are not without any intersection.

For example, in England, young wizards who have awakened their magical talents will receive a letter of admission from Hogwarts, and their families will also learn about the existence of wizards.

Some of these people are kind to wizards, and there are Dursleys who hate demons and hate wizards' Muggles.

Regardless of their choice, one thing is certain, they will actively or passively spread news about wizards in the Muggle world.

The magical world has not been exposed until now. It is entirely because the Muggles’ means of spreading the news are still very backward for the time being. In addition, the Muggle government is helping to clean up and cover up the results. Otherwise, the employees of the Ministry of Magic will be too busy. .

"The secrecy law has maintained this balance for more than three hundred years. I think this has reached its limit. I am afraid that we will not have another three hundred years!" Ivan said very seriously, unless the world of magic at the same time The wizards exercise stricter control, or they will face this big problem head-on for at most fifty years.

Half a century seems to be a long time, but if you want to promote the communication between wizards and Muggles, this time is obviously not enough... It is better to do it early than late!

After possessing the Sorcerer's Stone, Ivan's life span has been greatly extended, and it is not a problem to live for hundreds of thousands of years, so other people can act as a shopkeeper and throw trouble to future generations to worry, but he can't!

Even if the war between wizards and Muggles will not break out two centuries later, he will eventually have to face it!

Dumbledore listened quietly to Ivan’s words, and neither agreed nor opposed. He was very clear that the secrecy law was only a stopgap measure, but he also understood what a change would bring...

This will completely break the hundreds of years of tacit understanding between the Muggle government and wizards, and make the world into chaos and unknown...

In the spacious principal's office, the atmosphere immediately condensed, and Dumbledore's eyes under his half-moon glasses stared at Ivan closely~www.mtlnovel.com~ his eyes were full of scrutiny.

Ivan didn’t mean to shrink at all. He possessed a lot of magic power to squander at will, and he was already strong enough to rival the Dark Lord. Although he could not beat Dumbledore holding the old magic wand, the opponent was obviously injured and his fighting strength was definitely Will be weakened.

After a long stalemate, Dumbledore spoke slowly. "You're right, Hals, the magic world needs some changes..."

The heart that Ivan had been holding was finally let go, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Dumbledore continued to speak.

"But you can't give a perfect solution, can you?"

"Increasing the contact between wizards and Muggles means increasing the risk of exposing the magic world. Since its implementation at the end of the seventeenth century, hiding has become the consensus of the global magic world. Many people have tried to break this status quo, but they Failed without exception..."

"The resistance you need to face will only be much more than you think!" Dumbledore said, seemingly meaningful.

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