Hitman x Wives

Chapter 203 203- Christmas Eve (Part 1)

Chapter 203 Chapter 203- Christmas Eve (Part 1)

The next day was the last day before the winter break for students so naturally everyone was excited.

Seeing the extra noisy class around him, Kai sighed before he picked up his bag and walked to the door. Eva gave him a confused look before she also stood up and left a while after him. Eventually, the two met up at the school entrance.

"Go back first. I have something to deal with." He said before he bid her farewell and walked in a different direction.

"Again? Hmm, weird." Murmuring so, Eva turned around and walked on her way home. She doesn't need to know where Kai goes every time he leaves since he has his life and things he wants to do.

If she needs to know, Eva trusts that Kai will always tell her.

"Hopefully it's not something bad."


Kai walked through the streets of the bustling city. Christmas was approaching so people were out to have fun, buy gifts, and enjoy their time with their loved ones. The atmosphere of the city was naturally warm, even in this cold weather.

Looking around him, Kai seemed to be searching for something. His eyes darted from one shop to another as he continued his journey from one street to another.

Eventually, his eyes landed on a particular shop that caught his attention. So, he walked towards it and opened the door to the interior.

"Welcome." A beautiful store clerk welcomed him with a beautiful smile.

Kai acknowledged her greeting before he pointed at something being shown at the front glass of the store.

"Do you have different colors of that?"

"Yes, of course!" She nodded her head.

"Give me one in red and one in gold."

"Wait a moment please."

A while later, the store clerk came back with two closed boxes.

"Luckily, we have red and gold, sir."

"Good, wrap them up for me, please."

The clerk nodded her head before she pulled out some packaging paper and skillfully started wrapping them in that gift-like paper.

"Are these for your lover, sir?" She asked casually.

"..." Kai went silent for a moment as if he was thinking of something. "You can say so."

"I'm sure she will be very happy with this gift. The colors are really captivating."

"You think so?" He asked.

"Of course! Girls do love beautiful colors like red and gold."

"I see." Exhaling a quiet breath, Kai seemed relieved for some reason.

After wrapping them up, she handed them to Kai. The latter then paid and left the store.

"Oh, Love is a beautiful thing." The clerk murmured with a relaxed smile.

Outside, Kai continued his journey around the city, buying some other stuff he liked. At some point, he was carrying two heavy bags in his hands.

'It's already dark, huh?' Thinking about what to do, Kai walked back to his apartement before he hid the packages and left again to buy one last thing.

His plan was almost complete.


Two days passed quietly and finally, the 24th arrived.

Kai called Eva and Kaya to meet him at his house in the evening. Since both of them were on a break for Christmas, they had no problem doing so.

In fact, they were eager to go to his place after weeks of busy work. They couldn't enjoy their time there properly.

Around 5 p.m., the two showed up as if they agreed to come at the same time. Kai already knew they were there before he even sensed their presence. Their bantering was always an indication, after all.

Opening the door, he found two angry beauties glaring at each other."

"I told y- Oh, hello!" Kaya was the first to react as she gave Kai a hug.

"Hey! I was first to come!" Eva yelled as she also hugged Kai.

The two fought for space for their arms until Kai pushed them away.

"No fighting." Kai sighed as he let them in.

"She started it."

"No, you started it! I was just standing there calmly."

"Is it my problem that you get easily triggered, kiddo?"

"I'm not easily triggered, it's just your very existence is annoying."

"Right back at you!"


"Get inside," Kai said as he looked at the two girls and grabbed their heads.

"Y-Yes, sorry." (x2)

'I doubt there will ever come a day where these two will get along.' Kai sighed, giving up on making them become friends or at least treat each other nicely.

They were like water and oil, never mixed at all. It was actually impressive how easily they could get into a fight with each other. Whether it was even the right thing to let them be together in one place or not was something that Kai was questioning.

The two girls walked inside, whispering curses at each other until they reached the living room where they were met with a shocking appearance.

The living room was now akin to a cozy winter wonderland, radiating warmth. Soft, twinkling lights cascaded around the room, casting a gentle, golden glow. In the corner of the room was a resplendent Christmas tree adorned with an array of ornaments, ranging from delicate glass baubles to handcrafted keepsakes. Its branches bow under the weight of sparkling tinsel, strings of popcorn, and an assortment of glistening ornaments.

The whiff of delicious smell filled their noises as they shifted their eyes to the kitchen before coming back to the living room.

"Kai… You did all of this?" Eva asked with a surprise.

"I thought you two liked these kinds of holidays so I decided to do a little party." He said as he walked inside. "Do you hate it?"

"I absolutely adore this!" Kaya smiled widely as she hugged him again. "This is so beautiful! I love it!"

"Me too!"

Seeing the two girls in his embrace with beautiful smiles, he nodded his head before he guided them to the sofa.

"This must've taken time."

"With some planning, it was easy to handle this." He said as he walked to the kitchen before he brought back two cups of hot chocolate.

"Thank you… This really puts what I was planning to shame." Eva murmured.

"Me too."

For Eva, she was planning for a dinner date in a fancy restaurant or at her house -depending on what Kai wanted-. As for Kaya, she was planning to do the same except that she was going to rent the whole venue with the biggest Christmas tree for the two of them.

However, these two realized that all these fancy and expensive Christmas eves were simply lackluster and the reason is simple… They lack the spirit of what this occasion is all about.

It's about spending time with the people that you love. Whether that is through a date or even a simple celebration inside a small house, that wasn't the most important detail.

Looking around them at the beautiful living room, the two felt the warmth radiate through their very beings. Each small decoration, each small detail, it all made them realize that Kai had worked hard to prepare this.

Sipping through their cups, they looked at Kai who was adjusting a small decoration on the tree before he walked back and sat down.

"Before we eat dinner, I have…" Thinking about it, Kai frowned. Was this really a good idea? He was still hesitant about it.

However, he couldn't just back down, not when he had already bought the thing. So, he sighed and stood up.

"Wait a moment."


The two girls watched him confusedly as he vanished inside his room.

"Is he planning something else?"

"Beat me."

A few minutes later, Kai came out again and the two looked at him.

"You took a while, Ka-"


The whole room turned into a quiet place. Perhaps the sound of hot chocolate jiggling inside the cup could be heard at that moment as the sight they saw was just… Unpredictable.

Kai came out wearing a red costume, a pointy red hat, and a white, fake beard. In other words, he was wearing a Santa Claus costume.

The three stared at each other silently for a while before finally, one reacted.

"Pfft! Hahahaha! Oh my god! Is that really you, Kai?" Kaya started laughing as she put down her cup and walked toward him.

"This looks amazing! Hahahaha! Where did you even come up with this idea?!" She laughed as she examined every part of the costume with a curious look.

As for Eva, she simply smiled.

"I like that costume! It actually fits you. Never thought I would say that in my life." She giggled warmly. "Why did you wear a Santa costume, though?"

"Don't people normally wear these?" He asked.

"No? I mean, some do a little cosplay." Kay rubbed her chin thoughtfully. "But, you're different, darling. You somehow made a Santa costume look sexy rather than innocent." She laughed.

'Actually, I agree with saggy breasts. He somehow looks seductive in it.' Gulping down a mouthful of saliva, Eva felt like something weird inside of her had been unlocked.


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