Hitman x Wives

Chapter 187 187- Temporary Origin (Part 2)

Chapter 187 Chapter 187- Temporary Origin (Part 2)


Kai and Eva left the apartement and headed toward the heart of the city. The dusk was still an hour away so the city looked rather beautiful with the setting sun casting its light upon it, penetrating the high buildings and alleys.

"Would we really be able to find a sample of this thing?" Eva asked as she walked next to Kai. She was secretly triumphing at the fact that Kai didn't care anymore about the fact that they were being seen walking together.

However, she can't just smile like an idiot when they're having a serious conversation and are on their way to do something important. Leaving fun for later was a must.

"That senior received the contract. So, the chances are he already received his sample and even if he didn't, he will eventually get it tomorrow or in a few days. We just have to keep an eye on him till that time comes."

"Good plan…" Eve murmured in response as the two continued walking.

They eventually reached a quiet neighborhood somewhere on the outskirts of the city. It wasn't a rich area by any means but it was still in the upper middle class.

"I can sense traces of his presence in that house. He probably went home after forgetting that he even played a basketball match against us." Eva said as she pointed at a particular house.

It was a simple one, with a small grassy front yard and beautiful flowers. Kai and Eva stood far away examining the place.

"We're gonna go inside. Hypnotize anyone you see there." Kai explained as he tucked his hands in his pockets and walked across the street toward the house.

When he reached the front door, he knocked. Eva stood behind him silently. Her eyes occasionally looked around to check if there were any people passing by.

'Why do I feel like we're about to rob these people?' She giggled to herself.

Well, technically, they were going to rob them of the sample. But, Eva wanted to believe it was for the greater good. These people were blissfully ignorant of the sheer danger of what Divinity wanted to do. As far as they're concerned, it's just a helpful injection of some kind that will boost their son's athletic performance.

A few seconds passed before a middle-aged woman opened the door.

"Who ar-" Before she could even finish her words, Kai had already pointed his finger at her forehead and hypnotized her.

After that, he walked past the woman. Eva gave her a glance before she closed the door and walked after him. Passing by the living room, they saw a middle-aged man sitting on the couch. Eva instantly hypnotized him before he could make a sound as they continued their trip upstairs.

They passed by a room with a flowery notice on it that said 'Do not disturb~' written in colorful words. It wasn't that hard to identify to whom this room belonged.

Kai knocked on the door and waited for the girl to come out. She was barely 5 years old.

"Big brot-"

Kai looked at the frozen girl for a second before he turned around and continued walking. As for Eva, she noticed that the little girl was standing in an awkward way so she picked her up gently and put her back on the bed.

"Sorry for barging into your house. We will leave before you notice it."

After that, she followed Kai, reaching the senior's room whose name turned out to be Evan.

Walking inside, the two of them found themselves inside an empty, messy room. Clothes, school utensils, magazines, and trash were thrown everywhere.

"Can't he clean his room at least? It stinks." Eva murmured with a frown as she dodged a can of soda.

"Don't move anything. We will just find the sample and leave." Kai said as he walked deeper into the room. Although he should easily be able to identify where the sample is, turns out he can't sense it.

So, the sample was either not there or in some kind of Leviathium capsule that stopped his senses from perceiving it. Both cases are equally probable. So, he had to resort to the old ways of searching and rummaging through the room.

The two then went to work, checking every shelf, every drawer, every piece of clothes, book, anything, and everything that had enough space to hide a capsule.

Pushing some clothes to the side, Eva noticed a small protruding thing under the chaos.

"Kai, I think I found something." She called for her beloved.

Picking it up, she examined the object before her eyes widened and her face flushed red before she instantly through the magazine to the ground.

"That… That pervert!" She cursed.

It was an adult magazine and a very nasty one at that. It had completely naked women on the cover standing in seductive poses.

Kai looked at the magazine for a second before he sighed. "Focus on finding the capsule."

He said as he turned around to continue searching when his eyes fell on something hanging on the wall. It was a picture of a young Evan standing beside what seemed to be a basketball player. His face had an excited look on it.

Kai kept looking at the picture for a while before he approached it and pulled it down from the wall. Examining it thoroughly, he noticed something protruding from the back of the picture.

"Smart…" He murmured when he saw a small capsule hidden behind the picture. It was indeed hidden in the least expected place. Divinity must've told him to hide properly before using it.

Pulling the capsule out, Kai examined it with his eyes. It was a transparent glass part that showed the liquid inside with the top and bottom being made out of Leviathium as he predicted. The liquid inside was of a clear orange color.

"It really looks like liquified Origin," Eva murmured as she stood next to Kai, peeking from behind his shoulder at the capsule. Intentionally or not, her chest pressed against his back and her cheek touched the side of his neck.

"The quantity is rather small. How is this enough to do anything?"

"Maybe it's because of the temporary aspect that they don't require a huge quantity?" She asked.

Kai nodded his head. It could be the case. Origin was never in a liquified form. It was always either in the form of a halo, infused into some kind of matter whether it was solid or liquid or simply inside the human body.

So, Kai had no real measuring to determine whether this amount was small or big. It all came down to experimenting to see the results.

"Let's leave now." He said as he stood up and walked to the door.

Eva also was about to leave after him only to halt for a second and look back. Then, her eyes looked at the door. Kai had already walked out.

So, with nimble steps, she approached the magazine and opened it. Then, she took a picture of a random page and put her phone away.

"You never know when it would come in handy~"


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