Hitman x Wives

Chapter 183 183- Claire Redsky

Chapter 183 Chapter 183- Claire Redsky?

From the first look, one would think this girl was weird for wearing a red handkerchief over her eyes. But, that wouldn't be the case for most people who see Claire. The reason for that was what happened exactly 10 years ago on that same day.

A girl, no older than 5 years old, and blind appeared out of nowhere in the music industry, dropping an album that people didn't even hear of before. It was unheard of that a girl that young would actually be able to sing a song let alone make a whole album. However, shockingly enough, when people heard the album, they were flabbergasted.

It wasn't bad. Hell, it wasn't even just good or excellent, it was a masterpiece. People who heard it cried, laughed, and felt a myriad of emotions like nothing before. Claire's angelic voice and her amazing piano skills made people instantly fall in love with her songs.

In a few days, the album exploded in popularity, reaching the highest ranks across all websites and gathering hundreds of millions of listens.

The reaction of people was overwhelmingly positive to the point where the world only spoke about this genius, 5-year-old singer.

When they came to realize that she was also blind, they grew to like Claire even more. In as short as a few weeks, turned from an unknown person to a superstar in the eyes of the masses.

Then, for the next few months, she went on tours, and interviews and lived the life of a superstar.

However, sadly, that all lasted a mere few months before this genius singer vanished from the eyes of people out of nowhere. Her agency didn't release any statement about her whereabouts even though people pushed them for an explanation. Claire simply disappeared.

Then, time passed slowly and people started talking about that girl less and less until her name vanished from the mainstream media and became a mere memory that people recalled from time to time.

"Look! The announcement alone got 50 million views in a few hours!!" The woman showed Claire her phone with an excited look.

'Oh…' Suddenly, the agent realized her blunder before she blushed furiously. 'I'm such a moron. How can she look at it when she can't see?!' The woman coughed awkwardly before she pulled the phone away.

Then, she looked at Claire. The latter didn't seem to have any reaction at all. In fact, her blank expression made the woman even more concerned.

'Why do I feel like she's staring at me… I always felt that she could see around her even though she shouldn't be able to.' The woman wondered.

"I see. That's good." Finally, Claire spoke out in a quiet tone.

"Ehem, can I come inside? We need to discuss something."

Claire nodded her head before she moved to the side, allowing the woman to enter her room.

The moment she stepped inside, the agent was frozen for a second. A beautiful, flowery smell filled her nostrils, making her subconsciously relax.

'What a beautiful smell…' She thought to herself.

The woman only shook herself from her trance state when she saw Claire pass beside her and sit down on the bed. What truly fascinated the woman about this blind girl was her aura. It wasn't domineering nor powerful yet carried such a profound charm to it that she couldn't fathom.

It was as if the moment she enters a room, everyone would feel her presence, no matter who they were. But, they wouldn't really know whether it was her confidence that brought such an attention or something else.

"So, what is it?" Claire asked.

"Oh, right. I'm here to talk about your first appearance in public. I'm not sure why you insisted on it being a full concert. Shouldn't we first appear in an interview? That way people would remember you before the concert?" She asked.

However, Claire shook her head.

"No need. I decided on what I wanted to do."

"I understand. But…"

"Emilia, please. No more persuasion." Claire spoke in a slightly sterner tone.

"Y-Yes, my apologies, I will stop."

"Anything else?"

"Yes, this is Miss Rose had gave me her number so I can give it to you. She told me that she had lost her phone and she couldn't contact you because she was busy."

The moment Emilia began talking, Claire's whole aura changed for a split second. However, Emilia didn't notice that as she continued. "She told me to tell you to call her as soon as you can."

Handing the piece of paper to Claire, Emillia was about to pick up the phone.

"No need. I can do it myself." Claire replied.

"... I see. Ok, I will excuse myself then."

Emilia then bowed slightly and left the room. Claire stayed in her place, not moving for a long while. Nobody knew what was running through her mind.

"I guess it's time…" She murmured before she picked up the phone and dialed the number given to her. If Emilia had seen that, she would've been shocked out of her mind.

Calling the number, Claire for a second before someone picked up.

"Claire! Hey, sorry I couldn't contact you for a while. I was busy with work and I also lost my phone. Ugh, it was a hassle getting my contacts back. But since yours is special, I could only give you my number."

"Mm…" Claire responded.

"So, how have you been? Oh, right, I heard the news. I'm really happy for you, Claire! I always knew that you would make a comeback. The world of music needs you!"

"Do you know who stole your phone?" Claire asked after a pause.

"Oh? Stole? Nobody stole it from me. It probably fell from my pocket somewhere."



"Nothing. Do you remember any particular people from the day of the auction? Anyone that caught your attention?"

"Hmmm, let me remember. Oh, right! I forgot to tell you! That day, I met this very handsome guy. He was the most beautiful man I have ever seen. But, he was really rude and didn't even speak to me properly and then you know what? We stumbled upon each other after the auction."

"How… did he look?"

"Oh, I think he had slightly greyish hair and blue eyes and he was tall, very tall actually. Why are you asking all these questions? Are you perhaps… Claire! Don't tell me!!"

While Rose was freaking out, thinking that her friend was finally starting to show interest in the opposite sex, the latter was completely focused on something else.

'He changed his appearance…' Claire thought to herself with a blank expression.

"Claire? Are you still there? Ugh, the connection is really bad for some reason."


"So, as I was saying…"

Rose then continued speaking to Claire about all sorts of things while Claire listened quietly. The two had been friends for years now, ever since Claire rose to fame. The two stayed in contact ever since and even met whenever they could.

Claire liked Rose's cheerful and energetic personality and Rose liked Claire's quiet honesty and sincerity. In a world of fake people, the two found each other and they became very close friends.


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